Therapy for a cold

Therapy for a cold

the medical information portal. A lot of information on cold therapy is described in a simple and understandable way.

Back pain in pancreatic cancer

Back pain in pancreatic cancer

the medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of pancreatic cancer back pain that is understandable for laypeople.

The scarlet fever test

The scarlet fever test

The scarlet fever test can be an indication of an existing scarlet fever disease and should accordingly initiate treatment by the responsible doctor. The test can also give false positive results and should therefore be carried out very carefully

Skin cancer on the face

Skin cancer on the face

the medical information portal. Here you will find a lot of helpful information on the subject of skin cancer on the face, explained in a layman's way.

Can you detect colon cancer in the blood?

Can you detect colon cancer in the blood?

The number of people with colorectal cancer is increasing, so after a certain age a thorough examination for colorectal cancer is required. Which test is still decisive? Is it possible that already blood tests indicate a colon cancer

The human ear

The human ear

The ear is responsible for hearing and the sense of balance. It is divided into the outer, middle and inner ear, which each pick up and transmit sounds. The organ of equilibrium is located in the inner ear and measures position and movement

Burning toes - what's behind it?

Burning toes - what's behind it?

Burning toes can have a number of causes, the more common of which are poor circulation and the wrong footwear. Often times, the burning sensation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as numbness or tingling.

Illustration piriformis syndrome

Illustration piriformis syndrome

the medical table of figures. Here you will find helpful illustrations on the topic of Piriformis Syndrome.

Neurodermatitis in the genital area

Neurodermatitis in the genital area

- your dermatological information portal. Here you will find a lot of helpful information from the subject of dermatology explained to laymen.

Attacks of dizziness

Attacks of dizziness

the medical information portal. Here you will find a lot of helpful information on the subject of vertigo attacks explained to laymen.

Visiting the sauna during a cold - is that possible?

Visiting the sauna during a cold - is that possible?

the medical information portal. A lot of information on the topic of cold sauna described simply and understandably.

The causes of behavioral problems in children

The causes of behavioral problems in children

- your educational information portal. Here you will find information on the topic of causes of behavioral problems in children clearly explained.

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