
The drug Dermatop® is mainly marketed as an ointment, cream or skin lotion; it contains the active ingredient prednicarbate.

Prednicarbate belongs to the group of artificially produced glucocorticoids (steroid hormones), the natural intermediates of which are formed in the adrenal cortex (e.g. cortisol).

Dermatop® has a strong anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antipruritic and anti-allergic effect; it is generally used to treat inflammatory skin diseases, for example neurodermatitis (Atopic dermatitis) and psoriasis.

The Dermatop®, which contains prednicarbate, acts as a so-called topical glucocorticoid, locally limited to the rubbed skin area.

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The drug must never be taken orally or administered intravenously, administration is strictly limited to external use (application to the skin).

application areas

The possible field of application of drugs containing prednicarbate such as Dermatop® is limited exclusively to skin diseases and the effects of allergic reactions.

In treating eczema, the artificial glucocorticoid shows amazing results. It is used for so-called contact eruptions, which often occur in allergic reactions to nickel (nickel allergy).

Furthermore, it shows in the therapy of toxins (Toxins) triggered skin symptoms (toxic eczema) a soothing effect.

Neurodermatitis, an inflammatory skin disease, can also be optimally treated with Dermatop® and effectively alleviate the symptoms of those affected.

In addition, Dermatop® ointments and / or creams are widely used in patients suffering from psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) or lichen planus (lichen planus).

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Dermatop® can also be used successfully in the treatment of the dermatological effects of the autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus.

Active ingredient and effect of Dermatop®

The adrenal glands in the human body produce, among other things, a hormone that is commonly referred to as the “stress hormone”: cortisol. This hormone has many functions, all of which are ultimately aimed at keeping people functional in stressful situations: it wakes you up, leads to breakdown processes that release energy and suppresses the body's inflammatory reactions. The active ingredient prednicarbate, which is the active component of the Dermatop cream and solution, is a highly effective derivative of this adrenal cortex hormone. With topical application of active ingredients from the cortisone family, inflammatory reactions occurring there are suppressed via the body's own signaling pathways. In this respect, cortisone is a very effective therapy for all inflammatory skin diseases and is also often prescribed by doctors.

However, it is important not to use creams that contain cortisone derivatives for too long, as they lead to so-called "cortisone skin" in the long run, a thinned skin with very limited elastic resilience. Furthermore, it should be noted that "cortisone creams" are not a causal treatment, but only alleviate the symptoms. The underlying disease can break out again when you stop using the cream.

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Read more on the subject at: Cortisone

Side effects of Dermatop®

In contrast to other drugs that are used to treat inflammatory skin diseases, Dermatop® is characterized by an almost optimal relationship between desired effects and possible side effects.
With short-term use, adverse drug reactions occur extremely rarely.

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One of the most common side effects is the burning of the rubbed skin. Occasionally, patients who regularly use Decortin report the occurrence of mild to moderate itching and very rough, dry, flaky skin areas (see also: dry skin).

If the skin shows typical allergic reactions such as irritation, redness and pustule formation after using Decortin, the affected areas should be rinsed thoroughly with water.
The continued use of Decortin or other drugs containing prednicarbate should be urgently avoided in such a case.

In most cases, short-term use of Decortin rarely leads to side effects. The longer the treatment, the more likely it is that problems will arise.

If used for more than four weeks, strips of skin may form (Striae), for skin regression (Atropy) and small punctiform skin hemorrhages (Purpura) come. In addition, some patients have dilation of the skin vessels.
An increase in body hair (hypertrichosis) on the areas of the skin that have been creamed cannot be ruled out.

Read more on the subject at: Side effects of cortisone

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In principle, there are not many known interactions between the Dermatop® Cream and other drugs. It should not be combined with other creams that also contain a cortisone derivative as an active ingredient (this also includes marmot ointment). Furthermore, by an airtight covering of the skin after application, e.g. Using a bandage to increase the absorption of prednicarbate into the body (in the sense of an overdose).

