
Electric toothbrushes are becoming more and more popular with adults as well as children.
As is well known, brushing teeth is often an ordeal for children and parents. The rotating or sonic movement of the electric toothbrushes makes it easier for young children to use them, and new models can make brushing their teeth a positive experience interactively with apps, games and music. As a result, daily brushing of teeth can be combined with fun, so that even small children can develop thorough oral hygiene that does not arouse negative associations. But to what extent is an electric toothbrush useful and from what year is the child able to use it? What should I look for in a toothbrush for my child if I want to buy one and how high should I expect?

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Benefits of the electric toothbrush

Brushing their teeth with an electric toothbrush is made easier for the children. The movement of the toothbrush removes plaque more easily, even if the haptic abilities and skills are not yet developed enough to ensure thorough oral hygiene. The child does not have to make movements like with a manual toothbrush, but these are exercised by the vibrations of the toothbrush. The toothbrush just needs to be held on all sides of the teeth.

Another advantage is the clock integrated in many models, which gives the child a sense of time and makes it easier to control. Thanks to the vibration of the brush, the child knows exactly when to change the side or half of the jaw.Furthermore, some manufacturers offer apps with toothbrushing games in which brushing your teeth is combined with an interactive adventure in which the brush movement solves a puzzle or a race is won. Music and games cover up the motor noise of the toothbrush and create an incentive for the children to combine the often annoying process of brushing their teeth with fun. This gives the child a motivation to clean and likes to do it. The electric toothbrush is battery-powered and mostly compatible with the chargers of the adult models of a company, so that several chargers do not have to be used in the bathroom. Another advantage is the built-in pressure sensor in some models, which signals when too much effort is being used to clean. The brush then stops briefly until the pressure is released again.

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Disadvantages of the electric toothbrush

Experts agree that an electric toothbrush cleans thoroughly and reliably, but there is never any certainty about it. Children are only independent from the age of eight and are capable enough to thoroughly brush their own teeth. Before this, the parents are obliged to check and, if necessary, to clean again, because an electric toothbrush does not replace the aftercare activities of the parents. Furthermore, the use of an electric toothbrush does not replace the additional cleaning of the interdental spaces with dental floss or interdental brushes. Experts advise that children should still learn to brush their teeth with a manual toothbrush, even if they use an electric toothbrush. In this way, the child's dexterity is trained and faster independence in matters of oral hygiene is promoted. Another disadvantage of the electric toothbrush is the power or battery consumption, which is associated with additional costs.

You can find more on this topic here: Toothbrushes- everything you should know

From what age do children need a toothbrush?

In general, a toothbrush is necessary from the eruption of the first milk tooth at around six months, but electric toothbrushes are only suitable from the age of three. Even at this age, it is important to take care of your teeth, as milk teeth are more prone to tooth decay than permanent ones, and these are so important for the child's development and placeholder function. Therefore, from the age of six months, introducing children to oral hygiene with manual toothbrushes applies especially to the age of teething. The parents should serve as a role model for the children during this time, show how to clean in the mirror and also re-brush, as thorough dental care is not given due to the still limited skills.

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Types of electric toothbrushes

Ultrasonic electric toothbrushes

In contrast to rotary brushes, ultrasonic toothbrushes have an elongated and not a round head. The bristles of the toothbrush do not clean with rotations, but with ultrasonic vibrations at a very high frequency, which correspond to around 20,000 to 30,000 vibrations per minute. Ultrasonic brushes clean very efficiently and thoroughly. There are no studies showing that an ultrasonic toothbrush achieves better cleaning results than a rotary toothbrush. Ultrasonic toothbrushes are suitable for children from the age of four.

Read more about the topic here: Ultrasonic toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes with music

Many models of children's electric toothbrushes are accompanied by music or have special sound effects. The background music serves to mask the unpleasant motor noise of the toothbrush and to awaken an incentive. The children always associate brushing their teeth with music that they enjoy listening to, which serves as motivation. The aim is to give the children as positive an image of brushing their teeth as possible. Therefore, when brushing their teeth, music can help the child to combine more fun and joy with the daily ritual and is especially recommended for children who do not enjoy brushing their teeth. There are also toothbrush apps that incorporate music and adventure virtually into a game of tooth brushing. These functions are highly recommended to give the child a positive experience, but come with additional costs. On the one hand with higher acquisition costs, as well as costs for the game app.

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Electric toothbrushes with timer

An integrated clock in the electric toothbrush should not be missing, as it has a positive effect on the sense of time. By vibrating after a certain time, either half a minute or a minute, the child knows when to brush the half of the jaw or the jaw. Furthermore, the timer gives better control of how long has been brushed and also shows the child whether they have brushed too quickly or too slowly to reach all teeth in an area in the desired time. In addition to the models that vibrate, there are also electric children's toothbrushes that instead show a little melody. Both variants are equally suitable for the child, so it is important to try out which model the child can get along with best.

Cost of the toothbrush

The cost of a children's electric toothbrush varies. Rotary toothbrushes are usually cheaper than sonic toothbrushes. The entry-level model of rotary toothbrushes is available from around 15 euros; models with extended functions can then cost over 40 euros. Ultrasonic toothbrushes for children are available in drug stores for between 50 and 60 euros. The attachment heads, which are changed regularly, usually cost 5-10 euros.

How do I clean an electric toothbrush for children correctly (0.5) Just as important as regular dental care is to clean the electric toothbrush every time afterwards in order to ensure that the cleaning function continues. After brushing your teeth, the attachment head is removed from the handpiece and rinsed thoroughly with water. The handpiece is also rinsed and towel dried to remove any toothpaste and water residue. Afterwards, the head should be put down to dry and not put back on the handpiece immediately, so that no residual moisture remains and thus corrosion forms or germs such as mold can settle.

How do I properly clean an electric toothbrush?

Just as important as regular dental care is to clean the electric toothbrush every time afterwards in order to continue to guarantee its cleaning function. After brushing your teeth, the attachment head is removed from the handpiece and rinsed thoroughly with water. The handpiece is also rinsed and towel dried to remove any toothpaste and water residue. Afterwards, the head should be put down to dry and not put back on the handpiece immediately, so that no residual moisture remains and thus corrosion forms or germs such as mold can settle.

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How often should the brush head be changed?

Regularly changing a brush head is essential to ensure a constant cleaning function. If the brushes appear frayed and stick out, they are no longer optimally cleanable when brushing, so that deposits can remain on the teeth and there is an increased risk of tooth decay. The attachments should be changed every two to three months, depending on the condition of the brush head. Longer intervals are not recommended.

Does a pressure sensor make sense?

The new models of children's electric toothbrushes are equipped with a pressure sensor that registers how hard you press. This function is useful because the child learns from the beginning to brush with the right pressure. If the child brushes with too much pressure, the toothbrush lights up and stops rotating, signaling that the pressure must first be released so that brushing can continue. The advantage of this function is that excessive force cannot injure the gums, as the toothbrush stops rotating so that no mechanical injuries can occur. Thanks to the pressure sensor, the child can develop an independent control function and can see where weak points may arise due to incorrect cleaning.

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