
Diclofenac is an active pharmaceutical ingredient that is available in numerous forms of administration. In addition to tablets and plasters, there is also diclofenac gel that can be applied to affected areas of the skin.

Mechanism of action

Diclofenac belongs to the group of Painkiller, the Not to the Opioids are ajar, that is to say they have a weaker effect in terms of their effectiveness, but on the other hand also have no potential for dependence. Diclofenac inhibits a enzyme in the body, also called cyclooxygenase or COX for short.

This enzyme in turn promotes the education of so-called Prostaglandinswho are instrumental in Inflammatory reactions involved in the body. If the cyclooxygenase is now inhibited via the diclofenac, only a few prostaglandins can be produced and distributed in the body. The result is one decreased inflammatory response. Has an inflammatory reaction now occurred in the body for very different reasons, e.g. by overloading a certain joint Leukotrienes in increased measure in action. The intake of diclofenac now leads to the Leukotriene release reduced becomes. The result is now a The inflammation heals. This mechanism is mainly used in orthopedics, where inflammatory reactions in the body often need to be treated.

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Another important point is that through the Leukotriene release and the one brought about by it inflammation also the Sensation of pain is increased. Presumably, this is to be seen as a warning from the body, since in the event of inflammation the person concerned should be warned by pain. The Vesselsthat pull to the inflamed area will pass through the Leukotriene Influence widened, and more blood flows into the area of ​​inflammation, which in turn means more delivery of the leukotrienes in the blood. Through the increased amount of bloodthat flows into the inflammation area, there is a Redness, swelling, and overheating (Typical signs of inflammation: redness, swelling, overheating and pain).

All of these properties are reduced by the inhibition of the release of leukotriene by diclofenac. Besides the pain- and anti-inflammatory properties Diclofenac has one too antipyretic effect. It can (here then in Tablet form) at flu-like infections are used and thus work well in the body.

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Typical area of ​​application are sports, back injuries and Overloads. Has diclofenac as a gel practically no antipyretic effect, as the gel only works locally when applied to the skin.

The diclofenacgel is in different tube sizes available. It is especially at local inflammatory reactions used.


To thin application of Pain gels it should take a few seconds massaged in and subsequently move in be left. In connection with air, it quickly forms a tack-free, dense film over the affected skin and joint area.

At normal overexertion from Joints should be the area treated with gel left open become. At Sprains can also have a supportive bandage which is also known as the Voltaren Association. This should be repeated once a day. It should also be applied in the case of joint overloads, which are accompanied by pain and redness and Voltarengel is used without a bandage 2-3 times a day be repeated.

Diclofenac gel in pregnancy

Diclofenac Gel should be used sparingly in the first few months of pregnancy. Diclofenac gel is not recommended during the last trimester of pregnancy. If the active ingredient diclofenac is used in tablet form, the risk of the embryo being damaged is much higher. Local application of the active ingredient could, however, in individual cases lead to damage to the unborn child. In addition, with a local application it can never be completely ruled out that a part will enter the body systemically. Therefore, careful handling of Diclofenac Gel is advised during pregnancy. With Diclofenac Gel it is rare but possible that heart defects and kidney dysfunction can occur in the unborn child.

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The active ingredient diclofenac can lead to increased blood loss in the mother during childbirth. This is due to the inhibition of thromboxane formation. The active ingredient also inhibits the prostaglandins. However, the prostaglandins are very important in inducing labor. As a result, the birth can be delayed. Furthermore, the prostaglandins, together with the prostacyclins, are important to keep a certain vascular connection, the so-called ductus arteriosus botalli, open in the unborn child. Diclofenac also inhibits the prostacyclines. As a result, the active substance can cause this embryonic vascular connection to close prematurely. As already mentioned, the risk when using the active ingredient locally, i.e. when using the Diclofenac gel, is very low. But excluding the risk is not possible. The Diclofenac Gel should not be applied to the breastfeeding breast while breastfeeding.

