Veratrum album
Emilia, germander, lice herb, white hellebore
The hellebore plant can up to 1 m high become. You can recognize them by their short, thick, branched roots. The leaves are large, wide, elongated. Small, greenish white flowers sit in clusters on panicles on the upper part of the stem of the hellebore.
Flowering period: July to August
Occurrence: Mountains, in the Alps up to 2000 m altitude on moist meadows.
To obtain the medically effective parts of the hellebore, only the root used.
Alkaloids, very poisonus!
In folk medicine, the hellebore was often used, especially in the mountains, perhaps still today. Applied to, for example
However, only dosed in very small quantities. It is not advisable to use it, as the hellebore is already ingested in very small amounts Cause poisoning can and in larger amounts are fatal works.
Veratrum album (extracted from the hellebore) is a well-known remedy in homeopathy and prescription up to D3! Veratrum album is prescribed for people who are inclined to do so
Patients who need Veratrum album experience coldness all over their bodies. Improvement of the complaints through warmth, hot pads and lying at rest. The most common exponentiation is at D4, D6 and D12
$config[ads_text2] not foundThe plant is very poisonus and should not used by laypeople become.