
A Fish poisoning is a special form of Food poisoning. You can after Consumption of fish, mussels or crabs occur.

Most often it is through a improper storage of the fish which causes a bacterial infestation of the animal.

Usually it comes shortly after the meal too massive stomach pain and diarrhea such as nausea and Vomit.

Fish poisoning is treated usually symptomatic: caused by the diarrhea lost fluid as well as the salts should be replaced. This can be done by adequate hydration be done by drinking or an infusion.

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The most forms of fish poisoning harmless. you are without treatment or with symptomatic treatment over after a few days.
Is a Fish poisoning from toxins (Toxins), treatment is often necessary inpatient in the hospital respectively. The prognosis then usually depends on how early treatment is started.


Fish poisoning is caused by improper preparation or storage of the fish.

A distinction must be made especially whether the fish poisoning by the infestation with Bacteria or viruses harmful to humans was caused or whether Toxins, toxins that are responsible for fish poisoning.

Fish poisoning is the most common due to incorrect or too long storage caused. In this case, the Infestation of the fish by bacteria to the complaints. Viruses can also attack fish.

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In addition, especially the Consumption of improperly prepared exotic fish lead to serious complaints: The japanese puffer fish For example, it carries a poison (toxin). This is especially true in Japan raw in thin slices served meat of the puffer fish as a delicacy. What is special, however, is not the taste of the fish: When consumed, a tingling and burning sensation on tongue and mouth noticed which is increasingly turning into a Numbness transformed. This already represents a mild form of controlled poisoning represent.
The toxin is there throughout the body of the animal, it is most concentrated in the organs and skin. As a rule, the cook therefore removes them initially skin and organs completely and only then removes the meat that is suitable for consumption. This also contains the toxin, but its concentration is reduced reduced by a special preparation.

That is also feared Ciguatera poisoningwhich predominantly in the Pacific and Indian Oceans is common. Again, the fish contains toxins, which still harmful even after heating are. Originally that is Poison in flagellatesthat live on corals and algae. This fish serve as foodso that the fish ingests the poison.
At incorrect storage of fish it can be used to Formation of botulinoma toxins come, which can also cause fish poisoning.

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Frequency distribution

Fish poisoning is the most common in Germany behind meat-induced poisoning. in the Year 2012 existed in the German federal states between 0 and 54 reported cases.

Problematic with the Recording the frequency The fish poisoning is on the one hand that the suspicion is often already reported and on the other hand very many cases not reported become.

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incubation period

The incubation period describes the time in which the pathogens that cause illness are consumed with the fish in order to then multiply in the body and trigger the first symptoms. With fish poisoning, that is Very short incubation time.
From the first consumption to the beginning of Headache, vomiting and diarrhea can sometimes only an hour lie.

There is also crucialwhether the fish poisoning from a poison contained in the fish caused or whether the Fish carrier of a pathogen is.
If the fish transmits a pathogen, the incubation time is a little longer, which is because the pathogen first has to spread and multiply.

The incubation period is however also heavily dependent of different external influences like that Pathogen type, of the temperature, of the aggressiveness and Amount of the ingested pathogen and other factors.

Another term for the incubation period when consuming harmful foods is "latency period". However, even if the first symptoms do not appear until a few hours or even days after eating the fish, this does not speak against fish poisoning. For example cold temperatures increased the incubation period.

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Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are typical symptoms.

In most cases one will go Fish poisoning harmless and resembles one Abdominal influenza. Symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract are typical of fish poisoning in a temporal context with eating fish. These ailments can Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and / or abdominal pain be. Besides that, it can too general symptoms how weakness and fever come. Also dizziness and Muscle spasms can occur in the context of fish poisoning.

