
Depending on predisposition, skin type and origin, as well as the hormonal status of people, both men and women have a different tendency to hair growth on different parts of the body. It is predominantly women who want to stop hair growth when it comes to parts of the body such as the face, armpits or genital areas.

In order to achieve this goal and to stop or slow down growth, there are various options that have different effects.

What are the options to stop hair growth?

Probably the most common way to remove unwanted body hair is to shave. The problem here, however, is usually that the hair grows back quickly and stubbornly. If you want to be freed from annoying hair for longer, you can use an epilator. This device tears out the hair at the root and causes it to grow back only after about 3 to 4 weeks. With prolonged use, the hair becomes increasingly thinner and softer.

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If you also have problems with itchy skin after shaving, read more here: Skin itches after shaving

The method of growing has a similar effect. A distinction is made between the use of hot wax and cold wax strips. You can carry out this method as well as the so-called Brazilian waxing and sugaring in a cosmetic studio.

You can find more information about waxing here: Outgrow hair - that's how it's done

In every drugstore you can also buy depilatory creams that can be applied to the skin in the shower and remove the hair.

In addition, there are of course more expensive methods, such as lasers for permanent hair removal.

In women who have to struggle with increased hair growth due to a changed hormone balance, taking the pill can also lead to a reduction in hair growth.

Hair removal creams

There are hair removal creams, lotions or foam products that are available in pharmacies and drug stores. These products allow painless hair removal, which, however, does not remove the hair roots, which means that the hair can grow back.

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The ingredients of the depilatory creams dissolve the hair after a few minutes of exposure and can then be removed with a spatula. Due to the ingredients, some of which are toxic, allergic reactions to the creams can occur. Therefore, compatibility should be tested on a small area of ​​skin before use. The depilatory creams should be used with particular caution on the face and genital area.

Hormonal methods to stop hair growth

Some women have a hormonal disorder that causes hair on the body to grow thicker and darker. One speaks here of hirsutism.

More information can be found here: Hirsutism - What Can You Do About It?

The cause of this increased hair growth is an excess of male sex hormones, the androgens. Every woman carries this to a small extent, but in patients with hirsutism their concentration is higher. The disease is often associated with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Increased hair growth can also occur in women after menopause due to hormonal changes in the body.

If the hair growth affects the affected woman very much, the hormonal balance can be shifted in the direction of the female sex hormones with an anti-baby pill containing estrogen. In individual cases, low-dose glucocorticoids, which reduce the proportion of male sex hormones, can also help.

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Permanent hair removal options

Most methods of permanently removing hair are based on exposure to light. The prerequisite for success is that the hair is growing at the time of application. However, this is only the case for 20 to 30 percent, which is why several applications have to be carried out in order to permanently remove all hair from one part of the body. As a rule, 4 to 10 sessions are required for this, depending on the size of the body part and the density of the hair.

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The IPL method (intense pulse light = intense pulsating light) works with xenon light, which is absorbed by the color pigment of the hair, the melanin. As a result, heat is generated and the hair is desolated at the origin, which prevents it from growing back. However, if the hair is low in melanin, i.e. if the hair is very light, this procedure will not work.

The IPL technology enables light-based, permanent hair removal. Find out more at: Permanent Hair Removal With IPL - What To Look For!

A similar method is to use a laser. The method is very similar to the IPL method in function and effect.

The various procedures are offered by doctors and cosmetic studios, but it is also possible to buy an IPL device and perform the treatment yourself.

Stop hair growth in the face, armpit and genital area

The face, armpits and genital area in particular are very sensitive parts of the body where hair removal must be carried out with particular care. Often, however, these are also the places where hair growth is most pronounced and least desirable.

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In these cases, shaving is usually the worst method, as the hair grows back stubbly and dark after a short time. For 3 to 4 weeks of smooth skin, waxing is recommended in these areas. There are special cold wax strips for the face and bikini line that are adapted to the needs of sensitive skin. Hair removal with wax or sugar paste (Brazilian waxing) can also be carried out in a cosmetic or hair removal studio. Epilators are also available with corresponding attachments.

You might also be interested in: How to epilate without pain

You should avoid depilatory creams as much as possible, as they often lead to allergic skin reactions and these are particularly noticeable on the face.

For women who have a lot of body hair, permanent hair removal can be useful. Dermatology clinics and cosmetic studios offer various methods. However, most of them only work with dark growing hair, as they develop their effect on the color pigment of the hair. However, since several sessions are necessary for lasting success, one should take into account the special time and cost involved in making a decision.

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