
(Knee) contusion


Under the term "bruise“One understands the damage to body tissue that arises from external violence. Typically, there are no visible skin injuries with a bruise.

Read more here: How do you treat a bruise?


In most cases, a bruise on the knee is caused by a fall. In addition, hitting the knee against a rigid obstacle can result in a bruise. In addition to the accident-related form, a bruise on the knee can also be caused as a result of physical violence. Regardless of the underlying event, the bruise is always caused by an external force acting directly on the knee joint. Typically, no impairment of the skin surface can be observed in the affected patients.

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In the case of the bruise, the actual traumatic event takes place below the surface of the skin. Due to the enormous force exerted on the knee, softer tissue is pressed against hard structures (e.g. bones or the joint capsule of the knee). In addition, some patients report that lateral shear forces acted on the knee joint. In these cases there is a lateral displacement of the softer tissue along the bony joint structures. Bruises are one of the most common injuries that occur while exercising. Of all possible localizations, a bruise is most common in the knee area. Severe, sharp pain and local swelling are typical symptoms of this disease. Although the symptoms caused by the trauma are quite similar in most of the affected patients, different forms of contusion can be distinguished.

Find out more about: Acute knee pain - that may be behind it

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Typical forms caused by sports accidents

Muscle contusion: With this type of bruise on the knee, a Bruise between individual muscle fibers. Immediately after the traumatic event, the affected patients feel severe pain and significant limitations in mobility.

Joint bruise: The joint bruise is the most common form of bruise on the knee Leap- and Shoulder joint particularly often affected. A joint bruise leads to the development of a Effusion within the jointassociated with severe pain and impaired joint function.

Bone bruise: Bone bruises in the knee area are extremely rare. This shape occurs mainly in areas that are only covered by a thin layer of skin. These are typical locations of the bone contusion Shin and the Kneecap. In this case, the bruise resulting from the external force is located directly between the bone and the periosteum. Because of the high density of nerves in this area, bruises are particularly painful. Typically, however, the symptoms felt by those affected subside relatively quickly.

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Severe pain along the thigh and lower leg are typical side effects of a Bruised bone on the knee. The pain caused by the enormous force applied is already evident in most of the affected patients when they are at rest. If the injured knee continues to be stressed despite a bruise, the pain usually increases in intensity. In addition, a bruise on the knee typically results in extensive bruises (hematomas). In some of the affected patients, the extent of the injury is so severe that Bleeding develop into the joint capsule (knee joint effusion). In addition, the bruise on the knee often restricts the normal range of motion. As a rule, the ability to stretch and bend the knee joint in particular is negatively affected.

$config[ads_text2] not foundAppointment with a knee specialist?

I would be happy to advise you!

Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

The knee joint is one of the joints with the greatest stress.

Therefore, the treatment of the knee joint (e.g. meniscus tear, cartilage damage, cruciate ligament damage, runner's knee, etc.) requires a lot of experience.
I treat a wide variety of knee diseases in a conservative way.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

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You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

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Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert


The most common cause of a bruise on the knee is a direct, blunt impact of force on the knee joint. Depending on the exact location of the bruise on the knee, soft tissue is either pressed against the bony structures or against the joint capsule and squeezed together. In addition, shear forces acting laterally on the knee joint can lead to a displacement of the soft tissue against the bone or the joint capsule. In the end, the actual bruise is caused by the rupture of tiny and / or medium-sized blood or lymph vessels. Blood or lymph fluid can escape through the cracks in the vessel walls and seep into the spaces between the cells. This leads to the formation of a bruise within the joint capsule or along the bony structures of the knee joint.
In most cases, a bruise on the knee is caused immediately during exercise. The bruise on the knee is therefore a typical sports injury. People who regularly play football are particularly at risk. The reason for this is the fact that there is often blunt violence during one-on-one matches. In addition, accidents at home, at work, or when children play are among the most common causes of knee bruises.

Read more on the subject at: Bruise in the child


The diagnosis of a bruise on the knee is usually based on the symptoms typical of this clinical picture. If there is a suspicion of a bruise on the knee, the extent of the injury must be determined. For this purpose, both Ultrasound examinations, as well as the production radiological Recordings are made.

Therapy / treatment

Patients who are suspected of having a bruise on their knee can in many cases take simple measures to remedy the situation. With this type of sports injury in particular, it is particularly important for the healing process to initiate suitable treatment measures at an early stage. The most suitable steps to relieve the pain caused by the bruise on the knee can be easily identified using the so-called "PECH schemes" notice.
Immediately after the traumatic event, the affected persons should stop all sporting activity. Just this one Pause (P as in pause) ensures sufficient protection of the affected body region and can have a positive effect on the healing process. If the knee is loaded too soon after the bruise has occurred, healing can be significantly delayed and far-reaching diseases can be provoked.
In addition, the painful knee should be promptly treated with a suitable one Coolant (Cold pack or ice pack) (E for ice cream). In this context, however, it must be noted that the coolant No way may be placed directly on the skin surface. Ideally, the cooling pad should be wrapped with a thin cloth before it is placed on the painful knee. If there is a bruise on the knee, careful cooling is particularly effective within the first 10 to 20 minutes after the traumatic event.
Furthermore, the affected knee joint can be treated with an elastic Association be wrapped (C for Compression). In this way, the even external pressure can help prevent swelling and relieve the pain the patient may feel. Ideally, cooling the knee should be combined with applying the bandage.
In addition, elevating the leg is one of the most effective immediate measures in the event of a bruise on the knee (H as in elevation). Raising the leg can reduce the leakage of blood from the damaged vessels. This leads to less pronounced swellings appearing and the healing process is positively influenced.
Read more at this point under: PECH scheme

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The first phase of healing from a bruise on the knee is approximately 48 hours. Immediately afterwards, the body begins to repair the damaged tissue regenerate and the Reduce bruise. For this reason, the bruise on the knee is treated after 48 hours by measures that stimulate blood flow. In this context, preparations that heat up the affected region are particularly suitable. The active substance Capsaicin (a component of pepper), which is contained in various creams, ointments and plasters, is particularly suitable for further treatment of a bruise on the knee. In addition, many athletes swear by the local application of Horse ointment. In order to positively influence the healing process and to accelerate the reduction of local swellings, you can also use arnica- and Horse chestnut Medicines are used. The homeopathic preparation Traumel (in ointment or tablet form) can also be used to treat a bruise on the knee.

Course and possible complications

A bruise on the knee usually occurs completely harmless and heals without medical intervention. The healing process and the time it takes for the bruise on the knee to completely heal depends primarily on how quickly the treatment is initiated. In rare cases, however, a bruise on the knee can become severe Bruising and or Bleeding get into the joint capsule. For this reason, some of the affected patients need a operational Treatment initiated. If the injured area is loaded again too soon, there is a risk of serious complications.
The most common complications of a bruise on the knee include increases in pressure in the area of ​​the muscles adjacent to the knee joint, which lead to a so-called "Compartment syndrome" being able to lead.

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