


Under the term rash (Rash) one understands a long-lasting or regressive change of individual skin areas. Various triggers cause skin irritation that is accompanied by redness, itching and / or burning.


Rash on the face, in most cases, indicates inflammatory processes of the skin of the face. This inflammatory reaction can be triggered by various causes. Are particularly common Infections or allergic reaction responsible for the rash on the face. Also a variety of germs, such as bacteria or Mushrooms can trigger strong reactions of the facial skin and put a lot of strain on the person affected. The rash on the face usually manifests itself as red, blotchy areas and in many cases becomes severe itching accompanied. Furthermore, the inflammatory processes pus-filled vesicles or Swelling of the face arise.

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Read more about "blistered rash"

The aesthetic effects are particularly stressful for patients suffering from facial rashes. In addition to the obvious, namely that a rash on the face is easy to see, the fact that scar tissue is easy to develop, especially on the face, is also a decisive factor.

Illustration rash on face

Illustration rash face

a - Healthy skin
b - Subcorneal pus vesicle
(Pustule - under the cornea)
c - Intraepithelial pus vesicles
(Pustule - splits the epidermis)
d - epidermal nodules
(epidermal papule)
e - scleral nodules
(dermal papule)

Epidermis - epidermis
(1 and 2.)

  1. Horny layer -
    Stratum corneum
  2. Cornifying layer
    (light layer + grain layer)
    Stratum lucidum +
    Stratum granulosum

    Germ layer (prickly cell layer
    + Base layer) -
    Stratum spinosum +
    Stratum basale
  3. Dermis -
    Dermis (Papillary layer -
    Stratum papillary
    Network layer -
    Stratum reticularre)

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

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There can be many different causes for a rash to develop on the face.Especially in the warm seasons, many patients experience a so-called “heat rash”, with small heat pimples on the face, neck and other parts of the body. The reason for the formation of the rash is the fact that the affected parts of the body are exposed to excessive heat in warm temperatures for a long period of time. In addition, the skin surface is stressed by sweat particles. The typical rash of a “heat rash” manifests itself as severe itching, which is made worse by excessive scratching.

Read more on the subject at: Rash from heat

In some cases, eczema leads to the appearance of a rash on the face. Eczema is also a small local inflammation of the skin surface caused by environmental influences, cosmetic products or allergenic substances (Allergens) arise.

Eczema can also develop as a result of diabetes. Another cause of a rash on the face is contact dermatitis. Typically, contact dermatitis develops on the face and chest, but its effects can also be seen in other parts of the body. In particular, irritants such as pollen, animal hair, various chemicals and foods trigger such a rash on the face. In the case of contact dermatitis, in addition to the appearance of the typical rash, severe itching and the formation of small blisters can occur. "Hives" (synonyms: urticaria or urticaria) represent an allergic reaction to stimuli, viral infections, insect bites or strong temperature fluctuations. Red rashes and blotchy skin appear especially on the facial skin, which in most cases are accompanied by itching and a burning sensation .

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Read more on this topic at: Contact dermatitis

In addition, skin rashes on the face can be triggered or worsened by herpes viruses or acne diseases.

More about the risk of infection: Is my rash contagious?

Excessive care in the form of rich creams and ointments can irritate the skin and limit its normal function. This usually manifests itself in the form of a rash around the mouth called perioral dermatitis.

Rash on the face from pregnancy

Numerous changes to the skin on the face can occur during pregnancy. (please refer: Skin changes in pregnancy)

On the one hand, the skin of a pregnant woman has more moisture. This can have pleasant effects, such as removing smaller wrinkles. But it can also be so pronounced that the face looks puffy and existing red spots stand out more. This should by no means be counteracted by reducing the amount of water consumed, as this is of outstanding importance for a complication-free pregnancy. Rather, it can be helpful to take more breaks and, if necessary, use tinted face creams.

In addition, the so-called Chloasma come. Colloquially one uses the term "Pregnancy mask". This is Pigment spots on the face- and neck area, which are based on the increased production of the tanning hormone melanin.
In light-skinned people these spots appear rather dark, in dark-skinned people, however, lighter than the rest of the skin. If these are perceived as annoying, sun exposure should be reduced and sunscreen should be used. After birth However, these spots usually disappear on their own.

