
The scalp hair describes the hair on the head in contrast to the rest of the hair on the body. Human hair is between 0.05 and 0.07 millimeters thick, although there are minor individual but also origin-related differences. The thickness of the hair decreases with age. The hormonal balance also has a negative influence. There are also some differences in the number of hairs on the head when comparing different countries. Europeans have around 121,000 hairs on their heads, which are distributed over 226 hairs per square centimeter. Asians, on the other hand, have around 89,000 hairs on their heads, but often thicker hair. According to this, ethnicity and age have an influence on the number of hairs on the head. People lose around 100 hairs on their heads every day, which is considered normal.

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Figure hair

Figure hair: A - structure with hair and skin glands, B - cross section through a hair root

Hair - build-up

  1. Hair shaft - Stipes pili
  2. Epidermis - epidermis
  3. Hair root
  4. Sebum -
    Glandula sebacea
  5. Root sheath -
    Vagina radicularis epithelialis
  6. Scent gland -
    Glandula sudorifera apocrina
  7. Hair papilla -
    Papilla dermalis pili
  8. Vascular network of the hair papilla -
    Rete capillare papillae pili
  9. Growth zone - matrix
  10. Hair bulb
  11. Sweat gland -
    Glandula sudorifera merocrina
  12. Hair follicle muscle -
    Arrector pili muscle
  13. Hair pulp - Medulla
  14. Hair bark - Cortex
  15. Cuticle of hair -
  16. Glass skin - Membrana vitrea
  17. Hair follicle - Vagina dermalis radicularis

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Blonde, brown, red, black or Gray, many different hair colors are possible in humans! Which hair color ultimately forms depends, among other things, on the Genes and from that Melanin content pending in the cells of the hair. Melanin is a Color pigmentwhich of certain cells den Melanocytes is produced. It is also for the Coloring of the choroid and the Skin in general responsible.

When the pigment becomes melanin two different dyes distinguished. In which brownish-black The dye is about Eumelanin. This can be seen very well from the lighter one yellow-reddish pheomelanin distinguish. The skin color of a person is determined by the genes as well as the Ratio of eumelanin to pheomelanin certainly. For example, people with lighter skin and reddish shimmering scalp hair contained more of the pheomelanin. In addition to the red hair color, the pheomelanin is also responsible for light blonde and blonde hair types


The growth of the scalp hair will determined by genes. They determine the life span, the structure and also the growth cycle of the scalp hair. The growth goes with it Hair bulbs whose core is located in the hair papilla. The hair growth runs in 3 phases from. The Anagen phase refers to the time in which the Hair grow a lot. The hair cells divide very quickly and thus form a lot a lot of new hair substance, the keratin. On the head is usually located 80 to 90 percent of all hair.

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The years grow daily by 0.4 millimeterswhat eventually turned up an inch a month up counts. In this active state the hair cells remain about three to seven years. This period of time varies from person to person, as the lifespan of the hair is genetically determined. But the hair does not continue to grow indefinitely and go into a Transition phase over. In the as Catagen phase designated phase is about three percent of the scalp hair. Some altered processes take place in the hair follicle, which causes the Hair roots are less supplied with nutrients will and increasingly horny. This phase lasts around four weeks. Then the hair goes into the Telogen phase over. Around 15 percent of the hair is found in the period of around two to four months. The Fixing the hair will still looser. After all, one can light use like combing or shampooing that Letting hair fall out. Hair and hair roots are separated from each other.

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With the help of the root, one can estimate in which phase the hair is. This knowledge can be particularly important when there are diseases such as hair loss. Here one can abnormal acceleration of the hair cycle the cause of one increased hair loss be.

Let it grow faster

Faster growing scalp hair can be desirable for a number of reasons. For women who would like to have beautiful long hair, and for men whose hair may not be as thick. Various Factors can have a positive effect on hair growth. A healthy and balanced diet not only provides the body with all nutrients, but also the hair cells. This often causes hair on the head more resistant, shinier and stronger. Deficiencies such as Iron deficiency can on the other hand Accelerate hair loss.

