
There are numerous muscle strands between the ribs that ensure proper breathing and the contraction of the chest, when coughing, etc. Like any muscle, these muscle bundles can tear or tear through what would be called a classic muscle fiber tear. In contrast to muscle fiber tears in the legs or arms, muscle fiber tears in the area between the ribs are relatively rare. As a rule, a conservative, non-surgical method of treatment is completely sufficient. A torn muscle fiber between the ribs often goes completely unnoticed.

Causes of a torn muscle fiber between the ribs

Muscle fiber tears between the ribs are mostly traumatic, i.e. either after accidents in which parts of the ribs have been injured by trauma, or if z. For example, a very strong cough stresses the muscles between the ribs so much that they can no longer withstand the pressure. In the case of muscle fiber tears caused by an accident, it usually occurs e.g.due to a fall or a traffic accident, severe bruising of the ribs and even a series of ribs fractures. In this case, the muscles between the ribs are inevitably severely affected and can tear in or through. Often times, the pain from bruising or fringed ribs is so severe that the pain caused by the accompanying muscle fiber tears is barely noticeable.
In the case of a strong cough that lasts for several days or weeks, on the other hand, it can happen that the only pain that the patient feels after the cough is the pain of the causing muscle fiber tears.

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Torn muscle fiber between the ribs from coughing

Torn muscle fibers between the ribs due to a strong cough are relatively common. The main reason is that the muscles between the ribs contract when you cough. After the cough, the muscles between the ribs relax again before the next coughing attack causes the muscles between the ribs to contract again. The strength of the movement is very unusual for the muscles between the ribs, as every coughing attack puts a lot of force on the muscles between the ribs.

There are hundreds of muscular connections between the ribs, which allow the smallest and fine, but also strong and powerful movements to be carried out in the chest area. The muscles that pull from rib to rib are also known as intercostal muscles. Pulled muscles or torn muscle fibers in this area can trigger very severe and protracted pain. Muscle fiber tears between the ribs caused by a strong cough are usually difficult to diagnose. An MRI can be performed, but the diagnostic effort does not justify the cause in this context. Sometimes an ultrasound of the muscles between the ribs can provide an indication of a torn muscle fiber in that area. In the case of a very strong cough that has been present over a long period of time, a complete tear-off of a muscle bundle between two ribs can also occur. However, there would not yet be severe restrictions in terms of breathing, since the other numerous muscles would maintain vital breathing.

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Read more on the subject at: Pain in the costal arch from coughing

Symptoms of a torn muscle fiber between the ribs

As with torn fibers in other muscles, the main symptom of a torn muscle fiber between the ribs is a sudden onset, usually sharp and burning pain. Small tears in the muscle fibers in the area between the ribs usually appear as a kind of sore muscles that go away within a few days. Larger and stronger muscle fiber tears also cause more complaints. The complaints are localized in the affected muscles between the ribs and can be triggered by manual pressure on this area or by inhalation. Especially after a torn muscle fiber between the ribs, caused by a strong cough, every breath and especially every cough causes severe pain in the chest area.
In the case of very severe muscle fiber tears between the ribs, the patient may also be able to breathe easily in exceptional cases. With so-called gentle breathing, the person concerned only breathes in very lightly and shallowly in order to avoid pain between the ribs. In the long run, non-breathing also leads to insufficient ventilation of the lungs. A consequent pain treatment of the muscle fiber tears is very important for this reason.

Please also read our topic: Rib pain

Diagnosis of a torn muscle fiber between the ribs

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient interview and the triggering event. The patient states how long he has had pain in the ribs, whether he had an accident before, or whether he had a cold with a cough. Then the examiner will listen to the lungs and also palpate the chest to see if there has been any instability in the rib area. By feeling the ribs and the muscles in between, the examiner can determine whether the muscles are very tender on pressure, which would indicate a torn muscle fiber between the ribs. If in doubt, an x-ray of the chest and ribs should always be performed. Although this image cannot prove a torn muscle fiber, it can show a rib fracture in the thoracic area.

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Duration of the muscle fiber tear between the ribs

The duration of a muscle fiber tear can vary widely. In the area between the ribs, however, a quick recovery can sometimes be difficult because the muscles between the ribs cannot be sufficiently spared. The muscles between the ribs are used practically with every breath, so it is difficult to rest. Recovery can be particularly lengthy, especially if it is also an accompanying cough that led to the torn muscle fiber between the ribs. As a rule, a ruptured muscle fiber generally lasts a few days up to 4 weeks. With heavily stressed muscles, a fiber tear can take up to 6 weeks even with one treatment.

Since the fiber tears between the ribs are mostly very small punctual tears, a recovery time of about 1-2 weeks can be assumed. If there is still no improvement in the symptoms after this time, an examination of the chest and ribs should also be carried out in order to rule out the smallest fractures. Adequate pain treatment, possibly with an anti-inflammatory component, can accelerate the healing of a torn muscle considerably.

Read more on this topic at: Duration of a muscle fiber tear

Therapy of torn muscle fibers between the ribs

If one or more tears in the muscle fibers in the chest area and between the ribs have been diagnosed, rapid treatment should be started, depending on the extent of the symptoms. As a rule, the treatment is conservative, i.e. not operational.

The most important measure in the treatment of painful muscle fiber tears between the ribs is pain management. This means that the patient does not breathe easily and that the muscles between the ribs do not cramp unnecessarily. Pain relieving medication can e.g. Ibuprofen in the dosage 600 mg 2-3 times a day or Diclofenac e.g. 50 mg taken twice a day. Paracetamol is also good for treating torn muscle fibers between the ribs, although the anti-inflammatory effect is rather minor.
Furthermore, the pain should be reduced by applying cooling pads to the painful area. An ice pack wrapped in a towel can be very helpful here. Cooling should be done 2-3 times a day. Cooling or pain-relieving gels can also be applied to the chest and the affected rib muscles. Here, too, can be used 2-3 times a day.

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Read more on this topic at: Therapy of a torn muscle fiber

Taping a torn muscle fiber between the ribs

The so-called taping with kinesio tape has become more and more popular in recent years in the treatment of general muscle injuries, but also in the case of classic muscle fiber tears. In the taping process, an elastic band is stuck over the torn or torn muscle. The forces that would otherwise act on the injured muscle should be cushioned and diverted. The tape should be applied to the skin without tension. The skin should be dry and non-greasy so that the tape does not slip. Various tapes can also be affixed to the chest area. Sometimes it is also necessary to stick the tapes crosswise in order to achieve a better effect.
The tape can remain on the injured muscles for a few days or even weeks. If the symptoms intensify, the tape should be removed again. A taping is usually a supplementary treatment method for the torn muscle fiber between the rib muscles. Depending on the degree of pain, a cooling and pain relieving treatment should always be carried out in parallel. Kinesio tapes are usually used by orthopedists, trauma surgeons and physiotherapists.

More information on the topic at: Taping a hamstring, kinesio tape

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