
If a root canal treatment is due to preserve a tooth, one is often unsettled and does not know exactly whether the costs of this procedure will be covered by the health insurance or whether one will have to pay for the procedure out of pocket.
The preservation of one's own tooth has a different significance for each person.

In principle, general statements about the costs of a root canal treatment can hardly be made, since it depends on the anatomy and disease state of the tooth, the technology and materials of preparation and root filling.

What does the health insurance cover for root canal treatment?

In some cases, statutory health insurance covers the entire cost of the root canal treatment. As a rule, the following criteria must be met in order for the treatment to be free of charge for the patient:

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  • the tooth must not yet have been treated with the root
  • the tooth is an anterior tooth
  • the tooth still has 2 neighboring teeth that are worth preserving (the row of teeth remains closed)
  • a subsequent maintenance restoration is possible (filling or crown)
  • there is no critical prognosis for the tooth

So the treatment has to make sense and ensure that the tooth can be preserved. This means that if the treatment is not treated, the tooth would be lost and the intervention can safely save the tooth.

However, this assumes that the dentist is able to carry out a tight filling up to the tips. For this purpose, an X-ray image is created beforehand, as the course of the roots is not always the same and straight, but rather the tips of the roots can be curved, especially on the molars. A root canal treatment on the incisors is usually a little less complicated.

An X-ray provides information about this and the dentist can assess whether he thinks this is possible. However, it is also possible that he only notices during the procedure that working on the canals is more difficult than previously assumed.

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If the affected tooth is a molar, there are three further restrictions that are specified by the health insurance company and at least one of which must be met.

  • The first condition is that in the row of teeth in which the molar is located, the remaining teeth are healthy so that the row of teeth can be preserved. If several teeth in the same row of teeth are severely damaged by caries, the condition is not met.
  • The second condition is that if the tooth is already wearing a denture, it will be preserved through the root canal treatment. For example, if the tooth is used as a pillar for a bridge restoration, the root canal treatment would preserve the bridge and the tooth. If the procedure were not carried out, the entire bridge structure would have to be removed.
  • The third condition is that one achieves that one through treatment Free-end situation is avoided. The tooth should represent the last tooth in the row of teeth, and thus not shorten the row of teeth.

If the health insurance company does not cover the treatment costs, the treatment will be billed as for private patients.

When does the health insurance not pay for a root canal treatment?

As soon as the dentist classifies the tooth as not worth preserving and sees little chance of treatment, the health insurance will not pay.

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If you still want treatment, this must be paid for privately. It is up to every patient to decide on a root canal treatment.
The patient would have to bear the costs even if the teeth have already been treated with root canals, or if a decision is made for the treatment, although there are already gaps in the affected row of teeth.

Due to the high costs, however, one should also consider the alternatives, such as pulling the tooth and fitting with a denture.

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In the case of root canal treatment in particular, there are other methods that make treatment more precise and thus increase the chances of success. In any case, the costs are higher and have to be paid privately.

This includes the use of a special microscope and the use of a laser device. According to studies, the latter in particular promises a success rate of 90 percent. The laser beam kills all bacteria.

However, this method is not available to every dentist because they do not have the necessary equipment. The dentist can refer the patient to a specialist with such instruments.

Additional costs for root canal treatment

Additional costs may arise as part of the root canal treatment if e.g. the length measurement is carried out electrometrically, a surgical microscope is required or ultrasound is used to disinfect the canal. This is not covered by the statutory health insurance.

Root canal treated teeth can discolor and brownish over time, so that there is a desire to match the color of the other teeth again. This whitening process (see bleaching), which is carried out from inside the tooth, is not covered by the health insurance. Dentists are also often advised to crown the root-treated tooth, which incurs extra costs for the manufacture of the crown.

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Read more on the topic: Whitening

If you are in the anterior region, it is part of the standard care to veneer the tooth on the side facing the cheeks and lips with ceramic.
The framework is therefore made of metal, which is then veneered with ceramic. Due to its color, ceramic is almost the same as the color of the natural tooth, so that a difference is hardly noticeable. If you want a complete crown made of ceramic, i.e. without any metal, you have to pay more for yourself.

In the molar area, as soon as it is no longer in the visible field, the cost of a pure metal jacket crown is covered by the cash register. If you want a veneer with ceramic or a complete ceramic crown, this is associated with an increased personal contribution.

Read more on the topic: Ceramic inlay

Electronic length measurement costs

Electrometric length measurement is considered to be the safest method of determining the length of the duct to be filled. However, it has not yet been covered by the statutory health insurance.

Up to 2 times 9-14 € costs can be incurred per channel.

Alternatively, the length can be determined using x-ray measurements. This is less precise and usually requires several x-rays of the tooth.

What does general anesthesia for root canal treatment cost?

General anesthesia for root canal treatment is usually not covered by statutory health insurance.

The presence of an anesthetist is necessary for performing and monitoring the anesthesia. In order to be able to react quickly to complications, such an intervention is carried out in the operating room. This leads to costs of at least € 100 for general anesthesia.

Experience more below: General anesthesia at the dentist - you should know that

What does the private patient have to pay for a root canal treatment?

For privately insured patients, the provisions of the respective insurance primarily apply. You can ask for more detailed information from your private health insurance company. The best way to do this is to have the dentist draw up a treatment and cost plan, which you submit to your own health insurance company or have approved. In this way, unpleasant surprises can be avoided.

In general, the cost of root canal treatment increases the more canals the tooth in question has, the more curved the canal and the more complicated the situation. The materials used must also be paid for.