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In pregnancy can also acne appear again, although it may not have existed since youth. This is due to the increased production of sebum, the normal skin oil that is supposed to keep the skin supple. However, this often also clogs the pores, which leads to the development of pimples. It is helpful here to always carefully cleanse the skin and to do this with oil-free products if possible. However, acne medication should be avoided, if necessary one can Acne cream can be used, but only in consultation with the attending physician. Even acne usually disappears by itself after the birth.

The increased hormone levels during pregnancy make the skin more sensitive overall and can spontaneously overreact to substances that have not been harmful to date. For example, a rash and itching can be expected with such a reaction. So the trigger should be found and this should be avoided for the duration of the pregnancy. Then the symptoms usually subside on their own within a few days. If this is not the case, however, and the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, the doctor should be consulted in order to identify more serious complications at an early stage and, if necessary, treat them.

Rash from HIV

Most HIV patients complain of a severe rash, often localized on the face.

Medically one speaks of the so-called HIV rash. Affected people complain of tiny nodules that itch, at least in the early stages of the infection. Because of the external appearance of this rash, it is also called a maculopapular rash.
A few days later, however, the skin changes recede and the itchiness disappears. In rare cases, open spots in the oral mucosa can occur in the course, which can be associated with very severe pain.

Rash from antibiotics

Like many other drugs, you can too Antibiotics for rashes to lead. The most common are rashes after taking antibiotics from the group of Penicillins. About 10 percent of people who take the antibiotic ampicillin get a rash.
It is usually a very itchy rash that can spread over the entire body and usually occurs up to a week after you start taking the drug.
Mostly blotchy and slightly raised skin changes are formed, which are very similar to those in measles. Wheals, blisters or even bleeding into the skin are less common. In the acute phase, of course, it is important to discontinue the triggering drug as soon as possible and to alleviate the symptoms by cooling and using creams or gel against the itching. After stopping the triggering drug, the rash usually resolves on its own after one to two weeks and usually leaves no traces.

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In the context of therapy with tetracyclines, it should be noted that so-called phototoxicity can occur. This means that this substance reacts in contact with sunlight and can cause redness and swelling in the areas exposed to light. Therefore, when taking antibiotics from this group, make sure you have adequate sun protection.

Rash from allergy

Some people are allergic to skin creams.

An allergy that manifests itself as a rash on the face can have completely harmless causes and does not necessarily have to refer to a more serious problem. Allergenic substances can food, common during spring and summer time Pollen, but also chemical substances like nickel or clove oil. These substances can either be direct act on the skin(through the mere contact of skin and fabric, for example earrings with nickel) and thus cause the allergy and subsequently the rash on the face, or get into the body itself (for example by inhalation, ingestion or injection) and then cause an allergy with skin irritation.

Allergic reactions from Immediate type immediately trigger a rash on the face. Is typical for an immediate reaction itch or Burning rash as well as a Reddening of the skin. Is the allergy dated Late type so occur only after hours itchy blisters that are sharply defined.

Also Medication can be called a trigger for an allergy with a rash on the face. It is therefore advisable to use the Study the package insert carefully and should a rash appear during the period of use, the attending physician must be advised that the medication is being taken. Only then can he correctly diagnose and treat an allergy.

Please also read our page Medication rash.

In acute allergic reactions, whether of the immediate or the late type, the rash on the face occurs most often in the form of the well-known hives. Itchy, red, fluid-filled wheals form on the face. In the event of an allergy, the body releases the messenger substance histamine to fight the intruders. The histamine ensures that the permeability of the blood vessels increases. This allows more fluid to escape from the bloodstream and collect under the skin. The accumulation of fluid in the dermis causes the wheals (the dermis is one of the different layers of skin that everyone calls their own. It lies under the epidermis, the top layer of skin that we can touch.).

