Synonyms in a broader sense

  • Anal abscess
  • Swamp ass

Initiation abscess on the buttocks

More common than the abscess in the abdomen is the abscess on the buttocks / anal abscess. Depending on the location in the area of ​​the Po (anus) one differentiates between:

  • subcutaneous abscesses (just under the skin)
  • perianal abscesses (next to the anus)
  • periproctic abscesses
  • submucosal abscesses (below the mucous membrane)
  • intermuscular abscesses (between the muscles of the anus).

In the case of abscesses on the buttocks, a distinction is also made between the ischiorectal abscesses located further back, which lie between the iliac blade and the rectum, and the pelvirectal or iliorectal abscesses, which lie between the pelvis and rectum or ileum and rectum.

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For more information on anal swelling, read: Bump on anus

Symptoms of a poabscess

In addition to the general symptoms of the disease, such as chills and fever, patients with anal abscesses usually also complain of pain (pain in the anus) when sitting or when defecating (so-called defecation pain).

Read more about pain in the right buttock in our article Pain in the right buttock.

You can also read the following article for information on any symptoms that suggest an abscess: Symptoms of an abscess


Besides the Health survey for abscess on the buttocks (Medical history by the doctor) redness in or around the anus is usually suspicious of you abscess. The physical examination, during which the doctor does a palpation of the anus, can sometimes substantiate the suspicion of an abscess. In addition to these examination options, there is also endoscopy of the rectum (rectum) or the whole Large intestine available and can diagnose an abscess. So-called endosonographs, one Ultrasonic, which is carried out from the inside after the introduction of the ultrasound head into the intestine, can in addition to the CT examination represent the safest diagnosis of an anal abscess.

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Which doctor is responsible for an abscess on the buttocks?

At a existing abscess you can first go to general practitioner go. After a first Assessment of the severity, he can split or treat the abscess himself, depending on the equipment of the practice. Some general practitioners or general practitioners have the space in their practices to carry out such a minimal intervention. Lies a serious abscess before or can the doctor no sterile intervention site he can make the patient one Specialists transfer. This can for example be a specialist Visceral surgery be. The visceral surgery deals with the treatment of the internal organs and also take on minor interventions like that Cleavage of an abscess. Therapy can be carried out both in hospital and with a resident specialist. For the Admission to the hospital or treatment in the surgical outpatient department is also one Referral by the resident doctor required. Exceptions are emergencies.

Enzyme peels can also help to ensure the purity of the skin and allow the pores to breathe. One example of this is the Dr. Severin enzyme peeling from the pharmacy.

Open abscess

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An abscess in the buttocks causes pain when sitting and defecating.

A open abscess can have different causes. One possible reason is that the inflammation of the abscess was so advanced that it was due to the Tension of the skin bursts. Of the abscess is surrounded by a thin capsule that can no longer withstand the pressure and will eventually tear. Then one forms open and infectious wound. Of the containing pus escapes and also contains the pathogenic bacteria. If such a burst abscess is present, it is advisable, due to the risk of infection and the spread of germs, to see a doctor and to be treated professionally. Under correct hygienic conditions, the doctor can use the Clean and rinse open wound. This is particularly important complete removal of the pus so no Relapse arises. The wound then remains open to heal. May be a Drainage into the wound placed to drain newly created pus and wound fluid directly. The wound remains germ-free and can heal. The bandage should be changed regularly. Also there is one thorough hygiene to pay attention so that the bacteria cannot be carried off to other areas. For this reason, a layperson should consider one Do not open the abscess on your own. Also through the Use of pull ointments (such as Ilon® Classic ointment) can it for one spontaneous opening of the abscess come. The ointment promotes this process and thus contributes to better drainage of the pus.

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Therapy of the abscess

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In most cases, surgery is required.

Here, too, surgical rehabilitation (surgery) is the most important and safest method of treatment. However, it must be noted that the sole incision (incision) of the abscess membrane and draining the pus on the buttocks is usually not sufficient.
There should be a T-shaped or oval opening of the abscess cavity that should be as high as it is deep. This is followed by the open wound treatment and the insertion of a tamponade strip.

In the case of an abscess on the buttocks, which is located directly next to the sphincter muscle of the anus, it must be ensured that the sphincter muscle can be incised up to 4/5 without leaving incontinence. The so-called puberectal loop must not be injured under any circumstances.
For more information, see the Operation chapter.

Read more on this topic at: Treatment of the abscess

Surgery for an abscess on the buttocks

With an abscess on the buttocks, in most cases there is one surgery required. The therapy consists of the operative opening of the pus cavityso that a generous drainage of the pus can take place. Often the skin incision is not even perceived as painful, since the opening of the abscess and the associated pressure relief is even perceived as a relief. The symptoms usually subside quickly after the operation.

