
Ovulation (ovulation) is part of the female menstrual cycle. This is about 25 to 35 days long. Ovulation is the term used to describe the discharge of the egg from the ovary. The egg then passes into the fallopian tube and travels towards the uterus. On this route, the egg cell can be fertilized when it meets a sperm cell. Ovulation is triggered by hormones (estrogens, progesterone, FSH, LH), the composition of which changes over the course of the cycle.
The woman's fertile days are around the time of ovulation, so it can be helpful both for contraception and if you want to have children to determine the time of ovulation. However, since the survival time of the ejected egg cell is only about 24 hours, the time of ovulation must be determined quite precisely.

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When does ovulation take place?

The timing of ovulation can be easy depending on the woman's exact cycle length vary. Ovulation occurs with a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days on the 14th day instead of. The counting of days starts with the first day of menstruation. If a woman's cycle lasts longer than 28 days, ovulation is later, if it is shorter, ovulation is earlier.
Generally one applies cycle, which has a length of 25 to 35 days has than normal.
However, it can be said that the more regular the cycle, the greater the chance that ovulation will also occur regularly. In this case, the fertile days can be correctly determined with a higher probability than with an irregular cycle.

When does the first ovulation take place?

Girls ovulate for the first time before their first menstrual bleeding.

The first menstrual bleeding is also known as menarche and usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 14. However, since menstrual bleeding is very irregular at the beginning, ovulation can occur long before the first real bleeding. The first bleeding is often overlooked, as it only becomes noticeable in the form of a brown discharge.

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Pregnancy can therefore occur without the first menstrual bleeding.

How can you tell when you are ovulating?

It is often very difficult to tell when you are ovulating. An exact date or time cannot be determined from physical symptoms. However, based on some symptoms and physical changes, in some cases it is possible to narrow down an approximate period of two to three days that ovulation is expected to occur. The prerequisite for this is a relatively regular female cycle.

One way to determine ovulation is to measure the basal body temperature curve. The basal temperature is measured with a thermometer, usually in the mouth, and recorded for each day of the cycle. This results in a temperature curve for each cycle.
A constant basal temperature of about 36.5 ° C during the first half of the cycle is characteristic. Shortly before ovulation, the basal temperature drops by about 0.4 ° C and then increases again with a sharp jump after about 10 to 12 hours. After recording a few cycles, ovulation can be determined fairly accurately with a regular cycle.

In addition, the cervical mucus can provide information about whether ovulation is taking place. The cervical mucus is a plug of mucus that sits on the cervix and thus represents a natural barrier. Shortly before ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes thinner and pulls threads. It is also called spinnable. The cervical slime remains spinnable for about three days after ovulation and is therefore permeable to sperm.

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Another sign that some women can use to identify ovulation is median pain. However, this pulling pelvic pain that occurs during ovulation is a very uncertain sign. Most women do not feel the middle pain or only very rarely.

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Are you interested in this topic? Read more about this under: Identifying ovulation yourself

Signs of ovulation

Some women know exactly when they ovulate, others have no symptoms at all.
Ovulation is triggered when an egg cell is expelled from the ovary into the fallopian tube due to a change in the hormonal composition in the female body. Before that, several egg cells grew under the influence of hormones, but only the most developed and largest egg cell passes into the fallopian tube and migrates there towards the uterus.

Read more on the topic: These symptoms cause my ovulation

The transfer of this egg cell from the ovary to the fallopian tube is triggered by the contraction of the ovarian muscle tissue. Some women experience this contraction as a slightly painful pulling in the abdomen (middle pain). Ovulation chest pain, changes in vaginal discharge, and back pain can also be signs of ovulation. The libido can be increased during this time. Body temperature rises slightly at the time of ovulation.
The occurrence of a menstrual period is not a sure sign that ovulation has occurred.

Read more on the topic:

  • Ovulation pain
  • Ovulation bleeding

Can you feel ovulation?

You cannot usually feel ovulation.
Most women do not even notice they are ovulating. However, some women regularly notice changes during their cycle that suggest they are ovulating.

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Some women experience a slight pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation called median pain. However, this pain does not necessarily occur every month, so that ovulation cannot be determined with certainty.

Some women feel other changes, such as an increased sensation of pleasure or increased irritation.

Are you more interested in this topic? Then read our new article below: Can you feel ovulation?

Temperature change

Temperature changes occur during the cycle.