Sunlight is one of the most common triggers for allergies that cause a rash on the face. The direct exposure to sunlight in combination with the sebum film on the skin secreted by the sebum glands can cause a rash on the face. The face is exposed to constant sun exposure.

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Read more about this at: Rash from sun

Any form of rash should be checked by a dermatologist (dermatologist), even if no symptoms are noticeable. Not every skin rash on the face caused by an allergy is itchy. A completely symptom-free course is also conceivable.

Read more on this topic at: Rash from an allergy

Rash with red spots on the face in childhood

Such rashes with red spots can often be observed in childhood. So-called maculopapular exanthema (lumpy skin rash) can be a symptom of an infection such as measles or scarlet fever.
Other typical childhood diseases can also lead to a rash with red spots. In the case of chickenpox infection, the pustules are accompanied by severe itching and can lead to the formation of scars. Other diseases that are associated with a rash are rubella, hand, foot and mouth disease and three-day fever. Depending on the disease, the rash takes on an individual, characteristic appearance. The typical chickenpox rash has raised areas in addition to the red spots. With a rubella infection, the rash is much finer.

Read more on the subject at: Rubella rash

You might also be interested in: Strep rash or allergy on the face - what's behind it?

Rash with red spots on the face in adults

In adults, the typical childhood diseases as the reason for the rash red spots are relative Rare, however, this cause cannot generally be ruled out. In many cases they are Sexually transmitted diseases one reason for a rash to appear, but much more common is one allergic reaction or one Organ disease causal.


A blood test can clarify the cause.

Especially in the case of a rash on the face, it makes sense to find out the cause of the skin reaction as soon as possible; a visit to the doctor is usually unavoidable. The most important point in the diagnosis is a detailed consultation with the doctor (anamnesis), in which the existing Pre-existing illness, current Drug receipts, Risk factors for various Infectious diseases and other questions that could be the cause of the rash on the face. Then the doctor will examine the skin and look closely at the rash with a magnifying glass. The doctor can also Trade-offs the affected skin areas, Tissue samples (biopsy) or Blood samples send in for laboratory diagnostics. If an allergic rash on the face is suspected, an allergy test is recommended. It is precisely in these cases that the importance of a comprehensive anamnesis is clearly reflected, because an allergy test can only be carried out relatively specifically for a few possible allergens. In advance, it must be discussed with the attending physician what the affected person ate before the rash appeared, whether a new detergent was used or whether previously unknown drugs were used.

Therapy for a rash on the face

The therapy of an allergy-related rash consists first of all in the Avoidance of allergenic substances. The problem here is that the exact trigger is often not known or that contact with it cannot be prevented (pollen, for example, is in the air and cannot be prevented). Contact allergies that trigger the rash on the face are often Gluccocorticoids for immunosuppression used. (Of course, nickel allergies or similar easily avoidable substances do not have to be treated in this way; omitting the earrings is sufficient. It looks different with allergies, for example to sunlight, which then causes a rash on the face.). Also Creams or ointments to strengthen the skin barrier are often used. This is to prevent allergens from being too easily absorbed through the skin and then damaging the body.

In certain cases, a Irradiation with UV light help to heal the rash on the face (of course, this method does not work if you have an allergic reaction to sunlight!). UV therapy is currently not part of the standard repertoire of conventional medicine and is therefore not used in many cases.

So there is a rash on the face that is caused by an allergy relatively easy to treat and generally not dangerous.

Therapy / treatment

A rash on the face is in most cases not dangerous and will heal on its own after a while. Still, there is a risk that it will cause unsightly appearance scar can come. This is very stressful for those affected, precisely because it concerns the face. Furthermore, the rash on the face can be severe itching and Burn to be accompanied. It is therefore advisable to eliminate the cause as quickly as possible and treat the rash specifically. In a large number of cases, therapy comes with sedative, antibacterial Skin creams and or Anoint in question. These creams and ointments will reduce the rash and suppress the itching. In numerous studies proved Preparations containing cortisone as particularly suitable, but herbal active ingredients can also develop an impressive effect.

Please also read our pages When does a rash need cortisone? and Treat rash with ointments and creams

If a bacterial pathogen causes the rash on the face, you can Antibiotics, especially penicillins, are used for treatment.