The procedure is usually carried out in general anesthetic or in anesthesia close to the spinal cord. During the operation, the surgeon looks for a possible connection between the pus cavity and the nach. Because the problem with an abscess on the buttocks is often that the pus cavity has fine ducts (so-called Fistulas) through the Sphincter apparatus can train and this can be injured. In the case of an abscess on the buttocks, the surgical wound can be large, as all inflammatory structures must be completely removed. The wound will treated openly and not sewn up, so that a build-up of pus can be prevented. In some cases, a drainage inserted.

The Creation of an artificial anus is generally not mandatory, You can usually go to the toilet as usual after the operation.

Since the wound treatment is open, it can lead to bleeding and in particular to Secondary bleeding come. In addition, a renewed infection form. Rarely does it happen severe scarring the wound, in extreme cases the anus and the Defecation difficult and painful become. The inflammatory reaction of the abscess and the operation can cause injuries to surrounding structures. In cases where the sphincter is involved, there may be a weak lock with it poor control of bowel movements come.

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Before the operation, an Colon cleansing (Enema, enema) and if necessary must anticoagulant drugs be withdrawn for a certain period of time (e.g. ASS, Marcumar®). After an abscess has been surgically opened on the buttocks, a lot of wound secretion often accumulates in the dressing, and it has to be changed frequently in the beginning. To support the healing process, hip baths with sea salt can be used, especially after a bowel movement. The hygiene in the anus area should be increasingly observed in the long term.

The forecast Surgery for an abscess on the buttocks is usually very good. The operation itself is usually a simple procedure and causes few problems. The healing is often quick and the symptoms are quickly relieved. The open wound can take a few weeks to heal.


Medical treatment is urgently needed.

An abscess on the buttocks often develops for a short time and leads to increasing swelling, which must be treated quickly, as it is usually very painful and in some cases is accompanied by a fever. In addition, a dragged abscess on the buttocks can cause the pathogens to spread through the bloodstream. In the worst case, this can lead to sepsis, a potentially life-threatening clinical picture.

In most cases, an abscess on the buttocks won't heal on its own. If the abscess is not treated quickly, it will grow in size and the discomfort and pain caused by the abscess will increase. The risk of a fistula also increases if the abscess is not opened quickly. A fistula is a fine, tubular duct that starts from the abscess and is a connection between the rectum and the skin. A fistula is not life-threatening, but it often persists even after the abscess pus has drained away. This can lead to recurring inflammation. Permanent impairment of the surrounding organs can also lead to further complaints, with an abscess on the buttocks, the function of the sphincter is particularly at risk. In the worst case, the infection can spread from the abscess into the blood (sepsis).

It is important that you never try to express an abscess on your own, because this can open the pus cavity inwards and into the neighboring tissue and release the pathogens into the blood, which can lead to dangerous infections and which can make the abscess chronic.

Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the abscess. In such cases, showering is better than bathing to avoid spreading it to other skin areas. Underwear, bed linen and towels should also be washed at 90 degrees to kill the bacteria. The toilets and the bathroom should be cleaned thoroughly during the time you are suffering from the abscess on your bottom.

Various home remedies can be tried in the early stages for a smaller abscess. The main thing is to warm up the affected area of ​​the skin with the help of warm compresses. In the case of an abscess on the buttocks, it can be helpful to cushion the area against the pain when sitting.

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A smaller abscess can sometimes be cured with just a few measures, but you should always consult a doctor beforehand. Pull ointments from the pharmacy included Shale oil active ingredients like for example Ammonium bituminosulfate. By applying pulling ointment, a small abscess in the "maturation"In the best case scenario, it supports and empties itself. You shouldn't help yourself or push around with it. When the pus has emptied, you should clean the small crater thoroughly with wound disinfectant and cover it with a plaster. The open abscess should be daily bandages should be freshly bandaged twice and rinsed thoroughly if possible. Disinfectant spray or disinfectant ointment should be applied liberally to the wound. However, if the area around the wound remains red, pain persists, or pus recurs, see a doctor.

It is also possible that pus pimples form on the bottom afterwards. To avoid this, also read: Pus pimples on the buttocks - what to do?

Another problem with treating an abscess on the buttocks is that the anus area is numerous bacteria which can worsen the inflammation. It is advisable to consult a doctor about the abscess on the buttocks. Depending on the size and location, the doctor will prescribe a treatment with a Pull ointment or one antibiotic ointment recommend. Also an inner one antibiotic treatment can be tried, but abscesses on the buttocks are often well encapsulated, which means that the Antibioticsthat are distributed through the bloodstream, which make inflammation difficult to reach. For these reasons, treatment with an antibiotic alone often does not lead to long-term success, the healing process is rather delayed and serious complications can result.

A surgery is required in most cases of abscesses on the buttocks. The Discharge pus from the infected cavityby making an opening in the skin near the anus with a scalpel. This can relieve the pressure in the swelling. Such an operation can often be performed on an outpatient basis in a practice and under local anesthesia. However, large or deep abscesses on the buttocks must be opened in the hospital. Especially with inaccessible abscesses, special measures such as imaging procedures (e.g. Ultrasonic, Computed Tomography) can be used to properly split the abscess.

