
Studies claim that a person spends an average of 24 years of his life sleeping. Especially in the cold autumn and winter we often feel noticeably tired. But where does this tiredness come from and what are the causes for it? It is known that newborns need significantly more sleep than adults - they sleep up to 16 hours a day, so they are permanently tired, so to speak. For us adults, 8 hours of sleep per day is usually enough, although this is very often undercut. Fatigue is a sign of the body to make us understand that it needs rest and wants to be spared. Fatigue is a result of lack of sleep. During sleep, the body is finally put into a kind of hibernation state in which only basic processes take place: muscle activity, as we need it to stand upright, or vision are not needed during sleep. This condition helps the body to regenerate and draw strength for the next day. Sleep and tiredness are closely linked to a hormone from the pineal gland, also known as the "epiphysis". The epiphysis is deep in the back of the brain and produces the hormone melatonin. However, melatonin is only released when it is dark, i.e. when we are in dark rooms or when - as in autumn - it gets darker faster outside. The body knows: a high level of melatonin means that night is falling, tiredness is widespread, and you fall asleep. At around 3 a.m. the melatonin level finally reaches its maximum, in the morning the concentration decreases again. So it's no wonder that we get tired faster in the dark winter months! But shift workers and frequent fliers (keyword: jetlag!) Also have to struggle with melatonin. After all, the body willingly behaves completely asynchronously to the usual melatonin release. In addition to melatonin, which is largely responsible for tiredness and sleep, there are also a number of other causes that can be responsible for excessive tiredness.

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Read more on the topic: Jet lag, melatonin


A constant fatigue and reduced performance, which is associated with severe fatigue, can be next to one Disturbance of the day-night rhythm have a number of other reasons. One of the most common causes in Germany is certainly this Hypothyroidism, or also Hypothyroidism. The thyroid is a about 20 milliliters small organthat looks like a shield (hence the name) below the Larynxit lies. It produces very important things for the body Hormones, the T3 and T4, also Triiodothyronine, and Thyroxine called. A lack of these hormones due to an underactive thyroid, leads to Weight gain, drier and fragile skin, Hair loss, but also too Listlessness, Exhaustion, and fatigue. All symptoms are seldom present at the same time, and so two or three of the above symptoms can point a doctor in the appropriate direction. Incidentally, a deficiency in thyroid hormones can be very easily resolved medicinal compensate, and is therefore usually not a major problem from a medical point of view.

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In addition to a thyroid hormone deficiency, the cause of fatigue can also be in one unhealthy lifestyle lying: The more the body has to do, the more sleep it needs. If he does not get his sleep, this can still be tolerated for months to years. At some point, however, the body has enough and it refuses to work. One then speaks of burnout, or depression. These symptoms are usually not tangible or measurable in laboratory diagnostics, and yet play a major role in terms of listlessness and fatigue. It is about the main symptoms of burnout syndrome. A somewhat unscientific description would be to say that the body must now after a long period of continuous stress settle his debt account, and themselves for the same time save. Most of the time, however, we know whether we have overexerted ourselves or whether we can rule out a burnout syndrome. It should be noted that a burnout individually can occur at different speeds: For a top manager who has to cope with a 60 hour week throughout his life, burnout may only occur after he has worked 80 hours a week for months. People who only work 20 hours a week throughout their life can develop a burnout syndrome even with significantly lower stress. So, as is so often the case, it is a matter of getting used to. If burnout is suspected, a visit to a psychologist is recommended, and if there are additional physical complaints, a visit to a psychosomatic specialist is recommended.

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Another point that can lead to fatigue is closely related to burnout: The malnutrition or malnutrition. Especially in times of globalization and the urge for constant availability, many people subordinate their eating habits to their work. As a result, the big fast food chains and the local pizza suppliers are especially happy - that is to say, we eat ourselves Increase one-sided. However, the body needs a wide variety of different ones nutrient, around optimal to be able to function. Variety in diet is just as important as freshness and quality. It is not uncommon for us to observe that after a few minutes after a burger we are just as hungry as before. In addition, we feel tired, exhausted and less productive in the long run. There are various films on this subject, the best known is probably that of the American Morgan Spurlock, "Supersize me". Fast food leaves ours Insulin levels in no time Maximum level shoot as it much sugar contains. A high one Insulin level makes but to us again immediately hungry - a vicious circle begins.A one-sided diet leads to tiredness, exhaustion and reduced performance in the long run, which are decisive for the body nutrient and Vitamins are missing. The problem with it is that the change progresses very slowly and is hardly noticed by us. It is only when, after months, that we are constantly tired, that we may begin to doubt our diet. A healthy, balanced diet is so simple that it can be easily illustrated in the form of the "food pyramid".

