
A bloated stomach is called in medical jargon Meteorism designated. This is a collection of air, usually in the stomach and / or colon. Often the nutrition an essential role in the development of a bloated stomach. But also Food intolerance can lead to the development of a meteorism. In many cases, treatment with a change in diet and home remedies is sufficient, but occasionally the attending physician must be consulted in order to rule out causes that would require treatment.


Air pockets in the gastrointestinal tract are the cause of the development of a flat stomach. These often arise from a certain type of diet. In particular, the otherwise highly recommended high-fiber diet can trigger the development of a bloated stomach. Dietary fiber cannot be digested by humans, so it reaches the large intestine undigested. There they are split by the resident intestinal bacteria, producing a lot of gas (methane). This gas causes the stomach to swell, often accompanied by abdominal pain and gas. Fiber is nonetheless important for human digestion as it stimulates it. Therefore, constipated patients are often advised to eat a higher-fiber diet.

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Read more about the topic here:

  • Diet for digestive disorders
  • Bloated stomach

In the case of various metabolic disorders, such as lactose or fructose intolerance, i.e. the intolerance to milk sugar or fructose, a bloated stomach can occur. The lactose or fructose cannot be adequately metabolized and reaches the large intestine, where the bacteria break it down in a kind of fermentation reaction, including methane, a gas that can then lead to a distension of the stomach with abdominal pain.

Read more about lactose intolerance and fructose intolerance here

Excessive swallowing of air, for example from eating quickly, can also cause a gas stomach. Less function of the pancreas can also lead to a bloated stomach. Digestive enzymes are produced in the pancreas. If this production is restricted, food components can reach the colon undigested, where they are broken down into gases.

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One of the most common causes of bloating is what is known as irritable bowel syndrome. Various complaints such as abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea or constipation occur without a physical cause being found.

Read more on the subject here: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In rare cases, a rapidly developing bloated stomach can also indicate the presence of an intestinal obstruction (ileus). Accompanying symptoms can then be vomiting, a lack of bowel movements and severe abdominal pain.

Read more about intestinal obstruction here

Concomitant symptoms

A bloated stomach can be accompanied by various symptoms. The gas in the gastrointestinal tract often causes a feeling of fullness. The belly looks bigger than usual and sometimes it is too Reduced appetite. Occasionally there may be increased belching. Flatulence is also not uncommon. In the event of abdominal pain, vomiting or a lack of stool, a doctor should be consulted quickly as these can be symptoms of an intestinal obstruction.

Bloated stomach with pain

A bloated stomach often causes an uncomfortable pinching sensation in the stomach. The belly is much bigger than usual and there is also a lack of appetite. If the pain persists, a doctor should be consulted.

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Read more about the topic here: Abdominal pain from gas

Bloated stomach with nausea

If the abdomen is noticeably more bloated than usual, this can occasionally be too Loss of appetite and Bloating, up to lighter nausea to lead. With multiple Vomit or severe abdominal pain should, however, rule out an intestinal obstruction a doctor should be consulted. This will carry out a physical examination, possibly an abdominal ultrasound, x-ray and possibly a computed tomographic examination.

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Read more about the topic here Abdominal pain and nausea

Bloated stomach combined with back pain

Back pain that occur in the context of a bloated stomach are rather unusual. It is not uncommon for both symptoms to occur independently of one another.

What to do if you have a bloated stomach after eating

Usually the treatment of a bloated stomach comes first Diet change. The person concerned should pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. Flatulent foods such as Cabbage varieties or legumes (Beans, peas) should be avoided. It makes more sense to have several smaller meals than 2 or 3 large meals if the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive. Adequate hydration is also important. This should be at least 2 liters a day for patients with healthy heart and kidneys. Carbonated drinks should be avoided here. Last but not least is adequate exercise essential for an intact digestion. You don't always have to do strenuous endurance sports, daily walks in the fresh air also serve their purpose.

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Read more about the topic here: Diet for digestive disorders

Home remedies for a bloated stomach

When a bloated stomach occurs, nutrition plays an important role. Should be on for a while diet that is not too high in fiber be respected. Beans and cabbage varieties in particular should be avoided. Getting enough exercise is also very important. Eating slowly with thorough chewing is also important. It is better to eat many small meals than a few large ones. As home remedies that are supposed to help against a flat stomach Chamomile or fennel tea, as well as ginger tea or ginger consumed raw. Chewing caraway or fennel seeds and, last but not least, the hot water bottle for the stomach.

Read more about the topic here Homeopathy for flatulence


How long a bloated stomach lasts varies greatly from person to person and depends on the cause. If a previous high-fiber diet is the cause, the stomach will calm down after 1-2 days with a healthy, light, low-fiber diet. However, if there is a bloated stomach, for example Irritable bowel syndrome the symptoms can persist for weeks to months.


Often, going to the doctor is in the presence of a bloated stomach unnecessary. If the stomach suddenly increases in size, sounds dull when you tap it and symptoms such as bloating and flatulence occur, it is usually harmless. If you do go to the doctor, he will ask a few questions (eating habits, last bowel movement) and then perform a physical examination. The stomach is palpated, tapped and listened to in order to assess the intestinal noises. Eventually a Ultrasound examination of the abdomen carried out. Also one X-ray examination or one Blood collection come into question. In the case of a bloated stomach, these examinations usually do not show any significant abnormalities. They serve to rule out more serious causes.

Bloated belly during pregnancy

Due to the Hormonal changes a bloated stomach can occur, especially in the first few weeks of pregnancy. To deal with this, the same strategies are used as mentioned above. Avoiding gasping foods, carbonated beverages, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of exercise.

Read more about the topic here Flatulence in pregnancy

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Bloated stomach in babies / toddlers

A bloated stomach with abdominal pain and gas occurs in infants especially in the first four months relatively often in front. It is believed that digestive system not yet fully developed is responsible for this. Babies may indicate discomfort by screaming or whining and pulling their legs up and then stretching them back out. When listening to the stomach, you may hear a "chuckle". In addition to a gentle stomach massage, teas such as Fennel or caraway tea. If the symptoms appear for the first time and repeatedly, the pediatrician should be consulted if necessary to rule out that it is a more serious illness.

Read more about this here Homeopathy for colic in babies

Bloated belly after ovulation

Many women complain about that during the time ovulation about a bad stomach stomach and the feeling of feeling inflated. This is not uncommon and symptoms usually go away in a few days. Teas like this can be helpful at this time Fennel or chamomile tea, a balanced diet and a hot water bottle for the stomach.

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