
A rash is a defense reaction of the body, which manifests itself on the skin and is often caused by external stimuli. Alternatively, the term a Exanthema be used.

The body usually reacts with overheating, reddening as a sign of increased blood flow, small blisters or wheals or even pain, itching or burning of the affected skin area. Depending on the extent, shape and location of the rash, conclusions can then be drawn about the cause.
As a biological material, pollen can also cause such a reaction in the body in certain people and is most likely to present itself on the surface in the form of an allergic rash.

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Read more about this at: pollen allergy


The Causes of a rash can vary widely and range from simple reactions to local irritation of the skin to infections and extensive infestation as part of chronic diseases.
Also allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes are conceivable if the body reacts to otherwise harmless substances with a excessive response of the immune system reacts and thus declares it to be foreign and allergenic for the organism. Both artificially, chemically produced and naturally occurring substances can be used as triggers.
Pollen also fall into this category and can enter the hair follicles Penetrate skin and locally trigger an allergic reaction with a skin rash. It is particularly at risk sensitive and dry skin, in which the barrier to the outside is already damaged.

Concomitant symptoms

Concomitant symptoms In the case of an allergic reaction, depending on the strength and extent of the immune response, itching, watery eyes and a blocked nose as well as shortness of breath can occur.
Pollen in particular can also be a allergic asthma trigger what causes those affected repeatedly breathing difficulties, especially in spring.

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Rash from pollen on the face

A allergic rash in some cases, pollen can also affect the face manifest what is often perceived as cosmetically stressful by those affected.
But here too, as for the rest of the body, this applies Protection of the affected skin areas and strengthening their barrier function moisturizing and non-irritating creams or lotions.
If necessary, can also cooling cause symptom relief. Under no circumstances should the skin be exposed to additional irritating substances, for example by attempting to hide the rash with cosmetics.
In the acute phase, it can also be used on the face cortisone-containing ointments help to subside the inflammatory response. This should best be discussed with an experienced dermatologist on a case-by-case basis.


The quick one Diagnosis is critical to further treatment of a rash. In order to be able to define the cause of the complaints as quickly and specifically as possible, there are a number of important questions about the occurrence, Course and development of skin changesthat must be clarified in a medical consultation. Other accompanying symptoms such as itching, burning or pain should also be asked in order to be able to get an accurate picture of what is happening.
For more details Assessment of the rash yourself can do one Magnifying loupe or other optical aids can be used.
Also the Involvement of lymph nodes should be checked. For the exclusion of an allergic reaction to pollen one can Allergy test as a diagnostic tool be performed. For this, various allergenic substances are applied to the skin in a standardized manner and it is observed whether a reaction takes place.

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Long-term treatment for an allergic rash is mainly that Avoidance of the triggering substance.
Local treatment of the affected skin areas is carried out in the case of allergies, such as those caused by pollen, usually with the help of antihistamines or a cortisone ointment. This should help to counteract the acute inflammation.
As a preventive measure, the skin should be cared for and cleaned as gently as possible. Also exposure at extreme temperatures as well as opposite aggressive substances should be avoided by wearing suitable protective clothing.
Last but not least, care should be taken to protect the skin especially in the winter months sufficient moisture to give. After all, healthy skin with an intact skin barrier is less susceptible to external stimuli such as pollen.

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