A serious shape the fish poisoning is that Ciguatera fish poisoning. Your severity is depending on the amount of fish consumed, the more of the contaminated fish the person concerned has ingested, the more severe the course of the disease.
Ciguatera fish poisoning is progressing typically in three phases. It comes to the first hours after eating the contaminated fish no symptomsthen it comes after 8 to 10 hours to complaints in the gastrointestinal tract. It also occurs with ciguatera fish poisoning Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and / or abdominal pain. In addition, often too Visual disturbances, Muscle aches, itching and profuse sweating. The Pupils are often far.
To 12 to 24 hours begins the 3rd phase, it comes to Sensory disturbances, typically initially in Area of ​​the mouth and later on arms and legs overarching. Classic is also a changed perception of temperature on hands and feet. Besides, the Heart rate often slows down and the Blood pressure decreased. The neurological symptoms can sometimes persist for months.

Another severe form the fish poisoning is that by tetrodotoxin, the Puffer fish toxin, created shape. Nice in the first hour after eating the fish, the toxin acts on them Function of muscles and nerves. Step early serious failures on, it comes to Disorders of consciousness and coordination as well as to Muscle paralysis. The possible one Involvement of the respiratory muscles can lead to the death of the person concerned.


fever is the typical symptom of a pathogen-related infection.
Sometimes fish poisoning also occurs high fever on. This shows that the body's immune system reacts to the transmitted pathogen.
The fever is initially beneficial in combating fish poisoning, but it should be rise too much, can this harmful to the body become. At the latest at Temperatures over 40 degrees should be antipyretic drug be taken.

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The course of fish poisoning describes the duration and sequence of the individual symptoms. However, this is heavily dependent of the affected person and the Pathogen with which the fish was contaminated.

The duration and the nature of the symptoms differ once again Poisoning by a toxin (Poison), compared to that Transmission with a pathogen.

  • Poisoning by transmission with a pathogen:

In most cases it is a transmission with a pathogen. This can occur when the fish is stored incorrectly and unhygienically prepared.
This poisoning needed at least an hourto in the body Nausea, abdominal cramps and a headache trigger.

Then it can take hours to days Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, attacks of weakness and, as a result, cardiovascular problems come.
In severe cases absolutely have to medical help because the loss of fluids can hardly be compensated for by drinking alone. The course then depends on the success of the treatment and the pathogen.

  • Poisoning from a toxin in fish:

Poisoning caused by a poison contained in fish often takes a different course. Of the course is dependent of the respective poison and the physical reaction. At a Botulinum poisoning about it can too Symptoms of paralysis of the muscles come.
More about this at: Botox®

In the Ciguatera it also occurs in addition to the typical gastrointestinal symptoms Visual disturbances and Muscle aches.

Does the suspicion of a fish poisoning with one dangerous poison, should definitely be a close monitoring in a hospital occur.
Even after a few days, there may be sudden deterioration and circulatory problems.
Irregular pupils, fast or slow heart rate, Tingling in the extremities and heavy sweating can after eating fish on a acute poisoning indicate.


The duration is strong dependent of the Type of poisoning, the Time of treatment and the individual response to therapy. The time it takes for the first symptoms to appear in fish contaminated with bacteria can be between an hour and several days.

At a acute fish poisoning should as fast as possible a A doctor should be consultedso that targeted therapy can be initiated quickly.
In these cases, healing can be advanced as quickly as possible. Some fish poisoning cured after 2-3 days, only weakness and exhaustion persist for a few days.
Even food poisoning can be cured within a few days if it is immediately subjected to therapy.

At stubborn bacterial pathogens the duration may take some time. In these cases a therapy lasting several weeks become necessary. Many fish poisoning go away completely.
Rarely It comes to Long-term damage through the disease. But mostly stuck in these cases Poisons behind. You can too long-term neurological failures lead, in very rare cases, especially if left untreated, to death to lead.

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The Diagnosing fish poisoning usually based on the Medical history of the person concerned. Imagine shortly after eating fish Complaints in Gastrointestinal areasuch as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, it is possible to have fish poisoning.

The most common cause of fish poisoning is an infestation of the fish by bacteria. To be sure, both the chair as well as possible remains of the fish examined in the laboratory become. This also helps the exact pathogen to find out.

