Maintaining the health of our bodies is a high priority in our everyday life. We try to get enough exercise in our free time, pay attention to a healthy diet, go to preventive medical check-ups and make our homes back-friendly. A large part of our available time, usually 8 hours a day, is spent at our workplace. Unfortunately, the conditions there are in many ways not always beneficial to health, despite the increased attention of employers.

Read more on the topic: pain in the back

The number of PC workplaces has risen steadily over the past few years and with this increase there has also been an increase in screen space-related complaints, although increasing attention is paid to workplace ergonomics. Various causes are responsible for the increase in screen-dependent complaints, which must be analyzed more closely. A lack of ergonomics in the workplace is a good breeding ground for complaints.

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  • Too little movement and constant sitting in a monotonous working posture damage our muscles and spine
  • Recurring work processes at high speed with little effort lead to functional complaints
  • A high level of stress increases muscle tension, especially in the shoulder and neck area
  • Constant sitting damages the intervertebral discs
  • as well as work overload, as well as insufficient demand in the case of a lack of decision-making competence lead to psychological stress
  • Constantly looking at the screen puts a lot of strain on the eyes

The resulting complaints are individually very diverse and occur individually or (often) in combination.

  • RSI (repetitive strain injury syndrome) means injuries and pain in the cervical spine, shoulder, arm and hand area due to repeated strain

  • or referred to as CANS (complaints of arms, neck and shoulder)

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  • Tension headaches are mild to moderate, pressing headaches caused by cramps in the neck and jaw muscles, and often originating in the back of the head
  • Migraines (there are very many different types of migraines) is a mostly unilateral pulsating headache combined with vegetative complaints (e.g. nausea, sensitivity to light, etc.), caused by an expansion of the blood vessels in the brain
  • Back pain up to herniated discs in the lumbar or cervical spine
  • Sicca syndrome is dry eyes that burn, itch, and water
  • Nervousness and irritability
  • Tiredness to exhaustion even with enough sleep

Analysis of the job situation

In the best case scenario, an interdisciplinary team of company doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists and employees should work in order to create a precise analysis of the workplace conditions. An overall health management of a company includes a needs analysis, a concept for the restructuring of the workplace including the implementation and a control of the measures taken. This concept should, if possible, in advance of the workplace setup (Prophylaxis) or implemented when there is a change of employees and not only when the employees are already complaining about various complaints.

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Exact knowledge of the situation in the workplace is a prerequisite for starting points for improvement. This includes the analysis of the work furniture, the screen in terms of size, position and setting, the climate, light and room conditions and the examination of the work content, requirements and stress.

The Changes in the workplace may be associated with costs, but the investment amortizes relatively quickly for employers due to fewer sick leave and more satisfied employees.

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Ergonomization of the PC workstation without major investments

  • Adjustment of the chair and table to the height of the employee
  • Placement of the screen
  • Adjustment of contrast, colors and screen saver
  • Improvement of the light and climate conditions in the room
  • Reduction of workload and stress and improvement of the working atmosphere can only be achieved in cooperation with the entire team, the work management and possibly a supervision after careful analysis.

The optimal setup of a PC workstation can be found under the topic of ergonomic workstation.

You can also read more on this topic at: desk with adjustable height

Adapting employee behavior to the respective work situation.

It is certainly easier to set up a workplace more economically than to examine the behavior of employees in the workplace and change the rules of conduct. In order to analyze the work behavior of employees, standardized questionnaires help to examine topics such as working hours, movement at the workplace and outside of work, sitting positions, recurring work processes, drinking behavior and break behavior.

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Immediate measures to change behavior at the PC workstation

  • Constantly changing sitting positions
  • Getting up again and again, completing work processes while standing, walking upstairs
  • Headset instead of wedging the telephone receiver between head and shoulder
  • Performing exercises at work, doing sports in your free time
  • Learn short relaxation at the workplace, take relaxation breaks
  • in work-specific back training courses, fitness programs or
    Attend stress management seminars
  • Adequate hydration
  • Regular ophthalmological checks

  • Diet 
  • Sports-And-Fitness 
  • Anesthesia-Online 
  • Naturopathy 
  • Drug 
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