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Supplements to the actual food like Biotin or yeast. A similar effect should be Silica to have. In addition, they are correct care products extremely important for hair growth. These include a very good nourishing shampoo, one Curethat should be applied once a week and Hair oil to avoid brittle tips. olive oil or Argan oil should provide the hair with sufficient moisture and protect it from drying out. In addition, it should frequent use from one to hot hair dryer or one Avoid straightening irons will. Both of these dry out the scalp hair and promote the development of split ends. Furthermore should regular hairdresser visits promote growth. The tips are cut off and this also removes the split ends, which can then no longer migrate the scalp hair in the direction of the hair roots.

Scalp massages Using the hand or a brush should also have a positive effect on hair growth because the Scalp better supplied with blood and thus also better supplied with nutrients becomes. Has against it Stress has a negative impact. Typical ones also increase with stress Stress hormones in the blood and are harmful to growth. Mental health problems can affect the shine and structure.

Shave scalp hair

It is well more common menshaving their scalp hair. This can happen for a variety of reasons. For one thing, a Bald as a hairstyle liked and the man therefore shaves off the regularly growing hair. Another can sometimes be a shave for cosmetic reasons. Many men with their hair starting to fall out and the Receding hairline get bigger and bigger, at some point they prefer to be bald rather than having little hair on their heads. For many men, it also has many benefits. Man saves among other things Money for toiletries. Shaving your scalp hair can be done with one electric hair clipper or with one classic razor and shaving foam respectively.

When shaving longer scalp hair, the hair is first shortened to about 6mm. This prevents the hair from getting tangled in the razor. Then shaving gel or foam is spread over the entire head, which makes a wet shave much easier and prevents subsequent skin irritation. Now shaving can actually begin. A razor will now be starting at the front of your head Lanes of the remaining hair removed. The pressure that has to be applied to remove the hair cleanly and without injuries is a matter of practice. In between the Razor rinsed so that the shave goes smoothly. Then the sides of the head and the back of the head are shaved using the same principle. When all hair is removed, similar to shaving the beard on the face, it is recommended to do one Apply aftershave. she donate moisture and reduce at the same time the Skin irritationthat can occur after a shave. The newly won Bald head should from now on very well cared for become. Like the rest of the exposed skin, it must from drying out and especially before Sun rays protectedbecome T.

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For many people with one pathological hair loss, the so-called Alopecia, this represents a very big one cosmetic problem which often leads to a mental stress becomes. Therefore, researchers are working at full speed on an effective treatment against pathological hair loss. Recent studies aim at the Regenerative power of hair from. In a study of mice, around 200 hairs were removed from the back fur according to a certain pattern and a growth of around 1200 hairs was finally observed at the same place. Here is a first approach given that the targeted hair removal, stimulate hair growth can. A Messenger substance, of the Tumor necrosis factor-alpha play a crucial role.

Some people also tend to get theirs Plucking head hair. Many are specifically looking for gray hair or hair with split ends in order to then pluck them out.


Trichotillomania is a pathological disorder of impulse control. Affected people consciously tear their hair out without noticing any real pain. This is often completely ignored. The condition often occurs during puberty and affects boys and girls alike. The hair is often plucked according to a pattern or symmetry is preserved. Then the hair roots are carefully examined before they are thrown away. In rare cases, the hair is also swallowed. This is known as trichophagia.

The disease trichotillomania often occurs in the context of other affective disorders such as depression or anxiety disorders. This behavior is usually triggered by traumatic experiences such as abuse, extreme mobbing and a high susceptibility to stress. Without treatment of the disease and also of the underlying disease, trichtillomania has significant consequences. The scalp suffers a lot from the plucking of the hair and in the long run reacts to the strain with skin irritations. This problem also gives rise to other social problems such as isolation from the social environment. This in turn worsens the real problem enormously.Treatment includes therapy, relaxation techniques and autogenic training. In some cases and depending on the underlying disease, psychotropic drugs are also used.

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