Homeopathic medicines

As homeopathic medicines the following are possible:

  • Avena sativa
  • Coffea
  • Passiflora incarnata
  • Valeriana
  • Chamomilla
  • Cocculus
  • Hyoscyamus
  • Staphisagria
  • Zincum valerianicum

Avena sativa

Insomnia associated with nervous exhaustion

Typical dosage of Avena sativa: Drop D2

  • with nervous exhaustion: 5-10 drops three times a day
  • with insomnia (in the evening just before going to bed): 15-20 drops
  • also with drug cessation can also be used for bridging

More information on Avena sativa you get under our topic: Avena sativa

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Insomnia may be associated with migraine-like conditions and / or nervous heart problems

  • Patients are vigorously excited, mentally and physically
  • Insomnia as a result of wide awake stream of thoughts
  • Palpitations, fast pulse
  • Nail headache
  • increased need to urinate
  • Decrease in potency and sexual desire
  • Hypersensitivity to sensations and pain
  • Aggravated by noise, smells, cold and at night

General dosage of Coffea with insomnia: Tablets D4, D6

More information on Coffea you get under our topic: Coffea

Passiflora incarnata

  • Consequences of substance abuse
  • Malfunction of the autonomic nervous system with nervousness and restlessness

General dosage of Passiflora incarnata with insomnia: Drop D2

  • for calming: 3 x 5 drops per day
  • as a sleep aid: 5-20 drops in the evening

Further information can be found on Passiflora incarnata can be found under our topic: Passiflora incarnata

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Insomnia with general restlessness

  • Patient cannot keep calm
  • Limbs twitching, tearing, and tearing like electric shocks
  • Overstimulated senses
  • a headache who suddenly come and with dizziness are connected
  • Hypersensitivity to pain
  • Languor and great weakness
  • frequent need to urinate
  • Flying heat
  • aggravation in the evening and at night, at rest, after exertion
  • improvement in movement, employment.

General dosage of Valeriana: Drop D2

More information on Valeriana you get under our topic: Valeriana


Nervous insomnia

  • Hypersensitivity in mentally unstable women and children
  • impatience
  • Irritability (irritable weakness)
  • Hypersensitivity to pain
  • Bad mood
  • Children are restless and want to be carried
  • Flatulent colic
  • aggravation the complaints in the evening and at night, from warmth and from anger
  • Existing flatulence colic improve through warmth

General dosage of Chamomilla: Drops or tablets D2, D3, D4

More information on Chamomilla you get under our topic: Chamomilla

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Cocculus (Kockelskorn)

Sleep disorders in patients who frequently suffer from dizziness. Especially when lifting the head, also associated with vomiting.

  • travel sickness when driving in the car, ship, train, the most important symptom of dizziness. "Falling asleep" of the hands, sometimes the right hand, sometimes the left hand, sensory disturbances.
  • In general, great irritable weakness, states of exhaustion, recurring depression. Tendency to convulsions.
  • Pain and weakness in arms and legs, neck, along the spine, trembling limbs.
  • A feeling of emptiness and hollowness in the affected parts of the body. Frequent change of side of the complaints.

Hyoscyamus (henbane)

Patients cannot sleep because an insatiable, dry, dry cough occurs especially in the evening, at night and when lying down.

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  • The patients are extremely restless, prone to delirium with hallucinations and lewd speech. The restlessness is followed by a phase of anesthesia, but the pulse is still fast and breathing is irregular.
  • Cough worsened from drinking, eating and speaking.

Staphisagria (Stephansraut)

Sleepless patients with an irritable, moody mood.

  • In everyday life, they are shy and slightly offended. They suffer from poor memory and abnormal sexual ideas.
  • Because of their poor sleep, they are miserable and tired in the morning, and their complexion is noticeably pale.
  • In addition, the patients often suffer from burning and itchy skin diseases.
  • Women are sexually irritable. Also digestive problems with stomach pressure, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • All ailments are made worse by anger, grief and sexual excess. Everything worse in the morning right after getting up.

Zincum valerianicum (zinc isovalerianate)

Nervous insomnia with great restlessness in the legs, which must always be moved. Grinding teeth, muscle twitching, muscle cramps, back pain during the night.

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  • General weakness and fatigue, daytime sleepiness.
  • The patients suffer from poor memory, dizziness and headaches, especially in the back of the head, drowsiness, pressure is felt on the bridge of the nose.
  • The patients are grumpy, withdrawn and show recurring depressive moods.
  • Palpitations during the night, venous congestion and varicose vein problems.
  • Worsening of symptoms from mental exertion after eating and drinking wine, in women during the period. Everything gets better with outdoor exercise. The restlessness in the legs is typical of Zincum.

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