
Vomiting or the nausea that usually precedes it numerous causes to have. From an upset stomach caused by the wrong foods to an infectious gastrointestinal disease to vomiting when symptoms such as travel sickness occur.

There are several home remedies that can be one antiemetic effect is said. Antiemetic is derived from the Greek words anti and emesis and means something like "against vomiting".

Most often, ginger is mentioned as a home remedy for vomiting. For example in the form of ginger tea. To do this, peel part of a ginger tuber, cut into strips and pour hot (but not boiling) water over them. Ginger is said to be able to induce premature labor in pregnant women when consumed in large quantities, so expectant mothers should avoid this home remedy.

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Even simple, slow, deep breaths in and out can be effective for mild forms of nausea. In general, if you vomit or vomit, you should drink as much fluid as possible afterwards to compensate for the loss of fluid. It's best to take sips at the beginning.

Don't forget: Vomiting can be an important indicator of a dangerous situation, such as poisoning. Vomiting should not be prevented here, as it acts as the body's protective mechanism to get rid of the spoiled substances.

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What home remedies for vomiting are there?

Vomiting occurs from time to time, especially in children, and in most cases it is caused by a harmless virus infection. Since vomiting is very uncomfortable, you want to avoid it as much as possible or breastfeed quickly.
General tips on how to behave if you vomit are bed rest and opening a window to let fresh air into the room.
Quitting cigarettes, alcohol, and coffee also makes sense, as consuming these things can make vomiting worse.
Sufferers should drink plenty to make up for the fluid they lose when they vomit. However, the following applies: Drink still mineral water, because the carbon dioxide in sparkling water can increase the urge to vomit. But herbal teas (especially fennel, anise, caraway, chamomile and peppermint) are also suitable for vomiting.
The classic "Cola and pretzel sticks"Should only be tried if nothing else would be drunk (e.g. with children), because cola can irritate the stomach lining.
Salt sticks are often well tolerated when vomiting. Rusks and dry biscuits or toast are also good tips. But it is important when choosing the light food: Always eat in small quantities so as not to induce nausea again.

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Home remedies for vomiting and nausea

If nausea is added to the vomiting, the situation becomes even more unpleasant for the sick person. In principle, all home remedies can be used that also help against vomiting.
The smell of a lemon can reduce nausea. Ginger tea, which you can buy in the pharmacy or drugstore, or make yourself with fresh ginger slices (pour hot water over them and let them steep for 10-15 minutes), is highly recommended. Alternatively, you can chew fresh ginger, suck a ginger candy or swallow ginger capsules (from the pharmacy or drugstore). Ginger blocks certain receptors in the intestine, which means that less of the nauseating substance serotonin can be absorbed.
Please also read our article on this Ginger as a home remedy.

Candies with lemon or peppermint or peppermint chewing gum are also helpful against nausea. The constant chewing motion stimulates digestion, saliva production increases and the enzymes in saliva work well against mild forms of nausea.
Classic home remedies for nausea and vomiting are a finely grated apple (slightly browned in the air), banana (mashed into a pulp), carrot porridge or soup, steamed fennel vegetables (contains essential oils that work against nausea) and light soups (vegetable or chicken broth).
The so-called Acupressure can also help: To do this, apply light pressure in circular movements on the forearm about 5cm from the wrist on the side of the palm for about 30 seconds. Several repetitions are possible if necessary.

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Home remedies for vomiting and diarrhea

If vomiting and diarrhea exist at the same time, in addition to the home remedies for vomiting mentioned above, there are also some tips that specifically help against diarrhea. Ginger is also recommended here, because it has a disinfectant effect and stimulates the immune system.
A tea made from blackberry leaves can provide relief: Simply add 2 teaspoons with 250ml of boiling water and let it steep for about eight minutes. Then drink several cups of it throughout the day. (s. also Blackberry as a home remedy)

A tea made from dried blueberries slows down the bowel movement, and the tea also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa. The same applies to black tea, which for this purpose should be left to steep longer than usual (about 10 minutes). (s. also Blueberry as a home remedy)

The following foods are recommended for diarrhea: Bananas have a constipating effect, they can be eaten with crushed rusks or crushed biscuits. The carrot soup, which is supposed to help with diarrhea, is also classic and well-known.

Caution: Sugar-containing cola is more likely to promote diarrhea due to the sugar it contains, which draws even more water into the intestines.

