
Vomit The process is generally called when the patient gives up large amounts of food that were previously ingested. Vomiting can happen in children too. It is a symptom of many different medical conditions, but they are very common Gastrointestinal infections (gastroenteritis). While in the beginning it is often still possible to understand what was eaten before, the vomit changes more and more until it finally only looks yellow.

Concomitant symptoms

Vomiting can often be accompanied by fever and diarrhea.

Read more on the subject at:

  • Vomiting and fever
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

There are a few symptoms to look out for when the child is vomiting.

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Sometimes the vomit may contain bright red blood, suggesting fresh bleeding above the stomach. It doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can also mean a nosebleed. Unfortunately, there are always children who swallow detergent, cleaning agents, etc. This is life threatening and needs immediate treatment. The vomit has a characteristic appearance because it foams (see: vomiting blood). Intestinal obstruction can occur in children. The vomit smells like feces. If mucus is found in the vomit, the cause may be gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining).

root cause

The most common cause of vomiting in children is the Gastrointestinal infection (gastroenteritis). Likewise can Respiratory diseases, the urinary tract and of the middle ear be the cause of the vomiting. This is especially true for smaller children Otitis media to be found very often. Also one mental overload, For example, through school, kindergarten, a divorce of the parents, or puberty can sometimes cause vomiting.

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Younger children or babies have a very sensitive stomach, so they vomit very easily if the food or drink is too cold, too warm, or eaten too quickly.

For more information, see: Causes of Vomiting.


When vomiting usually helps viel peace and much drinking preferably. The sufficient Hydration is extremely important, as a lot of fluids, electrolytes and minerals are quickly lost when vomiting. Lukewarm ones are well tolerated Herbal teas. Additionally can salt and glucose are given. There are also ready-made electrolyte solutions to buy at the pharmacy. Children often do not want to drink under any circumstances if they are vomiting and diarrhea. That's why you can also grab your child's favorite drinks, however not to Cola, Fanta, Sprite and other soft drinks, because their extremely high sugar content also removes water from the body.
If the child does not manage to drink enough for days, hospitalization may be necessary, wherever Infusions administered. In addition to fluids, these also contain vital electrolytes and minerals that are lost when vomiting. The Dehydration (Dehydration) is a very dangerous side effect of vomiting and diarrhea.

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In contrast, you can wait with the food intake. Especially with children you have to be careful not to start too early with difficult to digest food. Therefore, you should only pay attention to sufficient liquid at first. A person can do very well without food for a few days. Otherwise, vomiting usually subsides on its own within a few days.

There are special ones Suppositorieswhich help against vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are usually just symptoms of another underlying illness. The most common cause - gastrointestinal infections - are from your own immune system fights and normally require no additional medication.

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It is important that the pediatrician is consulted when it comes to babies and toddlers or persistent diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

Please also read:

  • Diarrhea in toddlers
  • Home remedies for vomiting

Home remedies

Vomiting in children is a symptom of which too Home remedies can be used. It is important in advance that home remedies are available light vomiting are useful in children. A doctor should be consulted if the symptoms are more severe. First of all, the child must much liquid which it loses through vomiting. This should numerous but small amounts to be drunk. As home remedies that have a calming effect on the stomach when children vomit, have chamomile, Lemon balm and peppermint proven that can be given as tea. Onto eat should first waived become.

After a few hours, the loss of salts and electrolytes with some Pretzel Sticks or salty broth be caught. As another home remedy nausea and Vomit in children has warmth proven. A hot water bottle can be placed on the stomach or a cherry stone pillow can be used. Warmth helps relax the stomach. Especially with smaller children, a light stomach massage Help relieve cramps in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, should of course bed rest be respected. If the symptoms do not get better after a short time or if they increase, a doctor should be seen in the event of vomiting in children. The home remedies can still be used to provide support

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Alternative medical treatment method

Some homeopathic medicines for vomiting in children

There are a few homeopathic remedies, which help against vomiting and nausea in young children. At the same time, however, you should always pay attention to sufficient fluid intake and always have the cause of vomiting diagnosed by a doctor.

In children it is best to give the medicines in Globule shape. These should be dissolved in the mouth so that the active ingredients can be absorbed through the oral mucosa. In babies and small children, the globules can be dissolved in water.