Ultimately, it is possible that excessive consumption of grapefruit juice inhibits the breakdown of prednicarbate and the resulting higher availability results in more side effects.

When should I not use Dermatop®?

Dermatop® must not be used in the case of known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient prednicarbate and / or other ingredients of the drug.

In general, the drug should never come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. In the event of contact, we recommend rinsing the affected areas with water immediately. If a burning sensation and / or severe reddening occurs, a doctor should be consulted as Dermatop® can damage the mucous membrane cells and the eyes.

Skin symptoms that occur in the course of an infection such as syphilis or tuberculosis must not be treated with Dermatop®. In addition, ointments and / or creams containing prednicarbate should be avoided in the case of skin diseases induced by viruses.

Fungal infections and typical skin reactions after vaccinations are typical contraindications for the application of Dermatop®.

The inflammatory skin disease dermatitis periorale occurs in the area of ​​the mouth and must not be treated with the help of Dermatop®.

It should also be noted that bacterial skin diseases require the additional use of a suitable antibiotic, the mere application of creams containing prednicarbate has no effect on bacterial growth.

The use of Dermatop® is not permitted during the first trimester of pregnancy, as the side effects and harmful effects on the unborn child cannot be completely ruled out.

Read more on the subject at: Cortisone in Pregnancy

Dermatop® base ointment

Dermatop® base ointment is a product from Sanofi, which can be used to care for stressed skin as well as to prevent overuse of the skin. Contrary to what the name suggests, the Dermatop® base ointment does not contain the same active ingredient as the Dermatop® cream. The base ointment, on the other hand, contains glycerol monooleate as the "active ingredient" according to the Sanofi website. However, it can be discussed whether glycerol monooleate can be classified as an active ingredient at all, since the substance that belongs to the chemical group of fats and in various other skin creams (e.g. Bepanthen) is only specified as an "other ingredient" in addition to the actual active ingredients. The purpose of this "active ingredient" and thus also the basic ointment itself is to re-oil the skin so that it remains supple and can continue to perform its tasks. Dermatop® base cream should be applied to stressed skin areas two to three times a day. However, the ointment is not suitable for the treatment of skin diseases, wounds or inflammation.

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Dermatop® base cream

The Dermatop® base cream is also a skin care cream from Sanofi. As with the basic ointment, it does not contain any active ingredient from the cortisone family. The company Sanofi states myristyl alcohol (1-tetradecanol) as an active ingredient on its website, but here, too, it can be discussed whether this substance from the group of fatty alcohols, which is only added as an additive in many other cosmetics, can really be considered an active ingredient .
Dermatop® base cream is used for the same indication of use as Dermatop® base ointment: To prevent overstressing of the skin and to restore the skin to its original state in the event of already existing overstrain (such as from cleaning agents or excessive sunlight). The manufacturer also recommends using the cream following treatment with creams containing cortisone, such as Dermatop® cream, in order to restore the healthy skin barrier and function. It is also recommended to use the Dermatop® base cream two to three times a day.

Dermatop® solution

Dermatop® solution is a product from Sanofi with the same active ingredient as Dermatop® cream, namely prednicarbate, a modified adrenal hormone. This active ingredient has the properties of suppressing immune reactions of the body and thus helps against excessive body reactions such as inflammation and allergies. Similar to the Dermatop® cream, Dermatop® solution is used for allergic skin reactions and inflammatory skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis. In contrast to the Dermatop® cream, the solution is especially suitable for use on hairy areas of the body where a cream is difficult to apply. Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the usual dosage is to apply the solution to the affected areas as sparingly as possible once a day.

Price of Dermatop®

A 10g tube of Dermatop® cream costs around 16 €, 30g around 20 € and 100g around 30 €. Since Dermatop® is a prescription drug, it is possible, depending on your health insurance company, that part of the cost of the cream will be covered. Furthermore, as with most medicinal products, there are also so-called "generics", i.e. Non-branded products that also contain the active ingredient prednicarbate, but are usually cheaper. If in doubt, ask at your trusted pharmacy about a generic as an alternative.

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