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Other causes of fatigue can also occur internistic and neurological problems go back. A well-known example is that Sleep apnea, in which during sleep - unnoticed by the person concerned - breathing regularly stops for at least 10 seconds. For the body, this means an acute struggle for survival, as an oxygen supply to all cells in the body is its top priority. At the Sleep apnea syndrome the airways are created by the air suction that occurs when breathing incoming air, drawn together, narrowed, and Finally relocated. Step in the sequence Right heart strain, high blood pressurebut above all a pronounced one Daytime sleepiness, up to repeated microsleep. Patients feel absolutely the next morning sleepless, and cannot find any reason for this. Usually the life partner provides the decisive clue, since he or she does the nightly Breathing pauses observed. If this is not possible, a camera-based monitoring in the sleep laboratory respectively. Especially in old age patients also take a variety of Medication a. The list of drugs that can cause fatigue is long: Von Antihypertensive, over Cancer drugs, up to Antidepressants - and of course Sleeping pills themselves, many medications can make you tired. Even drugs that you wouldn't expect at first, such as Hay fever tablets, or tablets against Travel sicknesscause tiredness. Both belong to the group of Antihistamines, and work sedating. Sleeping pills are particularly popular in old age, as many patients understandably bother the fact that the night should end at five in the morning. However, it should be noted that the correct setting of the medication is important, especially if the patients also want to drive or work. Here, the relatives must also be made responsible, who may be able to assess any changes in the drive better than the nursing staff. Medicines should help us, but they always come with us Side effectsto be observed in prescription and dosage.

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Abnormal tiredness may occur if you take Medication thus also be based on this. Fatigue can also occur when the body is having a systemic infection has to fight. In the simplest case this can be severe cold be, in more severe cases, an autoimmune disease like HIV, or a tumorous occurrence. Cancer patients struggle with fatigue at many different stages of their disease: especially with leukemia, and Colon cancer, an unfamiliar and inexplicable tiredness and exhaustion occurs in the initial stages. The diagnosis is usually followed by therapy, which is often a chemotherapy or surgery includes. Typically this goes with a "Depressing fatigue", also "Fatigue" (from the French) called hand in hand. Fatigue complaints are the most common Lymphoma and Leukemias on. They can be the result of the cancer itself, but also the result of chemotherapy and surgery. The fatigue syndrome often persists for some time even after the treatment is completed. Patients often suffer greatly because of it "Normal" daily routine nearly impossible does, and also that Increased feeling of illness. In fact, it is serious surgery into the body, while cancer itself is just as demanding on the body. Unfortunately, there is no causal therapy for the fatigue syndrome, only supportive therapy psychological care, such as Exercise and sports therapy Tobe offered.


The simple "fatigue" we talk about when we feel tired is found in medical guidelines no suitable definition. This is because the causes of fatigue can span a huge spectrum, and can have different reasons. In this respect, it is not always easy to make the right diagnosis for chronic fatigue. Before making a diagnosis it may be necessary to do a number of neurological, internist, and laboratory diagnostic Perform tests until you identify the real cause. Often, however, patients come to the doctor with the diagnosis, as it was with Sleep apnea syndrome the case is. A typical statement is: "My partner has pauses in breathing at night and always feels very tired during the day". In many cases, however, it is not that easy to make a diagnosis, which is why patients with chronic fatigue often have to see a number of doctors before the cause can be identified. A number of devices are available to doctors for this purpose, from MRI, about the sleep-laboratory, up to the simple Blood test. A diagnosis can be made faster if the patient can report anomalies himself, which can point the medical team in the right direction.

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As diverse as the causes of fatigue can be, so diverse is therapy too. In the simplest case it is enough professional to slow down, and on his nutrition to pay attention. 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily should be the rule at Children and Toddlers corresponding more. Since growth takes place during sleep, young people in particular should ensure that they get enough sleep during the growth phases. Also a correct attitude of the medication can eliminate fatigue. A number of medications cause tiredness without being anticipated at first. If the patient or relatives notice a noticeable change after changing the dose or preparation, then should a consultation with the attending physician respectively. At chronic diseases, how cancer, or HIV, in the course of the disease and its treatment, unfortunately, one often cannot avoid chronic fatigue. Then, however, symptomatic therapy concepts such as Motion- and Coping Therapy support the patient on his way. Diseases like that Sleep apnea syndrome but can be done relatively easily Weight reduction, and supportive surgery be eliminated. However, a general lifestyle should also be included Refrain from alcohol, nicotinelike the one already mentioned Weight reduction occur.

Fatigue and jet lag

Fatigue is also often caused by the so-called Jet lag triggered. For long-haul flights and the resulting Time change In the destination country, the human “internal clock” gets mixed up. Fatigue can occur during the day and in the evening or at night the person concerned can still not sleep. As a rule, however, it only takes a few days for the body to adjust to the new time zone and for the body to re-establish its usual rhythm.

Read detailed information on the subject: Jet lag


coffee, Caffeine tablets, and Energy drinks can temporarily eliminate tiredness. However, you buy this short burst of energy with a number of Side effects, especially the Gastrointestinal tract, and the cardiovascular system affect. Mentioned above Stimulants can short-term remedy for tiredness , but long-term excessive consumption should be avoided.

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