
A daily sustained (= persistentBad breath can have many different causes.

One possible cause of many, but one that is generally rare, is the stomach. If oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth, using dental floss and interdental brushes, a tongue cleaner, and a mouth rinse, is performed properly and the bad breath is still present, the stomach can be a cause of the bad breath.

The bad breath can be a first symptom a disease of the esophagus or gastrointestinal tract.


If the bad breath is not caused by poor oral hygiene, but comes from the stomach, heartburn can be a common cause. With this so-called Reflux disease (Backflow of stomach contents) you have a sour halitosis as the stomach acid rises up the esophagus.

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Furthermore, possible esophageal diseases can be a reason for bad breath. These include, for example, protrusions of the esophageal wall, so-called Diverticulum. Food residues can get caught here and, if left there for a long time, cause an unpleasant halitosis from the esophagus.

But also tumor diseases, inflammation or spasms of the esophageal sphincter (Achalasia) can be responsible for bad breath.

In order to be able to make a diagnosis, one must consult a doctor in the case of persistent bad breath. In very rare cases, bad breath can also be a symptom of stomach cancer, a diaphragmatic hernia, or foreign bodies in the digestive tract.

In these cases, however, bad breath would never be the only symptom. With bad breath, however, you don't always have to think about the worst.

In the most common cases, bad breath is caused by poor oral hygiene. Only when this is carried out sufficiently and the bad breath persists should you consult a doctor to find out the cause.

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Find out more here: Causes of Bad Breath

Inflammation of the stomach lining

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa often affects people who smoke or consume alcohol a lot. Both of these irritate the stomach lining.

Furthermore, taking medication or acute food poisoning can also be the cause of gastric mucosal inflammation (=gastritis) represent.

If the stomach lining is inflamed, symptoms such as Bad breath, Strength Pain in the upper abdomen, Bloating or heartburn on.

Stomach cancer

Even with stomach cancer, bad breath can persist. In most cases, however, this is also accompanied by other symptoms.

These include Heartburn, stomach pain, fever or Exhaustion.

The main risks for stomach cancer are smoking, excessive stress or a diet high in smoked foods. In general, there are no or very few signs of stomach cancer. The diagnosis is made by means of a gastroscopy (= Gastroscopy) and tissue samples.


In order to establish a diagnosis, all differential diagnoses, i.e. the diagnoses that exist as alternatives, must always be weighed in order to make the correct diagnosis. Above all, it must be checked whether there is adequate oral hygiene.

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A first self-test is appropriate here. You should pay attention to your own diet and note when the bad breath appears or whether it remains constantwhether the bad breath a special smell has and whether he is with a changed taste goes along in the mouth.

First, a doctor should be consulted if the bad breath persists. This may have a blood test arranged; Imaging may be used or an esophagus and stomach exam done.

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In general, the following factors that could be related to bad breath must always be considered. These include salivation, stress, smoking, mouth breathing, tongue piercing, alcohol consumption, adequate fluid intake, meat consumption, body weight and above-average coffee consumption.

Concomitant symptoms

The symptoms that accompany bad breath depend on the cause of the bad breath.

A common cause of persistent bad breath coming from the stomach is one Reflux disease, called heartburn. The acidic contents of the stomach rise back up into the esophagus. If heartburn is the reason for bad breath, it is accompanied by other symptoms. These include a sore throat, hoarseness, frequent belching, coughing, burning sensation in the esophagus or stomach pressure.

In the case of stomach cancer that causes bad breath, this is always accompanied by other symptoms. These include heartburn, stomach pain, fever, or fatigue. Bad breath can also be a side effect of gastritis. Accompanying symptoms here would be bloating, heartburn, stomach pain and possibly blood in the stool.

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Treatment: fight bad breath

Treatment for bad breath depends on its cause. With inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) or a bulge (Diverticulum) of the esophagus, antibiotics or surgical interventions must be carried out accordingly.

In many cases, however, the cause is reflux disease. This is often accompanied by acidosis. You can prevent or fight bad breath by drinking enough water every day. It is important here to avoid acidic drinks such as juices. You should also try to avoid stress and move around a lot.

If necessary, you can take acid-inhibiting tablets in addition to regular medication after consulting your doctor. In general, however, good oral hygiene is the cornerstone of preventing bad breath. Diet also plays a crucial role in the development of bad breath through the stomach. Bad breath can also arise with intolerance.

More information can be found here: Eliminate bad breath


There are mouthwashes to support dental hygiene, to suppress various germs that cause disease or those that only create fresh breath. In any case, you should seek advice from the treating dentist regarding the recommended ingredients.

Depending on the indication, the corresponding mouthwash may differ in its ingredients. In general, medical mouthwashes from the pharmacy help against bad breath because they work against the bacteria responsible for bad breath. These include, for example, mouthwashes with active ingredients such as Tin fluoride, Chlorhexidine or Tin fluoride.

You might also be interested in: dental care

Home remedies

However, if you want to try to fight bad breath naturally, there are various home remedies that can be used. You can rinse your mouth regularly with lukewarm sage tea, for example. Gargling with tea tree oil dissolved in water has also proven helpful. The same can be done with apple cider vinegar dissolved in water.

An old home remedy for bad breath is chewing fresh mint leaves. Furthermore, the so-called Oil pulling a widely used home remedy. It is said to help with gum problems, bad taste in the mouth, plaque on the tongue and bad breath. To do this, a tablespoon of cold-pressed sunflower oil is pulled through the teeth on an empty stomach for 15 minutes in the morning. It changes to a whitish liquid and is then spat out. However, the efficiency of this method is not considered proven.

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However, caution should be exercised when using home remedies if the stomach is ill.

There are many different home remedies for combating bad breath, but not every home remedy has the desired effect. In some cases, antibiotics or other medical treatments cannot be avoided.


The duration of bad breath through the stomach depends on the cause of the bad breath. If the bad breath is due to heartburn, a change in diet and lifestyle can already be done after a short time cause the bad breath to disappear. If there is inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) before, medication measures may be taken in addition to a change in diet. In this case it can some weeks take time for the bad breath to go away. In general, changing diet or habits can reduce much of the length of time a bad breath travels through the stomach.

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