For viral infectious diseases that lead to the development of a rash on the face (for example in measles), therapy is a little more difficult. In these cases, the main aim is to alleviate the symptoms and relieve the patient from itching.
Creams and ointments can also be used here. Many sufferers also report being cautious Cooling (cryotherapy) helps alleviate the symptoms. In the case of an allergy-related rash on the face, the primary aim must be to avoid the triggering substance. In addition, ointments that strengthen the barrier function of the skin surface can be used.

Treatment with home remedies

Various substances can be used as home remedies for a rash on the face. However, it should always be home remedies that have a calming and gentle effect on the skin and do not irritate it further.

Also, consider using possible home remedies Allergies or Intolerances get noticed. If, for example, an acute deterioration or a hypersensitivity reaction occurs after use, medical help should be sought, as a drug may be necessary in such a situation.

Basically, if you have a rash on your face, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the skin, but it should only ph-neutral soaps be used and Creams or other lotions with perfume or alcohol should be avoided as they further dry out the skin.

First, an attempt can be made to alleviate the symptoms by cooling the rash. For example Towels or compresses in cold water soaked and then wrung out in order to then place them on the irritated skin area. These should be damp but not completely wet.

Aloe vera is considered a proven home remedy as it has a calming and cooling effect on the skin. It also has both an antibacterial and an anti-inflammatory effect. This is best applied as an aloe vera gel to the affected skin area.

Another helpful home remedy can be Healing earth be. This should be thickened with water on a cloth, which is placed on the rash and left on overnight. To soak up excess moisture, you should place a dry towel over it.

You can also make a tea Pansy herb lead to the alleviation of the symptoms. The herb is for sale in pharmacies and after the prepared tea has cooled down, the rash on the face can be dabbed with it several times a day.

For the prevention and avoidance of such rashes on the face, on the one hand, of course, avoiding the allergen comes into consideration if it is an allergic rash. It should be noted that substances contained in cosmetics can often cause allergies and allergic rashes.

In addition, home remedies such as milk, highly fatty oils and honey seem to have a gentle effect on the skin and should help prevent rashes.

You can read more information on this topic here: Home remedies for a rash

Rash on the face in the baby

Rashes in babies are fairly common and can affect any part of the body. However, often the rashes are on the face. Most of them are usually harmless, such as over-sensitivity or irritation from a certain substance or viral infections.

The Baby acne usually occurs in the cheeks, forehead and chin area and is very similar to that of puberty. Pus-filled pimples form, but they go away on their own over time.

Of the Cradle cap is a scaly rash that is often found on the scalp. However, this is not of any further concern and can be counteracted by frequent washing with warm water.

A Chickenpox infection can also spread to the whole body from the face. Small red dots form, which fill with liquid over the course of hours and turn into bubbles. Usually this rash is very itchy and the child also suffers fever, Headache and Vomit.

More dangerous is the Herpes infection in babies. This leads to the formation of blisters in the area of ​​the lips and often also to open areas in the area of ​​the mouth level and the gums. These can be very painful, which is why the affected children are often refused food.

The Atopic dermatitis in babies is noticeable through dry, very itchy areas of skin, which are often found on the cheeks of babies. In most cases, however, it is a disease that disappears completely by the time you reach puberty.

Rash on the cleavage

In the Dekoltee, for example, sunlight can cause a Sun allergy again Polymorphic photodermatosis rashes occur. This leads to the formation of blisters and wheals that are very itchy. This phenomenon often occurs in combination with certain Skin creams or sunscreens. It mainly affects parts of the body that are not exposed to sunlight as often as the cleavage, but also the shoulders or neck.
Please also read our article on this Rash on the neck

Another form of rash in the cleavage area can occur in the context of so-called Mallorca acne. This is also known as sun acne or medically as acte aestivalis. This leads to a dangerous combination of sunlight and greasy sun protection creams, which causes an inflammatory reaction around the hair follicles.

Those affected then complain of many, small acne-like pimples, which are mainly located in the area of ​​the cleavage.

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