The woman's body temperature, the so-called basal temperature, changes over the course of the cycle. At the time of ovulation, the temperature increases by 0.5 to 1.6 ° C. This increase is usually not felt by the woman herself, but if the temperature is measured regularly, this increase can be detected. If the increase in temperature has been detected, it indicates that ovulation has already occurred. After ovulation, the egg produces the hormone progesterone, which causes the body temperature to rise.
The woman's fertile days are 2 to 3 days before the body temperature rises. It is therefore advisable to take your body temperature every morning for a few months and plot a temperature curve. In order to be able to make a reliable statement about the fertile days, it is important that the menstrual cycle is regular.

Read more on the subject at: Ovulation and temperature

Chest pain during ovulation

Chest pain is one of the possible symptoms of the female cycle. The chest pain is not to be assessed as pathological, but rather as a normal accompaniment to hormonal fluctuations in the cycle.
Breast pain is often found in the context of premenstrual syndrome. This is a complex of symptoms that in some women begins about a week before menstruation and can also last during menstruation.
Ovulation, on the other hand, is not in this phase. Ovulation, also called ovulation, takes place around the 14th day of the cycle. Some women experience ovulation as a pulling abdominal pain. Chest pain is rather untypical for this. In any case, the very brief ovulation event is difficult to time based on symptoms. In principle, chest pain, especially in the form of a feeling of tension and pulling, is possible. The chest pain is then usually not limited to a specific area, but often affects the entire chest. Severely one-sided, long-lasting and intense pain suggest other causes, such as inflammation or tumors, and should therefore be clarified by a specialist.

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Chest pain after ovulation

After ovulation, chest pain can occur during the cycle. They are mostly part of the premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short.

Ovulation takes place around the 14th to 17th day of the cycle. With an average cycle length of 28 days, it takes about one to two weeks after ovulation until the next menstrual period. In this so-called second half of the cycle after ovulation, symptoms such as breast tenderness, chest pain, a bloated stomach, headache and mood swings are common. This complex of symptoms is summarized as premenstrual syndrome.
Reasons for premenstrual syndrome are discussed differently in specialist circles. Several factors, such as a certain disposition, hormonal influences of the female cycle and environmental factors seem to play a role. During the second half of the cycle, the hormone progestin predominates. In the event of pregnancy, this is intended to maintain the pregnancy. If the egg cell is not fertilized, the progestin level drops again and menstruation occurs. The high progestin level after ovulation has an influence on the development of chest pain.

Why do nipples become tender during ovulation?

Some women experience a slightly increased nipple sensitivity around ovulation. This sensitivity most closely resembles a slight irritation, but by no means real pain. The nipples can be tender during ovulation due to hormonal influences.

Furthermore, constant remodeling processes of the breast tissue lead to the fact that the breast and also the nipples sometimes feel sensitive. These remodeling processes are completely natural and also arise due to hormonal influences. This primarily affects the breast tissue of young and middle-aged women. In the case of sensitive nipples, it can help to avoid external stimuli such as rough touch, but also tight clothing or uncomfortable materials.

Abdominal pain during ovulation

Ovulation can sometimes be accompanied by abdominal pain and abdominal pain, which is usually located in the lower abdomen. A pulling or stabbing character is typical of this type of abdominal pain. The intensity of the pain varies from woman to woman. Few women actually experience abdominal pain during ovulation.
Typically, abdominal pain is localized on one side, namely the side on which ovulation occurs. It is often referred to as middle pain, as ovulation occurs around the middle of the cycle.
Contrary to what is often assumed, the pain does not come about directly from the jumping egg, but from a slight irritation of the peritoneum. When you ovulate, some fluid in the form of lymph or blood leaks out and can irritate the peritoneum. This is then expressed in the middle pain. A hot water bottle can help relieve the pain.
The duration of the pain should not exceed a few hours. Prolonged pain is more likely to indicate other causes.

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Back pain

Severe back pain is rather untypical for ovulation.In some women it occurs during ovulation in combination with what is known as middle pain. This pain is mainly localized in the lower abdomen and lasts anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. Middle pain can also spread from the lower abdomen to the pelvis and lower lumbar spine. So slight pain in the lumbar spine and some kind of pulling and tensioning in this area are not uncommon. Back pain that lasts for several days or is very intense should be clarified by a doctor.

