Chemotherapy is almost exclusively directed against rapidly growing cells. Cytostatics also take part Lung cancer into the cell cycle and unfortunately also destroy healthy cells. There Tumor cells also divide quickly, action only needs to be taken against this type of cell. But there are also other, rapidly dividing cells in many areas of our body. This is why chemotherapy often has a lot in many people strong side effects. You have to remember that every patient reacts differently to chemotherapy. Some have huge side effects and some have almost no side effects at all.
A high division rate show the cells of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the Hair cellswho have favourited cells in the Nail root and also cells of the Bone marrow. As a result, side effects are found in all of the areas mentioned.
First and foremost, many patients lose theirs Scalp hairif they are given chemotherapy. In this case, only one will help at first wigwhich is also paid for by the health insurance company for women. But when the chemotherapy is over, the hair grows back after a short time.
In some patients, the Nails attacked as there are many cells at the nail root that also divide quickly. Symptoms are then white streaks on the nails, longitudinal and / or transverse grooves or brittleness of the nails.
It can also do that Blood count change significantly in lung cancer patients. Here are often mainly those white blood cells (Leukocytes), which are responsible for the immune system. If too many leukocytes are missing, this can be very dangerous for the patient, as he is more susceptible to other diseases.
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Many patients also suffer from severe feverbecause their immune system has been so badly affected and the body tries to defend itself against diseases in another way by increasing the body temperature. Therefore, the blood is checked regularly and if there are serious abnormalities, the chemotherapy must be paused or the cycle changed. Furthermore, the red blood cells (Erythrocytes), which are formed in the bone marrow. You are the Transporter of Oxygen and the carbon dioxide in our body and therefore very important. They also make up most of the blood components. Chemotherapy allows patients to Anemia (anemia) Suffer. This additional illness can severely limit the life of the person affected as it fatigue and Listlessness cause the body receives too little oxygen and the carbon dioxide cannot be transported away in sufficient quantities.
There are also numerous cells in the gastrointestinal tract that go through a very fast cycle, i.e. that divide very quickly. Here, too, chemotherapy destroys healthy cells, which in turn is too pronounced in many patients nausea, to Vomit and also to constipation and diarrhea can lead. To prevent the latter are usually used for prevention Anti-vomiting medication and nausea administered.
The gastrointestinal side effects are undoubtedly very dangerous if left untreated and very severe. Especially when vomiting, the body, which is often emaciated by the lung cancer itself, is pushed even further to the limits of its capacity. Through severe vomiting, the patient loses important minerals and electrolytes, which must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities through infusions or appropriate nutrition and drinks.
The same goes for diarrhea. Here, too, the patients lose important substances, without which the body can dry out in the worst case (Dehydration).
Side effects in the gastrointestinal area can result in tiredness, weakness, paleness, feeling cold and low blood pressure. It is important to contact the treating doctor immediately if these symptoms are too pronounced. Particular care should be taken with the elderly and children.
Constipation also carries risks. If it lasts for several days, a so-called stool lump can form in the intestine, which can cause severe pain. Laxatives or enemas are then usually given to loosen the stool and ultimately pass it.
Not only do the physical effects make the side effects vomiting and diarrhea dangerous, but also the psychological effects.Many patients lose the strength and will to endure chemotherapy and stop or take a smaller dose, whether or not it has a negative effect on their lung cancer. In addition, chemotherapy can lead to reduced or even no longer fertility in both sexes. And women can also suffer from premature menopause. Sensitivity disorders are also possible. This means tingling and burning in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and numbness. Water can also be stored in various parts of the body. However, it is always important that other causes are taken into account for all side effects.
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$config[ads_text3] not foundThe tyrosine kinase inhibitors are also chemotherapeutic agents. In contrast to the classic chemotherapeutic agents, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors work in a targeted manner and thus cause fewer side effects. Read more about tyrosine kinase inhibitors and find out which cancers they can be used for at: Targeted chemotherapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Further informationFurther information on chemotherapy side effects lung cancer:
An overview of all topics of internal medicine that have already been published can be found at: Internal Medicine A-Z.