Please also read our articles on this: Home remedies for diarrhea and Vomiting and diarrhea

Home remedies for vomiting for migraines

Ginger is also a popular home remedy for vomiting with migraines: Either chew it pure, drink it as tea or swallow it as capsules.
Other tips are Swedish herbs, lavender, valerian or peppermint. Cold towels, one on the forehead and one on the neck, are recommended to relieve headaches. These should be on the skin for 10-15 minutes. If you want, you can rub these cloths with raw onions or fresh lemon.

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You might also be interested in: Homeopathy for migraines.

Home remedies for vomiting after consuming alcohol

Little help against nausea and vomiting that occur after extensive alcohol consumption. The general rule is that the body has a fluid deficit a few hours after consuming alcohol, since alcohol contains substances that stimulate urination.
This explains the pronounced thirst that many feel after excessive alcohol consumption. So the rule is: drink a lot (water or tea!).
Herbal teas, which are gentle on the stomach, fresh air and sleep are particularly helpful as an aid against nausea and vomiting after drinking alcohol.

You might also be interested in: Vomiting after consuming alcohol and Nausea after drinking alcohol - what helps ?.

Home remedies for vomiting in the child

Even in children who suffer from vomiting, the most important thing is to keep them hydrated. This is not always easy, as the nausea associated with vomiting often takes away the children's desire to drink. Nevertheless, you should always try to compensate for the fluid deficit.

In the case of severe, prolonged vomiting that does not succeed in getting the child to drink, there is a risk of dehydration. The family doctor or pediatrician should be consulted here. If necessary, he or she can give an infusion through the vein. Gentle teas like chamomile or peppermint can help relieve the nausea. Ginger tea, as it is often recommended for adults to help against vomiting, is in most cases much too hot in taste for children.

You might also be interested in: Vomiting in children and Abdominal pain in children

Home remedies for vomiting during pregnancy

Vomiting during pregnancy can "very easily" be triggered by a virus infection, in which case the classic home remedies (see above) can help. However, pregnant women should limit the consumption of ginger tea to a maximum of three cups a day, since larger quantities of ginger are suspected of causing premature labor.

However, if the vomiting is triggered by the pregnancy itself, which is possible at the beginning of a pregnancy, the patients should have a small and light breakfast and also prefer small and light, but more frequent meals. This prevents the excessive production of stomach acid and prevents sickness during pregnancy. During a bout of nausea, smelling a sliced ​​lemon or drinking still mineral water with lemon can help.
Learning a Acupressure-Technique against pregnancy sickness, which can be performed by the pregnant woman or by her partner. (so.)

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Please also read our topic on this Vomiting during pregnancy.

Cola - an effective remedy for vomiting?

Cola is considered proven home remedy vomiting and diarrhea. However, the assumption that it prevents or relieves diarrhea or vomiting is wrong; in fact, cola is still recommended every now and then because of vomiting and diarrhea much liquid and Body salts such as sodium and potassium get lost.

Therefore, the Combination of cola and pretzel sticks touted. Cola to make up for the fluid deficit, and pretzel sticks because of the salt deficiency. However, it has the resounding effect that this myth is said to have Not. The high amount of sugar in regular cola and the caffeine it contains can lead to even more water loss, and the salt from the pretzel sticks does not compensate for the lack of various body salts.

So it is better adequate drinking for example stomach-friendly herbal teas and warm broth with salt. In the event of severe fluid loss, both in adults and in children, a doctor should be consulted, who can reduce the loss through the administration of Infusion solutions which have been specially developed in their composition to compensate.

What home remedies can induce vomiting?

Probably the most common means of inducing vomiting is mechanical irritation of the back of the throat. This triggers the gag reflex and vomiting can occur. This can be triggered with the finger but also with objects such as a toothbrush.

Another option is to drink highly concentrated saline solution. However, it should be noted that not much of this should be drunk, as too much salt can be potentially very dangerous.

As a general rule, in most cases the body can judge relatively well when it is necessary to vomit and when it is not. If, for example, spoiled food is consumed, in most cases nausea and vomiting follow without any action, as a natural protective reflex. However, if tablets have been taken in high doses, for example, vomiting quickly can prevent too much of them from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Vomiting to lose weight is often associated with the bulimia eating disorder and has many risks. It should therefore be avoided at all costs. Rather, a psychological or psychiatric expert should be consulted to find other solutions.

You can find out more about the topic here: How or by what means can you induce vomiting?

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