The ovarian bleeding

Ovulation can cause light spotting, also known as ovarian bleeding. This bleeding is also referred to in medical jargon as spotting or "spotting". It is not, as is often wrongly assumed, an intermenstrual bleeding.

Ovarian bleeding does not occur in every woman and is not a sure sign of ovulation, as light spotting can occur every now and then, even for no particular reason or illness. So you cannot infer ovulation based on spotting. The ovarian bleeding is very mild. It is a few drops of light to dark red or even brownish blood. The bleeding can be accompanied by a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen, but it can also be painless.

Changes in the cervical mucus

The so-called "cervical mucus", the mucus in the cervix, is also subject to changes during the female cycle. While the egg cells mature in the ovary, hormonal processes cause the lining of the uterus to grow and be better supplied with nutrients. This is done in order to prepare them for a possible implantation of the fertilized egg.
At the same time, the mucus in the cervix changes its consistency to make it easier for the sperm to pass through. The woman will notice this when she has thin, stretchy discharge that can be pulled wide apart with her fingers. This mucus consistency suggests the woman's fertile days.

Why do pimples appear with ovulation?

Blemishes and pimples are among the possible changes that can occur around ovulation. For many women, skin blemishes occur immediately before their period and less often during ovulation, the reason for this being the hormonal changes in the course of the cycle. They often belong to the symptom complex of the premenstrual syndrome.

Can you postpone ovulation?

Ovulation can be postponed with the help of hormonal contraceptives. Depending on the contraceptive, ovulation can be suppressed. If the hormonal contraceptive is taken continuously - i.e. without taking a break - ovulation will be postponed until the next break. Many women postpone their menstrual bleeding in this way.

Postponing menstruation - and with it also ovulation - should not be done regularly and should be discussed with a gynecologist.

The following article contains more detailed information on the topic:

  • Postpone ovulation - what you should know

Calculate ovulation

The exact time of ovulation can be calculated relatively easily. This can be especially useful for women who want to have children so that they know when theirs will fertile days are. It is also helpful for women who want to prevent exactly this to know when to be particularly careful and use contraception during sexual intercourse. However, it is important to know that the Avoiding intercourse on fertile days Not to be reliable Contraceptives acts.
To calculate the day of ovulation you need the first day the latest Menstrual period and the Length of the cycle. The cycle length is defined as the number of days between the first day of menstruation and the first day of the next menstruation. Ovulation takes place pretty much precisely on a regular cycle of days center the menstrual cycle takes place.
The fertile days the woman lying about 5 days around the day of ovulation. The egg cell can only survive for about a day before it dies and is excreted Sperm however can survive a few days in the fallopian tube and wait for the egg. This should especially be borne in mind when calculating the woman's fertile days in order to use contraception in a natural way.

Please also read our page conception.

How long does ovulation take?

Ovulation lasts from a few minutes to a few hours.
The hormonal changes that ultimately lead to ovulation begin a few days beforehand. However, the actual ovulation takes place within a very short time. The cracked egg is then fertile for around 24 hours, so that fertilization must take place during this time. This can be done by having intercourse either at the time of ovulation or, even better, a day or two beforehand.

Find out more about the topic here: The duration of ovulation.

Menstrual period

The Menstrual periodthat occurs during the menstrual cycle is not a reliable indicator that ovulation has occurred. The cycle days start counting on the first day of bleeding.
Bleeding can occur even if ovulation has not occurred at all. In this case, too, the lining of the uterus can break down and shed and lead to bleeding. On the contrary, there is no ovulation without bleeding, except when the egg has been fertilized and one pregnancy consists.

Can I ovulate if I miss my period?

The natural female cycle leads to menstrual bleeding in the first half of the cycle, also known as a period. Due to various circumstances, menstrual bleeding can be very weak or even stop:

  • In rare cases, menstrual bleeding stops due to an illness. Ovulation may also fail to occur. This is the case when hormonal control loops are disturbed and the egg cell does not mature.
  • This can also be the case if the ovaries are damaged or missing due to a malformation.
  • However, ovulation can occur even if you miss your period. This is for example one Hymeneal atresia the case. This congenital malformation leads to the vagina being closed by a kind of membrane. Menstrual blood cannot flow out in this way and accumulates in the uterus. A hymenal atresia becomes noticeable around the age of 16, because despite puberty there is no menstrual bleeding and abdominal pain occurs due to the congestion.
  • Even after pregnancy and while breastfeeding, periods are often missing. However, ovulation still occurs, so that pregnancy is possible even if you miss your period.

