
Atosil® is the trade name of a drug with the active ingredient promethazine. The chemical properties of promethazine, which belongs to the phenothiazines, place the drug in the group of antihistamines. But it is also used as a weak neuroleptic.


Atosil® is an antihistamine. histamine is a Messenger substance in our body, which is the largest part of all allergic reactions in our body by binding to receptors, which then send further signals to a allergy to ship. An antihistamine is an active ingredient that prevents the effect of histamine by blocking this receptor and thus preventing the allergic reaction. In most cases they are H1 receptors, which is why H1 antihistamines are also used. Why it also called Neuroleptic is used is because the effect of Atosil® is not specific. It belongs to the 1st generation antihistamines, so to the initially developed remedies against allergies. It is characterized by the fact that it not only binds locally, where it is supposed to prevent the allergy, but also central H1 receptors blocked. This means that Atosil® also has access to the brain has where it degrades activity and such sleep-inducing and sedating works. Normally, histamine leads to a state of wakefulness, which is understandably lifted with Atosil®. It is because of this diverse (side) effect prescription only.

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When is Atosil® used?

Atosil® can be used both as an antihistamine and as a weak neuroleptic.

Atosil® is used for allergies such as hay fever, Skin reactions or also at itching, whereby the 2nd and 3rd generation of antihistamines are used for antiallergic therapy of first choice. An application is also with one allergic shock possible. Besides treating allergies, it is influenced by the central nervous system also as sedative at Restlessness and strong Anxiety and with pronounced sleep disorders used. Due to numerous side effects, as listed below, Atosil® is being replaced by newer antiallergic drugs. Atosil® is also able to act in Vomit to be used, which alleviates these symptoms. Another area of ​​application is Preparation for anesthesia.

When should Atosil® not be used?

Atosil® should not be taken with substances that also have a calming and sedating Achieve an effect, as they can be intensified in their effect. These include, for example alcohol, opiate, Antidepressants and Sleeping pills. Under no circumstances should Atosil® be included antihypertensive drugs in the therapy of a hypertension (High blood pressure), since the antihypertensive effect would also increase here and lead to low blood pressure values ​​and for collapse can lead. Since Atosil® also binds to other receptors in the body, i.e. it has an influence on many processes, there are some clinical pictures in which Atosil® is absolutely contraindicated because it can intensify and worsen the disease. That meets that Angle-closure glaucoma to, as well as to one Prostatic hyperplasia with residual urine and intestinal obstruction.

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At dementia, Liver and kidney dysfunction, such as Epilepsies Atosil® should be administered with caution and with the careful assessment of the doctor. With certain Cardiac arrhythmias Atosil® is not to be used because heart disorders can be aggravated here too.

Dosage form

The drug Atosil® can be taken both as drops and as tablets. In both cases the active ingredient is promethazine. This blocks the body's histamine receptors and thus inhibits signaling pathways that are responsible for allergy processes or increased activity. However, nowadays Atosil® in drop form is used almost exclusively for restlessness, states of excitement and rarely also for sleep disorders, as the newer drugs used in the therapy of allergies have fewer side effects. Atosil® drops can also be used to treat nausea and vomiting. If Atosil® is taken in the form of drops, the amount can be dosed more precisely because it is much more difficult to divide a tablet than, for example, 20 drops. Even small changes such as two additional drops can therefore be used to adapt the effect more precisely to the respective patient. In addition, the drops do not have to dissolve in the stomach in order to be absorbed and can therefore act faster. The dosage depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the disease. In adults it is between 20 and only in very serious diseases up to a maximum of 120 drops per day. Children under 18 years of age should start with a starting dose of 10 drops and increase this to a maximum of two drops per kilogram of body weight if necessary. However, the dosage should always be discussed with a doctor.

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When should 25mg be taken?

There are various indications for treatment with 25mg Atosil®, which corresponds to approx. 25 drops. On the one hand, this dosage is used as a starting dose in adults for the treatment of states of restlessness and agitation. Another indication of this dosage can be sleep disorders. The 25mg Atosil® are taken before going to bed. On the other hand, this dose is indicated for symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. With all of these indications, the dose should be individually adjusted depending on the severity of the symptoms, age, height and weight of the patient.

Onset of action

Atosil® starts to work approximately 20 minutes after ingestion. Among other things, it depends on how long ago the last meal was and whether food is still consumed before the active ingredient of Atosil® comes into play. In addition, Atosil® is absorbed a little earlier in the form of drops, as it is already partially absorbed by the oral mucosa and, unlike tablets, does not have to dissolve in the stomach. After the onset of action, the atosil usually lasts four to six hours.

Side effects

As an antiallergic drug, the biggest side effect is that fatigue and Sedation. As a result, driving a car and performing dangerous and concentration-requiring tasks should not be done. Due to the effect on other receptors, the intake of Atosil® leads to Dry mouth, Urination disorders, as well as for Dilatation of the pupils, Gastrointestinal complaints, how nausea, Vomit or constipation and accelerated Heart rate.

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For this reason, treatment with Atosil® should be supervised by a doctor. These side effects are similar to the symptoms of a Atropine poisoning and actually only occur when the toxic doses are too high. It can also lower blood pressure. Atosil® also influences that Sexual and pleasure behaviorwhich is thereby lowered.

Atosil® can have a paradoxical effect in children compared to adults in that central arousal occurs rather than sedation. Since Atosil® is a neuroleptic, it is important to ensure that the drug Dependency potential owns. Which side effects can occur and to what extent generally depends on the dosage form in which Atosil® is administered:

  • drops
  • tablet and
  • other to form.

Side effects on the skin

When taking Atosil®, side effects on the skin only occur occasionally. This means that this side effect occurs in between 100 and 1000 cases. In addition to skin abnormalities, itching can also occur. This is related to the fact that Atosil® influences various signaling pathways that are activated, among other things, in the case of allergies and are often associated with itching.

Weight gain

On the one hand, the calming effect, which also lowers activity and thus energy consumption, can lead to weight gain when taking Atosil®. On the other hand, Atosil® affects various messenger substances in the brain that are responsible for the regulation of appetite and fat metabolism. For example, leptin is a hormone that is responsible for the feeling of satiety and is formed by fat cells when eating. The effect of Atosil® blocks pathways that are responsible for a feeling of satiety and thus promotes an increased feeling of hunger, which can lead to weight gain. Other messenger substances such as serotonin or histamine are also important for regulating appetite. Since Atosil® acts on the same receptors and thereby changes these signaling pathways, there is a disturbed balance between satiety and appetite. Since the described receptors are differently pronounced in each person, the weight gain is also different or does not occur at all. In the event of unwanted weight gain, however, the drug should not be discontinued yourself, as sudden discontinuation can lead to side effects such as recurrence or even increased symptoms. Instead, you should contact your doctor and discuss alternatives, if necessary. On the other hand, Atosil® can sometimes lead to weight loss. Because fear, restlessness and sleep disorders are often the trigger for weight gain, which can be remedied with the treatment of Atosil®.

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Atosil® and alcohol - are they compatible?

Both alcohol and Atosil® can have a calming effect when ingested, but even have an anesthetic effect in higher doses. Since both also work at central switching points in the body, they can influence and reinforce each other's effects. This can lead to confusion, concentration disorders, drop in blood pressure or even loss of consciousness. For this reason, taking Atosil® and alcohol at the same time is incompatible and should definitely be avoided.

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