The person concerned suffers solid, feels weak and has one rising body temperature, so can a Taking blood with blood culture be necessary.

An indication of the presence of fish poisoning, which caused by botulinum toxin could be that Canned fish were consumed. The formation of the toxin is caused by the vacuum environment favors. The botulinum toxin can be detected if necessary both in blood and stool.


Both most fish poisoning, especially the by bacteria and viruses caused forms, is no special therapy necessary. Most of the time the symptoms go away after a few days at the latest by itself again. Therapy is therefore symptomaticwhich means that she not fighting the cause, but those Alleviate discomfort should. In the case of fish poisoning, this means treating the diarrhea and vomiting, the fever and possible pain.
The problematic from diarrhea and vomiting is that this often becomes one Loss of fluids and minerals leads. Because of this, it needs to be replaced. If possible, should to be drunk a lot, Water, tea or broth. Especially serious cases can a Infusion treatment necessary to provide the body with sufficient fluids and minerals.
Fever and pain can with fever-lowering pain relievers how Paracetamol well treated, ibuprofen is not recommended due to the side effects in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be helpful for relieving stomach pain Take a supine position and a Knee roll underlay. This allows the Abdominal wall tension reduced often reducing pain.

A Fish poisoning caused by toxins often runs substantially more serious, sometimes even fatal. Often times there is a treatment in an intensive care unit and a artificial respiration required.
If there is fish poisoning, what caused by botulinum toxin was, before, so must as soon as possible Antidote administered become. This will make the blood contained poison inactivated. This treatment could reduce mortality from the botulinum toxin from 90% to below 15% be reduced. In addition, a Emptying the gastrointestinal tract be brought about in order to remove poison that has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. Also with the Fish poisoning from botulinum toxin should always use the Symptoms of the Affected be treated.
The through the Puffer fish toxins evoked fish poisoning must also treated in hospital become.
Is there a Ciguatera poisoning before so it can in addition to gastrointestinal complaints also to neurological symptoms come, which can last for months despite therapy. The poison should removed immediately become. This will be Vomiting induced or one Gastric lavage carried out, an Treatment with activated charcoal to neutralize the poison or with Mannitol solutionwhich helps the toxin through the urine to be eliminated from the body. Here, too, there must always be a symptomatic treatment respectively.
The fish poisoning caused by the puffer fish toxin can with activated carbon treated, a artificial respiration is often necessary.

Home remedies

In case of fish poisoning you should only limited home remedies are used.
With acute complaints with severe diarrhea and Vomit is a visit to one Doctor essential. The fluid and electrolyte losses must be compensated for as much as possible.

In the case of mild food poisoning young people with a strong immune system the symptoms can also be treated with home remedies.
Above all, they help large amounts of drinking water but also salty and high energy foodif tolerated.
Help against a possibly high fever Calf wrap and cool towels on forehead. You can use it to soothe the nausea light massages of the abdomen and soothing teas, for example chamomile, ginger or thyme tea work.

It should nevertheless Fainting come or last Symptoms longer than 3 days on, must be a doctor to be visited.

Food poisoning after tuna

In very many cases, tuna is packaged as canned fish and kept for an extremely long time.
Of the Consumption of canned fish but it is not harmless. As well as mackerel or sardines contain the Canned tuna a right high proportion of potentially pathogenic bacteria. This is initially nothing to worry about, since Fish poisoning from tuna is very rare are.

However, conditionally from poisons or putrefactive bacteria after eating tuna Symptoms of poisoning occur.
The typical gastrointestinal complaints are frequent. But also one Tingling in the extremities and irregular heartbeat should make you sit up and take notice, as they can in rare cases indicate poisoning. When processing the canned fish, the fish is often overburdened.
A important NOTE is on contaminated canned fish, when the can is bloated or for some inexplicable reason already slightly open is.

