Acute: Result of eating too much and too heavy, drinking alcohol

Nux vomica

Acute Inflammation of the lining of the stomach With morning sickness and Nausea. Switch between Loss of appetite and cravings.

Stomach pains about one half an hour after eating, acidic eructation, increased Flatulence attached to Abdominal cramps, vain urge to defecate, often hemorrhoids.

Irritable and very sensitive patients to whom everything hits the stomach. Sedentary work, overworked city dwellers who finish work lots of food, drink and nicotine spend. Wakes up early in the morning after restless sleep, only falls asleep after hours and then is tired in the morning, irritated, come to it Headache and nausea. One is general frosty, freezes at the slightest draft.

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The complaints improve themselves through rest, deteriorate through lots of eating and drinking and are worst in the morning.

Antimonium crudum

Disgruntled mood, the patient eats well and a lot, but suffers afterwards Bloating, acid regurgitation and vomiting. Phases of Loss of appetite with aversion to all food.

Thick, white coated tongue. Diarrhea with undigested food. Tendency to be painful Tears at the corners of the mouth.

Acute: consequences of spoiled food

Vomiting after spoiled food

Nux vomica

Especially when sour and bitter eructations occur. Nausea, but unable to vomit.


The means for direct or preventive use to avoid food intolerances to be avoided, especially when traveling to distant countries.

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Acute: Result of food poisoning

Can to life threatening conditions lead, therefore no self-treatment, always consult a doctor.

Arsenicum album

General weakness, frailty, paleness up to bluish complexion, severe nausea, vomiting, cold Sweat on the forehead. Great unrest and fear up to the fear of death. Patients don't want to be alone. Burning abdominal pain, very thirsty. Diarrhea affecting the patient greatly weaken.

Typical for Arsenicum album are the strong restlessness and fear, the burning character of all pains and strong thirst. All complaints worsen at night and at rest and improve with warmth (warm body wrap).

Homeopathics for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Argentum nitricum

Patient with aged appearance, emaciated, nervous, in a hurry, fundamentally scared, Fear of coming events. Eat hastily and have a great appetite for sweet foods. However, then belching, heartburn, Stomach pain and diarrhea. Sharp stomach pain, splinter-like.

All excitements are accompanied by stomach pain and / or diarrhea. It forms Inflammation of the mucous membrane up to the training of Ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. Pain radiating, better from curling up.

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Typical of Argentum nitricum is the desire for sweet foodbut which are not tolerated. "Splinter pain" in all inflammation of the mucous membranes. Improvement of the complaints outdoors in the fresh air.

Sodium chloratum (muriaticum)

Weakness and reduced nutritional status. Pessimistic, exhausted, pale.

Inward-looking patients, calm on the outside, cry in silence. Mental injuries have a long lasting effect, you don't want to be comforted, then you become angry and dismissive. Many physical ailments have theirs Causes in emotional conflicts and sufferings like grief, worry, hurt. Feeling weak in the stomach With nervous exhaustion. Noticeably worse Bad breath.

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Cravings with subsequent rapid feeling of fullness, acid eructation. Abdominal pain with nausea often for a long time after eating, vomiting of mucus, anxiety, tremors. The pain is called stabbing and pressing felt.

Restrictive clothing in the epigastric region is not tolerated.

Often there is persistent constipation. All complaints worsen in the morning, the patient has a lot of thirst and craving for salted food

Homeopathics for heartburn

This is where the resources come from Arsenicum album, Antimonium crudum and Sodium chloratum in question. These are already described in detail above.

Acidum sulfuricum

The patients feel weak and complain about a inner tremor and great languor. Sensitive to touch.

Feeling of Coldness and weakness in the stomach with sour belching after eating, bad breath (sour), Inflammation of the lining of the mouth. Feeling like the stomach is slack. Constipation with mucus.

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The patients are general impatient, never have time.

Improvement of the complaints through warmth, Deterioration in wet and cold weather.

Iris versicolor

Depressed patients that accumulated migraine suffer when they calm down (Sunday migraines). And violent Burning sensation in the esophagus attached to a lot of salivation, Vomit of strongly acidic stomach contents. The acid does that Teeth blunt. Spasmodic pain in the upper abdomen.


Stomach pressure with acid regurgitation associated with Flatulence trigger abdominal cramps. Often associated with headaches. fat is badly tolerated, after that Burning pain in the stomach With Radiation to the shoulder blades, acid vomiting that the teeth dulls.

Sometimes the patient generally has one acidic body odor.

The complaints worsen at night, improve by eating.

Sodium phoshoricum

The patients suffer besides that heartburn on Diarrhea with sour stools.

Heartburn triggered by certain foods, individually different. Patients are weak and often also suffer from rheumatism and / or gout. Yellowish coatings on the tongue and the palate. All secretions smell sour, sweat turns yellow.

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