Diclofenac gel for shoulder pain

The manufacturer and other authors rate the effectiveness of Diclofenac Gel for shoulder pain as high. But there are also skeptical opinions, as the local mechanism of action is not fully understood. However, in studies and in experience reports, a significant improvement in shoulder pain was found. Accordingly, Diclofenac Gel has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and cooling effect on the painful shoulder. It should be noted, however, that using Diclofenac Gel can only provide symptomatic relief. The gel cannot fix the cause of the pain. If the pain does not subside or worsens after a few days, a doctor should be consulted.

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Read more on the topic: Shoulder pain

Diclofenac gel for tension

Diclofenac Gel can also help with tension. It is important to take a body position that relieves tension during and when rubbing in the gel. It is also advisable to find the cause of the tension. A corresponding change in everyday life can possibly counteract the tension in the long term.

Diclofenac gel for phlebitis

A distinction is made between superficial phlebitis and deep phlebitis. Differentiating the two forms is important because the treatment and course are different. Only a doctor can tell the difference. To avoid complications, a doctor should be contacted first. Diclofenac gel can have a soothing effect on superficial phlebitis. If there is inflammation of the deep veins, other measures must be taken.

Read more on the topic: Phlebitis

Diclofenac gel for bursitis

In the case of bursitis, Diclofenac Gel can have a cooling, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In some cases, it can help the inflamed bursa to swell. In order for a bursitis to subside without any problems, a few things should be observed. In the case of bursitis, it is important to protect the inflamed area of ​​the body. Further or permanent irritation can worsen the inflammation and cause permanent damage. However, prolonged immobilization or relieving posture should absolutely be avoided, because this can also lead to irreversible restrictions on movement. In order to find the right balance between rest and movement, advice and treatment from professionals is advisable. A doctor and a physiotherapist can assess which measures are useful.

Read more on the topic: Bursitis

Is there Diclofenac gel available without a prescription?

Diclofenac Gel can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. However, it should be noted that Diclofenac Gel is a medicine which, like all medicines, can also cause side effects. It is advised to read the package insert carefully.

Can I still use expired Diclofenac gel?

Studies have shown that many medicines, including ointments and gels, are effective after their use-by date. However, the manufacturer guarantees 100% active ingredient content and tolerance until the expiry date, after which it accepts no liability.This means that if you use an expired Diclofenac gel, you are responsible. It is possible that the components of the gel separate from one another over time. This can mean that the active ingredient is no longer evenly distributed. When using it, it is possible that you harm yourself more than it helps. If the gel has changed its consistency or even smells unpleasant, it is not recommended to use it in any case. It is also important to consider how and where an opened gel was stored. Opened Diclofenac Gel is particularly sensitive to light, temperature fluctuations and air. Storage in the humid and warm bathroom or in the glove compartment of the car, where the gel is exposed to enormous temperature fluctuations, shortens the life of the gel.

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Side effects

Although Diclofenac Gel is rather just local works, they are anyway Side effects the same as tablets that work throughout the body.

For this reason, you should ask whether there is a Diclofenac intolerance gives. In this case, diclofenac gel should also not be applied. Especially rashes (Exanthema) but also others allergic reaction can be observed through diclofenac gel application. The side effects in non-allergic people (so-called undesirable drug reactions) also occur with Diclofenac Gel, although not to the same extent as with systemic treatment with Diclofenac tablets.

To be mentioned here are primarily Discomfort in the stomach area. Because through the Leukotriene inhibition also the protective one Reconstruction of the stomach lining reduced prolonged use of diclofenac will cause the stomach lining to become thinner. As a result, the stomach is no longer protected so well against gastric acid and is attacked. In the long performed Diclofenac treatment through tablets, an additional one is essential Stomach protection respectively. At the Diclofenac gel this effect is due to the local effect rather limited but available. Patients who already have one Gastric ulcer had or should have, too no diclofenac gel get administered.


According to the latest findings Preparations containing diclofenac also Not are used when the patient has a severe heart disease is present or if severe vascular disease available. Although caution is required when using the systemic tablets, it should not be forgotten that the same active ingredient enters the body through the gel and theoretically has the same effects and side effects as the tablet active ingredient.

In connection with others Painkiller or Heart drug should also be diclofenac gel just after more precisely Consideration are used because partially combined substances hinder or reinforce each other's effectiveness.

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