How can you treat an abscess on your buttocks yourself?

At a abscess is it a Accumulation of pus in a cave. The abscess is therefore of one connective tissue capsule surround and cannot expand but enlarge. If bacteria penetrate the body and settle in one place, they can there one Inflammatory response trigger and multiply frequently. Of the Anal abscess is an abscess lying in the skin and can therefore be felt by the affected person. He prepares the patient Pain and may swell. Often the patients tend to want to treat the abscess themselves. However, doctors recommend, depending on the size of the abscess, to leave the treatment to a doctor, especially not to open the abscess yourself. There is a risk that the Bacteria are carried over or the Inflammation increases due to poor hygiene. The attending physician, however, can clean and hygienic work surface create and also has a better view of the abscess. With appropriate medication, he can do that Disinfect abscess and so another Worsening of the inflammatory response avoid. The abscess can or can be observed by the patient himself with ointments be treated to relieve the pain and ease the pain Swelling and redness to promote.

Treatment with pull ointment

Also with natural means can a Abscess on the buttocks be treated.
The train ointment Ichtholan® For example, an herbal remedy that is rich in sulfated shale oil is. She works antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic.
In the early phase of a developing abscess, the pull ointment can be applied to the affected area applied become. The ingredients prevent the inflammation from progressing and, if pus has already accumulated, allow it to break down and drain. The ointment initially leads to a stronger inflammatory response and the Abscess can also get bigger and worse in the first few days become. The Vessels around the inflamed area of ​​skin widen and blood flow to the area more intensely. With the blood will fight the bacteria Defense cells like Lymphocytes, mast cells and macrophages washed up. This allows the body to push the abscess towards the surface of the skin by means of its own defenses. There the pus can finally drain away better and healing begins. Care should be taken to ensure that the capsule is completely free of pus so that no new colonization of bacteria occurs. If there is no healing process despite regular treatment with the pulling ointment, the patient should consult a doctor and discuss other possible therapy options with him.

Home remedies for an abscess on the buttocks

Home remedies can help an abscess heal

In general, patients with an abscess on their buttocks should consult a doctor. This can assess whether home remedies can be used or whether the abscess needs to be split. Otherwise, some home remedies are known that can help the abscess heal. One possible home remedy to help break up the abscess is a hot porridge made from oats and flaxseed. The cooked and still hot porridge is filled into a bag. Before the porridge is then placed on the abscess, it should be tested that it is not too hot (risk of burns). The abscess should open up through the pulp. When this is done, the open abscess should be covered with damp towels.

Another possibility is to heat onion slices over steam (also works in the microwave). The warm onion slices are placed on the abscess. This procedure should be repeated several times a day. The onion can also be made into a pulp raw with water and then applied to the abscess.

Also, warmed cabbage leaves, which have anti-inflammatory effects, are a home remedy that can help the abscess heal more quickly. The cabbage leaves are pressed flat with a kitchen towel, then heated and finally placed on the abscess. As soon as the cabbage leaf has discolored, a new warm savoy cabbage leaf is placed on the abscess.

A compress soaked in chamomile can also help open the abscess and help it heal. For this purpose, about 2 to 3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers are poured over 150 ml of boiling water. The tea should be covered for 5 minutes. Dip the compress and then place it on the abscess for two hours. The process should then be repeated.

Applying tea tree oil - which has disinfecting and germicidal properties - can also help the abscess heal.

An indirect home remedy is drinking nettle tea. A teaspoon of nettle leaves is poured over with boiling water. After the tea has been able to steep for a few minutes, it can be drunk. One cup of nettle tea should be drunk three times a day.

Read more on this topic at: Home remedies for an abscess

Duration of illness

How long the illness lasts or whether the patient has to be on sick leave for longer depends on the situation Type, location and severity of the abscess on the buttocks. Became a Operation performed can then be a inpatient stay may be required in the hospital. The duration of the inpatient treatment is approximately 6 to 8 days and can vary depending on the healing process. In some cases, if for example a Abscess with fistula formation is present, which also deeper in the buttocks , therefore, several operations can be performed complete evacuation the fistulas may be necessary. Of course, this also extends the hospital stay. Depending on the condition, occupation and healing process, sick leave may be possible after inpatient treatment. This can be discussed with the attending physician.

Follow-up treatment for abscess on the buttocks

After the operational split of the Abscess on the buttocks it can be useful as follow-up treatment to avoid a relapse Sitz baths twice a day perform. You can do this Chamomile solutions be used. Furthermore, the surgical wound should be rinsed with H2O2 and NaCl and regular dressing changes treated to ensure that the wound is closed as sterile as possible. In addition, the wound can with Ethacridine (Rivanol) or wound cleansing with granulation-promoting Medication e.g. done with Varidase Gel. It is also important that the stool is kept soft and that there are no secondary wound injuries from stool that is too hard. This so-called secondary wound healing takes time often several weeks or months.

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