
The so-called "oral rot" in everyday parlance is an aphthous disease of the oral mucosa, which is triggered by the herpes virus. This disease mostly affects toddlers up to the age of 3, but it is also found occasionally in adults.

The clinically visible reddening is accompanied by fever and whitish blisters, which mainly appear on the palate, tongue and lips. Often the cervical lymph nodes swell and those affected have an increased saliva production. The risk of infection by third parties is only given after the vesicles have healed completely.

Read more on the topic: Oral rot, duration of oral rot

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What are home remedies for mouth rot?

In general, it is advisable to go to the doctor for this disease, so that there is no risk of confusion with far worse diseases. He or she may then prescribe medication to bring the fever down quickly. However, if you want to do without pharmacy-only remedies entirely, you should try out various home remedies and see whether they have the desired effect.

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These are usually medicinal plants, as well as other herbal remedies with disinfecting and / or antibacterial effects, which support the oral mucosa in healing. Not every home remedy works for everyone and for every degree of oral rot. It is therefore necessary to test individually what helps best in each case.

Which home remedies can help?

As with all other oral mucosal diseases, there are home remedies like sand on the sea. However, not all of them help equally well and some have less and less effect from a certain severity of the disease. The main focus here is on the disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effects. This effect is achieved, for example, by rinsing with cold chamomile tea, sage tea or salt water. This kills germs and cannot irritate the oral mucosa any further. As with any inflammation, cooling the affected areas helps.

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Sucking ice cubes can have a very beneficial effect and thus have a positive effect on the healing process. Swedish herbs, taken diluted with water, and the application of thyme tincture are said to have a healing effect against the pain that occurs. Furthermore, as with toothache, cloves help if they are placed on the affected areas. The vasoconstricting effect switches off the pain and also has a positive effect on the healing of the mucous membrane.

Camomile tea

For a chamomile tea rinse, either ready-made tea bags or loose chamomile flowers can be infused. After a steeping time of around 10-15 minutes, the tea has to cool down before it can be used. Several times a day you should rinse with small amounts of the tea or with pre-made chamomile tincture to disinfect the mouth. Bacteria that spread very quickly on the inflammation without fighting the disease are thus killed and healing is accelerated. In addition, there is the pain relieving effect of this all-rounder.

Further information can also be found at Chamomile as a remedy.

Sage tea

Similar to chamomile tea, sage tea can also be made using tea bags or fresh sage leaves. The main focus here is on the disinfecting effect of the essential oils, which are excellent for all oral mucosa and respiratory diseases. Due to the high content of thujones, sage is only recommended for the duration of acute inflammation.
Thujones are neurotoxins which, among other things, trigger epileptic seizures. The anti-inflammatory effect of the plant can also be used with sage extracts, which should be diluted with water before use.

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For more information, see Sage as a home remedy.

Douches with salt water

A very good product from the natural pharmacy, which has been used for several centuries, is salt. About 1 teaspoon is added to 0.25 l of warm water to create an effective solution. Regular gargling (about 5-6 times a day) for 1-2 minutes releases several effects: the salt has a disinfectant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and even pain-relieving effect. This combats the oral rot within a very short time and accelerates the healing process. There are no side effects whatsoever when using this natural product.

Swedish herbs

Swedish herbs - also called Swedish bitter - are a mixture of several ingredients that are used as a remedy. You can buy it in stores or make it yourself. Ingredients include brandy, grain schnapps, saffron, myrrh, camphor and rhubarb root, although these ingredients can vary.

The effect is pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory and is used in addition to mouth rot for many other diseases. Period pain, sore throat and symptoms of paralysis are just three of the numerous symptoms.


Kombucha is a tea drink that comes from Asia. Sweet tea is left to stand for a few days with the tea mushroom, with 95% fermentation of the sugar. In addition to numerous systemic effects on the body, such as detoxification, radical formation, strengthening the immune system or lowering the cholesterol level, Kombucha has a disinfectant and antibiotic effect. This explains the good mode of action against oral rot. In addition to the local disinfecting effect, the bacteria are killed within a short time without any side effects.

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Propolis / honey

Propolis is a resinous mass made by bees. Propolis is added to some types of honey because of its medicinal properties, which mutually reinforce the effects of both substances. The honey strengthens the immune system and also improves the antibiotic effect of propolis.
Propolis is found in many mouthwashes, ointments and lozenges and thus helps accelerate the healing of eczema, canker sores or other inflammations on the skin and oral mucosa. Only the allergy can be a problem with this substance, as contact allergies with reddened skin are frequently reported.

For more information, see Propolis.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a household remedy that is known around the world and can also be used in the oral cavity. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also disinfects wounds. In this way, the tea tree oil protects against further spread of inflammation. Smaller areas can also be treated with the tincture at an early stage in order to alleviate bad processes.
For mouth rot, tea tree oil can speed up the healing process. Simply mix some tea tree oil with lukewarm water and rinse several times a day with the resulting solution. Intensive treatment is possible by applying the oil directly to the inflamed area with a cotton swab.

Please also read our article on this Tea tree oil.

Coconut oil

Oil pulling comes from Indian Ayurveda and therefore has a long tradition. It has a long-term effect on the entire body due to its detoxifying effect. In the morning after getting up, the mouth is rinsed out with a tablespoon of coconut oil for about 15-20 minutes. The oil should be drawn through the entire mouth from right to left. In order not to let the toxins get into the body, the oil must never be swallowed! The antibacterial and nourishing effect of coconut oil quickly makes mouth rot a thing of the past.

Aloe vera

The "real aloe" is a plant whose ingredients are used for pharmaceutical purposes. In medicine, these are mainly used as aloe vera gel, which is obtained from the plant's water reservoir. In addition to various sugars, aloe contains several vitamins and is primarily anti-inflammatory.
In addition, the wound-healing properties support the healing of the blisters of the oral rot. In this way, the aloe vera can help the healing process quickly and gently and alleviate the symptoms.

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Please also read our article on this Aloe vera.

Cool with ice

Another very simple means, which can be used especially on days when there is no way to get the other means. Simply put an ice cube in your mouth and then let it dissolve in the mouth to achieve a pleasant cooling of the mucous membrane.

Cold foods and yogurt also have a similar effect. The pain caused by the disease is relieved in this way. However, hot, dry, acidic and spicy foods should be avoided, as this will cause further irritation and associated inflammation to flare up again and worsen the mouth rot.

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