
Thelitis, mastitis


Inflammation of the nipple is a condition that presents with painful redness and swelling of the nipple, and it can be bacterial or non-bacterial. This mostly affects women, but men can also develop inflamed nipples.
In women, it mainly occurs after pregnancy or while breastfeeding.


Typical for one Nipple inflammation is the painful one described above Redness or swelling of the nipplewho do this often pressure sensitive becomes. The person concerned generally feels sick and can fever and skin rash develop. The Nipple inflammation can be one-sided or affect both nipples. The pain is mostly on the affected side. The body reacts to the inflammation with a defense reaction in which it acts Body temperature increases. Sometimes this goes with chills hand in hand and it will show up general signs of exhaustion.

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A another symptom is a change in Secretion composition of the mammary gland. So it can be with a strong one Inflammation of the mammary gland leading to blood or pus come. In bad cases this can lead to purulent abscess form. Furthermore, the nearby Lymph nodes be affected and swell or become tender on pressure. These are among others in the Armpit.


Inflammation of the nipple can also result from wearing the wrong clothing when exercising.

The causes of a nipple infection are diverse and can range from a small skin lesion that becomes infected with bacteria, an incorrect breastfeeding technique, to a benign tumor or malignant carcinoma. If changes such as redness, swelling, and pain in the nipple are discovered, it is important that the person concerned has the cause of these diagnosed quickly in order to rule out malignant cancers.

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Also read the article: The sebum glands of the nipple.

Inflammation of the nipples from clothing

This cause nipple inflammation affects women as well as men. The nipple is very sensitive and sometimes reacts with inflammation if it is constantly rubbing with the wrong clothing. For example during sports happen when sweaty clothing constantly rubs against the nipples from certain exercises. For women, one can also wrong bra be the trigger, especially if the material was improperly processed. To avoid such a cause of inflammation, the Protect your nipple with a plaster during exercise, for example become.

Inflammation of the nipples due to skin germs

If a small skin lesion occurs on the nipple while breastfeeding, skin germs such as "staphylococcus aureus" can settle in the wound and cause inflammation there, which can develop into a purulent abscess. This abscess may be palpable as a small lump or swelling. The germ can also be transmitted through the mouth of the infant. In addition to the nipple, other areas of the breast are usually also affected, such as the mammary gland ducts. During breastfeeding (lactation) such a breast inflammation is called "mastitis puerperalis", if it is outside of the breastfeeding period "mastitis nonpuerperalis".

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Learn more about the topic at: First aid for wounds

Inflammation of the nipples due to hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in the cycle women increase the sensitivity of the female nipple and can easily lead to inflammation. Most often occurs Feeling of tension just before entering the Menstruation on.

During the puberty the hormonal changes can make the breast more sensitive. In addition, an oversupply of the hormone "Prolactin", Which stimulates milk production (for example during pregnancy), that too much milk production takes place and so on Milk congestion can arise. The ducts in the mammary gland widen and the milk is pressed into the surrounding tissue, which becomes inflamed. This Over-supply of prolactin will also be "Hyperprolactinemia" called. Also the Thyroid hormones affect the concentration of prolactin in the blood and thus also the mammary gland. So can Thyroid dysfunction lead to inflammation of the nipple.

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Inflammation of the nipple caused by a malignancy

At Middle-aged women should also be on a nipple infection Malignancy be thought. While this is extremely rare, it can lead to symptoms like this. Such a malignancy accumulates mainly in the Area of ​​the nipple and expresses itself in a nodular induration accompanied with heavy discharge. The very rare disease of the "Paget's disease“Can be the cause of inflamed nipples. A "Paget's disease“Occurs at about 2 percent of breast cancers on and may indicate a carcinoma in deeper mammary gland sections be. There are crust-like changes on the nipple, which can be oozing or dry and often itching cause. In both cases, you should immediately raise yourself only at the suspicion Specialist in gynecology must be visited so that the disease can be prevented from progressing.

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To the Cause of nipple inflammation To determine this, the doctor will first ask a few questions about the development of the inflammation and the current situation of the person concerned (pregnancy, Lactation, node groped) and then one physical examination perform, for example, the Lymph nodes to feel.

To Securing the diagnosis of nipple inflammation and to detect various causes one can Ultrasonic give important information.
In this way, any hardening that may be felt can be examined more closely. If there is any suspicion of a Pathogen-related inflammation the doctor will give you one Smear with mammary secretions make and test this for pathogens.

Furthermore, the Blood test a Increase in the hormone prolactin determine or exclude. The Thyroid hormones which can also be the cause of a change in the prolactin level.
Some drugs reduce the effects of the hormone Dopamine, for example Antidepressants. Since dopamine normally keeps the concentration of prolactin low and is less active, these drugs can cause an increased prolactin level. This should be taken into account in the diagnosis. So the blood test covered two possible causes.


To one Breast cancer to exclude is sometimes one Mammography indexed. This is a imaging procedure, in the chest by x-rays can be displayed in different levels. With this method, tumors can be detected relatively safely (85-90%). Women between 50 and 69 years of age can have a preventive mammography every two years in order to detect any malignant changes in the earliest stages and to initiate treatment immediately.


In the Discharge of bloody or purulent secretions from the nipple, can help clarify the cause Galactography be performed. This is a Representation of the milk ducts by some means. This agent is inserted into the milk ducts with a probe and before the X-ray enhances the contrasts on the x-ray. Milk congestion and other processes within the milk ducts can thus be well represented and provide clues as to the reason for the bloody or purulent secretion.

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A biopsy describes a tissue sample that is taken from a suspected tumor, for example, in order to inspect it more closely and to be able to make a diagnosis. There are several ways to obtain a small piece of breast tissue, and most of the time it is obtained under the supervision of ultrasound. The biopsy is then given to a specialist in pathology for assessment and is essential in diagnosing and treating malignant breast diseases.

Read more on the topic: Breast cancer tissue samples and Breast biopsy

Nipple infection therapy

In general, nipple inflammation therapy is based on the cause.

If certain clothes are the cause of inflamed nipples, we recommend that you stop wearing them and rub the nipple with oil or ointments.

In order to prevent nipple inflammation during breastfeeding, strict hygiene measures (changing insoles, possibly treating with an ointment after breastfeeding, etc.) and the correct breastfeeding technique should be observed. This can be found with a midwife. However, if a nipple infection does occur during breastfeeding, antibiotic therapy is the most common treatment method. In the past, women with nipple infections were advised to stop breastfeeding while breastfeeding. One is no longer convinced of that. Rather, it is recommended that you continue breastfeeding so that the milk can drain off properly and the inflammation does not get worse. The child can continue to breastfeed during antibiotic treatment. If an abscess has already developed, it usually has to be surgically removed and continued antibiotic treatment.

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