When does ovulation occur after stopping the pill?

The desire to have a family is very often a reason to stop taking the pill at some point in life.

The question of how quickly ovulation occurs after stopping the pill is not that easy to answer.

  • Most women ovulate normally in the first cycle after stopping the pill, so that pregnancy is possible.
  • In some cases, however, it can take a few months for regular ovulation to return. Contrary to popular rumors, the length of time you take the pill does not affect the quality of ovulation.

How long are you fertile after ovulation?

The fertilization, also called fertilization or conception, can only take place within a certain time window. This depends on the one hand on the fertility of the egg cell and on the other hand on the fertility of the sperm.

The optimal time for fertilization is about two days before and one day after ovulation.

The egg cell is only fertile for 24 hours. After ovulation, the time for fertilization is therefore a little less than 24 hours.

Sperm, on the other hand, can remain fertile for between 48 and 72 hours. So if sexual intercourse takes place two to three days before ovulation, pregnancy can still occur.

Is there a measuring device?

There are several commercial devices that can be used to detect ovulation. These measuring devices measure changes in the hormone level in the urine and can thus predict the woman's fertile days with a certain probability. However, an exact time for ovulation cannot be determined in this way.
The measurement is based on a determination of the hormone levels of the hormones estrogen and LH (luteinizing hormone). Based on the increase in both hormones, the likelihood of fertile days can be estimated. Depending on the type of measuring device, between 2 and 4 fertile days can be estimated.

The test should be carried out with the first urine after the sleep phase, as this is the urine where the hormone concentration is highest. Before the test can be used, the cycle length must be determined. Based on the cycle length, the measuring device specifies on which day of the cycle the measurement should be started. The test shows days with increased, non-increased or maximum fertility based on the hormone concentration.

Read more on the subject at: Test for ovulation

What Causes Ovulation?

Ovulation is triggered by changes in the woman's hormonal balance. This changes regularly over the course of the menstrual cycle. The hormones FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) stimulate several follicles to grow in the ovary. One turns out to be the dominant egg cell and grows the most. This egg cell is then released, triggered by the hormones estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH and prostaglandins. The stimulation by the hormones is the trigger for ovulation.

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Can you encourage ovulation?

Ovulation can be promoted as part of a fertility treatment. However, this is not possible in a natural way or with home remedies.
Women who do not become pregnant despite repeated, unprotected sex can use hormone therapy to promote ovulation. The pregnancy hormone HCG is used to trigger ovulation, also known as ovulation induction.

However, the prerequisite for ovulation is prior follicular maturation. If this does not occur naturally, for example due to an illness, it can also be hormonally stimulated. In this case, various hormones, such as estrogen and gestagen, and also special drugs, such as dexamethasone, bromocriptine or clomiphene, are used. Ovulation occurs about 36 hours after HCG administration.

How does ovulation affect lust?

In the days immediately before ovulation, many women have more desire for sexual intercourse than during the rest of the cycle. This is due to the hormonal influences in the context of the menstrual cycle. Shortly before ovulation, the hormones LH and FSH, as well as estrogen, rise sharply. These affect a woman's libido. However, some women tend to feel in a bad mood or irritable during ovulation and do not experience any increased desire.

Can ovulation occur despite the pill?

The “pill” is a hormonal contraceptive that prevents ovulation in most cases. There are different "pills". Most preparations contain both estrogen and the hormone progestin. Apart from these preparations, only progestin-only preparations exist. “Pills” that contain both estrogen and progestin reliably prevent ovulation. However, this requires regular intake.

If taken irregularly, however, ovulation and thus an unplanned pregnancy can occur. Progestin-only preparations do not prevent ovulation, but they do prevent the egg from implanting.

What influence does the morning-after pill have on ovulation?

The morning-after pill is a drug that is intended to prevent pregnancy in emergencies. The active ingredient contained in the morning-after pill is usually Ulipristal acetate or Levonorgestrel.

According to current studies, it is assumed that both drugs suppress ovulation. So there is no ovulation. Thus no pregnancy can arise. In order to be effective, it must be taken during the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. If taken during this time window, pregnancy is prevented in 98% of cases. If taken later, the number of unwanted pregnancies increases.

Can you see ovulation on ultrasound?

Ovulation is not visible in the ultrasound because the egg cell is smaller than the structures shown in the ultrasound.

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