Food poisoning after sushi

Sushi represents one common source of fish poisoning Many types of sushi are raw fish. In Germany, the consumption of sushi is generally harmless, but raw processing always presents an additional risk of contamination with bacterial pathogens. Bacterial contamination can only be prevented as far as possible by fully heating the fish.

As a precautionary measure when processing raw fish and fish in general, some rules must be observed. First should care should be taken, that the Fish is fresh and neatly packed has been. If the packages are already open, the fish should be handled with care. The defrost water should be poured out of the packaging and the Fish can be rinsed under cold water. It is also important, other foods do not come into contact with the raw fish allow. This also includes that Knife and cutting board after preparing the fish and before cutting other ingredients to wash.

At first symptoms fish poisoning potentially related to sushi consumption should be a A doctor should be consulted. Especially with immunocompromised, very young or old people Fish poisoning can quickly lead to weakness and circulatory problems.


There are a few things to consider when buying fish.

The most common fish poisoning is the form caused by bacteria, which is mainly caused by improper or too long storage of the fish.
This form can be prevented by always paying attention to only fresh fish to consume.

There are various ways in which you can orientate yourself whether a fish is really fresh:

  • A fish should smell neutral and not “like fish”; the smell is best perceived in the area of ​​the gills.
  • The animal's skin should be moist and shiny,
  • there should be no discoloration.
  • The meat should be elastic and firm, if you press it in at one point, no pressure point should remain.
  • The eyes of the fish also provide an important indication; if it is fresh, they should be shiny and curved outwards.
  • The gills of a fresh fish are red and tightly fitting. If they are sticky or rather gray, the fish is older.

On the Consumption of puffer fish should be for security reasons completely waived become. In Germany the preparation of the puffer fish prohibited for consumption. In Japan there is one special license required to catch the puffer fish, to trade with it and above all to be allowed to prepare it.

Ciguatera pathogen are especially in the Pacific on fish to find which after a seaquake be caught. Especially in spring as well as after storms and earthquakes should be in affected regions refrained from eating fish become.

Pregnant women should fish consumption in these regions generally avoid. Also by heating the fish this becomes Toxin not destroyed.

Botulinum toxin is especially found in canned food, it forms in a vacuum. Deformed and bloated food cans should never be consumed.

To prevent fish poisoning is one hygienic preparation essential. The fish packaging should first be opened and the defrost water emptied.

The fish should now be under running water rinsed off and subsequently dried off become. The Kitchen work surface should after each use thoroughly cleaned become.

To prevent the transmission of bacteria, fish and vegetables should always on different kitchen boards be prepared.
Generally should fish always chilled and stored as short as possible become. Then he should heated long enough to kill possible pathogens.

Can I breastfeed with fish poisoning?

Fish poisoning usually puts a strain on the gastrointestinal system.
As a rule, the pathogens are also limited to this area and one Transmission to the breastfeeding child is unlikely.
A Breastfeeding break got to only in rare cases be considered.

That remains Fish poisoning untreated or is that Treatment unsuccessful, the pathogen can spread to the blood and spread in the mother's body. In these cases it must Breastfeeding paused because now the child can come into contact with the pathogen.


The Forecast of fish poisoning depends on the root cause.

The common bacterial form usually goes passed by itself after a few days.

Also the Ciguatera fish poisoning is rarely life threatening with a mortality below 1%. The complaints in the gastrointestinal tract usually disappear after a few dayswho have had cardiovascular complaints usually within a week. The neurological symptoms however not infrequently hold over months and often deteriorate under Alcohol consumption.

By Botulinum toxins caused fish poisoning is principally one serious and life-threatening illness. She won't recognized and treated in timeso she can be paralyzed by Respiratory muscles and heart in up to 70% of the cases lead to death. Will the disease treated in time, the disease results in less than 10% of the cases to death.

Also for them by the puffer fish Fish poisoning is considered that the The prognosis depends on the start of treatment is. Does the victim survive the first 24 hours after consuming the poison, so is the prognosis very good.

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