There are different recommendations for the dosage. Doses up to D12 can be used, but only small doses should be used without medical consultation (D1 to D6). The following medicines can be given for vomiting and diarrhea:

  • Arsenicum album will also be against vomiting and diarrhea used and has an additional calming effectwhen children also suffer from anxiety. The drug also works against side effects of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, namely against fever, fatigue and dizziness. Warmth gives improvement and cold makes symptoms worse.
  • Chamomilla helps against Stomach cramps, insomnia and Flatulence. But the most important application is diarrhea.
  • Ferrum phosphoricum also works against fever and against Vomiting diarrhea, diarrhea, Vomit, gastritis, Gastrointestinal inflammation, a headache and Joint pain. Deterioration is obtained from rest and improvement is obtained from exercise.
  • Hepar sulfuris calcareum can also be used in children's homeopathy if the child suffers from diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Nux vomica is a medicine given to children when they cannot vomit. It also works for one Travel sickness and normal nausea, at fever and at diarrhea. Deterioration is achieved through cold and improvement is achieved through warmth.
  • Veratrum album is at diarrhea, exhaustion and Circulatory weakness given.


If home remedies and other supportive measures are insufficient, medication can be useful. Usually, vomiting is supposed to remove a toxic substance from the body. But especially when the vomiting not to breastfeed vomiting must be stopped and there is a risk of dangerous fluid or electrolyte loss. Also at Travel sickness or seasickness the use of drugs makes sense. One of the drugs that is used to stop vomiting in children is Vomex.

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Vomex is effective in preventing vomiting in children. The dosage form is a syrup which is easier for children to take. If you vomit again immediately after taking the medication, give one Suppository to recommend. Vomex can be used when vomiting in children from infancy and a weight of at least 6 kg are given. However, always has to correct dosage Be careful, which depends on weight and height. A pediatrician or pharmacist should be consulted here. Medicines can thus be used effectively against vomiting in children.


Underlying diseases must be diagnosed by the doctor.For this is a detailed anamnese, one physical examination and in some cases imaging tests, such as Ultrasonic, roentgen or Computed Tomography necessary.


In most cases the vomiting will go away on its own within a few days. It is usually a symptom of harmless illnesses, such as a gastrointestinal infection. There is no permanent damage here. However, there can also be more serious diseases. Here the prognoses are better, the faster you react and the child receives professional treatment.


A general statement about the duration of vomiting in children cannot be made, as it depends on Cause and extent of vomiting. At a viral gastrointestinal infectionVomiting, a common cause, often passes in a short time. Perhaps improve the complaints already after a few hours. A prolonged vomiting in children should always be clarified because a Dehydration threatened and apparently a serious illness is behind it.


Especially with babies and toddlers, one should use the nutrition pay attention, especially to the consistency and the Temperature of the food. From kindergarten age at the latest, it is no longer possible to really protect a child from gastrointestinal infections. But what always helps is that immune system of the child is sufficiently pronounced so that the body can cope well with infections itself. To prevent emotional stress, of course, an open ear and a quick reaction of the parents to any changes in the child's behavior are necessary.

Nocturnal vomiting in children

Children vomit exclusively out of deep sleep at night, should be given special care. Banal causes can too much or too heavy food before bed and the symptoms usually go away on their own.

In rare cases, however, it can also be an indication Brain diseases be. Imaging procedures are necessary to rule out such a disease. In addition, a good medical history and examination by the doctor is also very important. Most of the time, however, the real information is provided by imaging methods such as the Magnetic resonance imaging, Computed Tomography or that roentgen. In the case of very young children, in whom the skull bones are still thin enough or the skull sutures are not yet fused, an ultrasound can be performed on the head.

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Vomiting in the morning

If children vomit on an empty stomach in the morning, it is often caused by a serious illness. You should then see a doctor immediately. It can be a excessive intracranial pressure act, which absolutely must be treated. However, it can also only have one Hypersensitivity in the morning against odors which, when combined with an empty stomach, lead to vomiting. This can be compensated for by giving the children a juice or a piece of food in the morning. Besides, the cause can also excessive stress be.

Vomiting and fever in children

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea combined with a fever is indicative of one in most cases Abdominal influenza. They are very common in children, especially if they are already going to school or kindergarten, since these diseases are highly contagious, they usually move from child to child. But also one Food poisoning can trigger similar symptoms. Especially when the fever gets too high or when it comes to very small children or babies, it is always important to see a pediatrician who can ultimately make the correct diagnosis.

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