
The breech position describes the position of the child in the woman's uterus shortly before birth. If the unborn child does not turn properly, the child's pelvis or bottom points downwards. In this case one speaks of a breech position. Typically, by the end of the pregnancy, the baby will turn upside down. Therefore the breech position is a positional anomaly, that is, a deviation from the normal position.

About 10% of babies do not lie properly in the mother's womb. There are several types of breeches. The most common type is the breech position. Both legs are turned up like a jackknife. In the tail-foot position, both legs are crouched. There are also mixed forms such as knee position, foot position or just one leg turned up.

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Read more on this topic: Childbirth complications


There are different reasonwhy the baby did not turn and is in breech position at the end of the pregnancy. In half of the cases, the cause cannot be clarified. Often, breech births occur in women who are giving birth for the first time. In a study it was also shown that women who were born in breech position themselves are about twice as likely to give birth to babies in breech position than other women.

However, there are also reasons on the part of the child that can cause breeches. Babies born prematurely have often not turned upside down and are then born in breech position.

At Twins One or both of them may also be born butt down as they are common no place to turn to have. At too much amniotic fluid (Polyhydramnios) the baby can move a lot until shortly before birth and sometimes does not turn upside down. But also can too little amniotic fluid (Oligohydramnios) cause the baby to have too little space to turn.

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Other causes are Deformities, Deviation in head shape, Umbilical cord wrapping or umbilical cord too short and Placental abnormalities be. However, pelvic tumors, myomas of the uterus or certain pelvic shapes in the mother can also lead to breeches.

Breech position from stress

It is believed that increased mental and physical stress can lead to increased stress and thus to a breech position. This could, however not yet proven become. However, it is advisable that women take more breaks during pregnancy. Even work can suddenly be stressful during pregnancy, so it should Workload reduced somewhat become. In addition, pregnant women are recommended to do more frequent relaxation exercises, for example in the form of light yoga, in order to recover.


The diagnosis of breeches is made by the gynecologist by means of ultrasound posed. It is also possible that the doctor or midwife can feel the situation from outside. This is with the so called Leopold handles possible.

Up to the 32nd week of pregnancy the baby should have turned upside down. If this has not happened, it is referred to as breech or breech position. However, it is still possible for the baby to turn upside down. Of the Doctor or midwife carry the situation in the Mother pass a.

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Concomitant symptoms

It may be possible for women whose babies are in breeches other Complaints and symptoms to have. However, this is not always the case.

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Possible symptoms can increased child movements in the abdomen such as the child's kicks. Mostly the expectant mothers will feel it Feet on or above the bladder. This can be too increased need to urinate to lead. Since the head directed upwards, it can be seen from below press against the ribs. This is often perceived by the mother as uncomfortable or even painful.

If the symptoms suggest a breech position, the midwife or gynecologist should be asked for advice.

Rotation of the baby

There are several ways to turn or move the baby to turn when the baby is still lying with the bottom down. Which method is suitable should be discussed with the midwife or gynecologist.

From the 36th week of pregnancy you can try to turn the baby from the outside. The outward twist should, however only performed by an experienced midwife or gynecologist become. Before this, the size of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid and the placenta are examined using ultrasound. This is important to avoid risks during the turn. Before the turn, the baby's heartbeat is measured CTG certainly. The outer twist will sometimes described as painful and can cause premature labor. Before the turn, the midwife or gynecologist will have an informative conversation about risks and success.

There is also aalternative methodsTo get the baby to rotate, they should not have rotated by the 35th week of pregnancy. These can be done by the mother herself.

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What can I do myself to keep my baby spinning?

Up to the 34th week of pregnancy it can happen that the baby moves a lot in the stomach. Because until then, babies often have a lot of space to turn around. However, if there is a tendency from the 35th week of pregnancy onwards that the baby is lying down with its bottom, there are a few tips and exercises to get the baby to turn.

One possibility is the so-called Indian bridge In the supine position, a pillow is placed under the bottom so that the pelvis is higher. After about. 10 to a maximum of 15 minutes should be stood up with a swing over one side. This exercise is intended to cause the child to slide out of the pelvis and make a turn by standing up. The exercise can be repeated twice a day.

Another method from the field of traditional Chinese medicine is moxing. To do this, an acupuncture needle is attached to a point on the little toe. A lit moxa cigar is now held up to this acupuncture needle. The warmth should stimulate the baby to turn through certain channels. However, this should be done by a midwife who has experience with acupuncture.

Birth from breech position

It is at least possible To bring a baby in breech position naturally into the world. However, this is not offered in every clinic these days. The reason is that many gynecologists and midwives are no longer trained and therefore have too little experience. That is why women will often advisedthat To bring baby into the world by caesarean section.

In breech delivery, the baby's pelvis is down. For this reason, the baby's body is born first and the baby's head last. The natural breech birth is considered one Risk birth. Problems or injuries occur more often than would be the case with normal birth in the head position. During the birth process, the birth of the body can cause a Oxygen deficiency come as the Umbilical cord pinched can be. In order to avoid an insufficient supply of the baby, midwives and doctors try the Head as soon as possible after bringing the body into the world. They succeed in doing this special handles.

In order to avoid complications during the birth process for women and babies, a breech birth should therefore be performed only performed by experienced obstetricians become. It is important that the pregnant woman is sufficiently informed in advance about possible risks by the midwife or the gynecologist.

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Why should a caesarean section be performed for breeches?

A spontaneous one, well natural breech birth is not always possible. There are many reasons for this. A common reason women are advised to have a breech cesarean section is that lack of experience of obstetricians. Midwives or doctors who are familiar with breech births are not represented in all clinics and hospitals. Therefore should Clarify in advance whether the nearby hospital will offer spontaneous births from breeches.

Since the Breech birth even under normal and optimal conditions Risk to mother and child natural birth is not advised under certain circumstances.There is an increased risk of complications in a spontaneous birth if the estimated birth weight is over 4000 g, previous caesarean sections, complete foot position, pregnancy diseases and if the head is much larger than the baby's belly. These factors can lead to a prolonged birth lead and thus the risk of Oxygen starvation of the baby to lead. To avoid this, women are advised to have a caesarean section. Since complications can also arise with a caesarean section, the doctor will advise you on the possible options and explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of a spontaneous delivery and a caesarean section.

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