Example of the costs of root canal treatment without additional services for a tooth with an uncomplicated canal: € 120 (+ cover filling or crown) This amount can increase to € 230 for demanding treatments.

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If additional services such as the use of a surgical microscope or disinfection with ultrasound are used, additional costs of € 80 may apply.

For teeth with 2 root canals up to 270 € and for 3 root canals 360 € plus the covering filling or crown.

It should be noted that the costs increase significantly if you seek treatment from a specialist or specialist, as these dentists specialize in difficult cases and have received additional training.

In addition, the molars can have up to 7 root canals, so that the costs can also amount to 1000 €.

What does supplementary dental insurance cover?

There are numerous additional insurances that cover additional dental costs. It is best to compare the conditions of the various providers. Depending on the tariff, the entire range of dentistry or only certain services can be insured. Statutory insurance can also take out additional dental insurance.

Most of the time, you are not entitled to reimbursement of costs for up to one month after signing the contract; After 3 to 5 years of membership, however, the root canal treatment can then be completely free of charge for the patient (depending on the tariff concluded and the provider). This is because special services that the health insurance company does not cover, such as the use of a microscope or electrometric length measurement, are also covered.

How expensive is a root canal revision?

A revision is a renewed root canal treatment if the inflammation flares up again. As a rule, this is not covered by the statutory health insurance.

The costs vary depending on the materials or techniques used.

  • If there is only one root canal, at least € 200,
  • with 2 channels from 300 € and
  • to assume costs of € 400 for 3 channels.

Here, too, complicated processes and the use of a microscope lead to additional costs.

Find out more at: Revision of a root canal treatment

What should be considered before the treatment?

Before the treatment, it is advisable to talk to the doctor about the costs.

In any case, it is important to discuss the situation with the dentist prior to treatment.

In the field of dentistry there are constant innovations, better devices and new types of treatment, but these are usually not covered by health insurance companies.
They usually only pay for standard care. If a root canal treatment is to take place, it is important to discuss all possible costs and options with the dentist beforehand. It is best to have a treatment and cost plan drawn up.

This avoids unpleasant financial surprises after the procedure, and the dentist is obliged to explain all the possibilities and risks to you.
You should also not rely too much on your health insurance company for a root canal treatment and assume that all costs will be covered without restriction. However, this is usually found out in conversation with the doctor.

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What does the root canal treatment cost? - Informing is worthwhile!

Since the procedure is very extensive and sometimes requires up to 6-7 sessions at the dentist, it is important to find out about the costs of root canal treatment.

So you can also get alternatives and get another opinion from a second dentist.
This also gives one the opportunity to compare the costs of the root canal treatments and find the better deal.

Further information can be obtained from the responsible health insurance company, the dental association and from independent experts.

Root canal treatment process

In many cases you get a treatment on your teeth, get an invoice, but you don't really know what was actually done.

In order to better understand the possible list of costs, it is advisable to find out about the course of the treatment.

Of course, one dentist can perform a procedure a little differently than another or use different products, but there is a general process.

Before the procedure, an X-ray is usually taken in order to better assess the inflammation and how far it has spread, as this is only possible externally to a limited extent.

Before the dentist reams the tooth, you will be given an anesthetic because the pain would be too severe. The pain reliever lets the pain stimuli run into void, so that you don't feel anything painful apart from the impressions resulting from the treatment, such as a feeling of pressure or noises.

Then a hole is drilled in the tooth to remove the inflamed tissue, blood vessels and nerves.
This is done with so-called root files, which are available in different thicknesses and lengths, with complete drainage (coffer dam or cotton pads).

Once the root has been completely hollowed out, various solutions are used to flush the canal.
This is chlorhexidine Hydrogen peroxide and Sodium hypochlorite.
These have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. This ensures that all bacteria are removed from the root canal.

In the case of severe inflammation, a drug is first introduced into the tooth, which is left to work for a few days before the final filling can be made.

During the filling, a material is introduced into the canal that is Gutta-percha calls and seals the channel tightly.
Finally, a density cement is used.
Finally, another X-ray is taken to check whether the filling is tight and is present up to the end of the canal.

Now the healing process can begin, which is checked at regular intervals by the dentist at check-ups.

Read more on the topic: Root canal treatment process

Figure anatomy tooth

Illustration of the tooth support apparatus and fine structure of the tooth: from the front (A) and schematic sectional view (B)

a - tooth crown - Corona dentis
b - tooth neck - Cervix dentis
c - tooth root - Radix dentis

  1. Tooth enamel -
  2. Dentin (= dentine) -
  3. Tooth pulp in the tooth cavity -
    Pulp dentis in Cavitas dentis
  4. Gums -
  5. Root canal
  6. Cement -
  7. Root skin - Periodontium
  8. Opening of the tooth root tip -
    Foramen apicale dentis
  9. Nerve fibers
  10. Alveolar bone (tooth-bearing
    Part of the jawbone) -
    Pars alveolaris
    (Alveolar process)
  11. Blood vessels
  12. Tooth root tip -
    Apex denitis
  13. Point of division of the tooth roots
    (Fork) - Bifurcation
  14. Tooth furrow

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Summary costs of a root canal treatment

A root canal treatment is not a cheap affair and requires careful consideration as to whether you want to have the procedure done, especially if you have to pay the costs out of your own pocket or are about to have a second procedure.

The advantages of a root canal treatment are that, when it is successfully completed, you have retained your natural tooth, which makes no difference aesthetically and is also functionally good. For many years the tooth will not cause any further problems.

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