
If there are red spots on the glans, it is one Skin appearancewhich can be very diverse. So it can be great variability in the form, number, duration or also localization of this symptom, which, however, still in itself no clinical picture describes.
However, the type of red spots on the glans can be useful for the doctor to determine the cause therapy initiate.

Often the spots are also one skin rash, which in medical terminology as Rash referred to as.


There can be a variety of causes for the appearance of red spots on the glans. If such skin changes occur frequently and / or persist over a longer period of time, a specialist should urgently be consulted and the underlying disease diagnosed. Red spots that appear on the glans do not necessarily have to be a sign of a serious illness. Often, after frequent intercourse, small red areas of skin appear on the glans due to irritation. Irritation in the sense of an allergic reaction can also become noticeable in terms of red spots after changing a washing or care product. Affected men should, however, pay attention to whether there are other symptoms in addition to the redness. Red spots on the glans may be accompanied by itching, burning sensation or pronounced general symptoms (e.g. fever and chills). In addition, it is essential to pay attention to the shape, whether the redness on the glans is actually just flat spots or small blisters.

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Men who have regular unprotected intercourse should also inform their partner. Red spots on the glans may be the first sign of a sexually transmitted disease. For this reason, the partner of an affected man should also see a specialist (in this case a gynecologist; gynecologist). In the case of a large number of typical diseases that lead to red spots on the glans in men, the sexual partner must urgently be treated. Otherwise there is a risk that the infection will repeatedly be passed on from one partner to the other and thus not really heal until both are treated.

How dangerous are the red spots on my glans?

The causes of red spots on the glans can be very variable, ranging from slight irritation symptoms as a result of excessive tissue stress, for example from frequent intercourse, to an allergic reaction to changed care products, to an acute inflammatory change as part of an infection or in the worst, but very rare Case of manifestation in the context of cancer are enough.

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As a result, the assessment of the danger of the red spots is strongly dependent on the cause, whereby it should be emphasized that in almost all cases it is a harmless course. Symptoms of irritation or allergic reactions heal within a few days without specific therapy if the cause is avoided.

If there are other symptoms such as fever, swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin or itching, one should rather think of an infectious origin and contact a doctor as soon as possible. The initiation of a pathogen-appropriate therapy is very important for the treatment and healing of the red spots. In addition to bacteria, viruses and especially fungi can also be considered as infectious causes of the stains. If you suspect an infection, you should inform your sexual partner as soon as possible, otherwise the pathogens will be transmitted between the parties involved.
Regardless of the causative pathogen species, the disease can only finally cure with specific drug therapy, otherwise there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic or the pathogen spreading beyond the local infection of the genitals to other parts of the body, which leads to systemic involvement and, depending on the pathogen, serious complications or lengthy processes.

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Cancer can only occur in an extremely small percentage of cases, so that all in all, the risk potential of the red spots on the glans is to be assessed as low. It should be pointed out again that if you suspect a pathogen-related infection you should definitely consult a doctor in order to initiate the necessary therapy if necessary.

To clarify, we will go into the following on the different causes, their dangers and therapy:

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Causes and other symptoms

If red spots appear on the glans, this can have a number of causes. In many cases, it is local skin irritation caused by mechanical rubbing processes on the trousers or the zipper.

Furthermore, red spots on the glans are sometimes caused by a so-called toxic reaction. In the broadest sense, toxic reactions of the skin are considered to be skin allergies. If, for example, a shower gel or detergent has been changed, regular use may lead to an allergic skin reaction. This is usually associated with red spots on the skin and can appear all over the body. In some cases the genital organ and especially the glans can be affected.

In diagnostics, it is important not only to look at the red spots, but also to look at any accompanying symptoms. A reddish skin change in the form of red spots on the glans in connection with local pain on the red spots indicate an inflammation of the glans. This clinical picture is also known as balanitis. Sometimes a bacterial infection can be behind it, sometimes a mechanical or toxic irritation. If parts of the foreskin are also affected in addition to the glans, this is also known as balanoposthitis.

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Read more about this under Inflammation of the glans

In balanitis, a distinction is made between infectious and non-infectious balanitis. The most common is the so-called balanitis simplex. This is caused by local irritation, such as occurs with too frequent body and intimate hygiene. The reason is that the protective acid layer of the glans is damaged by frequent washing and therefore becomes cracked and painful.

Balanitis is almost always associated with a burning sensation on the glans. Especially when pushing the foreskin, there is not inconsiderable pain in this area.

Infectious balanitis can also result from a fungus. Here yeast are usually the main culprits. Some fungi can be found on the skin without causing any disease. If the immune system is weakened for various reasons and other factors coincide, it can lead to a skin infection in the sense of glans inflammation.
Sometimes unnatural multiplication of germs on the skin can also lead to an inflammation of the glans. This is also based on a reduced immune and defense system.

Venereal diseases are another common cause of glans inflammation. These include e.g. Genital herpes infections that can also be transmitted through traffic. Syphilis can also lead to the formation of red spots on the glans. As a rule, however, the red spots are associated with an ulcer formation, which is typical of syphilis. With the causes mentioned, the symptoms are mostly local burning and pain in the glans.

There is usually no burning sensation when urinating. If there is a typical burning sensation when urinating, it is either caused by irritation of the glans so severe that it reaches the tip of the urethra, or it is a urinary tract infection.
Depending on the cause, it can also lead to an inflammation of the urethra, which results from an inflammation of the glans. Inflammation of the urethra can have the same causes as inflammation of the glans. As a rule, a bacterial infection caused by skin germs is the most common cause of urethritis. If the urethral inflammation is severe, there may also be a discharge from the urethra. Sometimes the discharge can be purulent as well, which requires urgent treatment.

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  • Cystitis
  • Bacteria in the urine - how dangerous is it?
  • Blue acorn

Itching / no itching

Red spots on the glans are usually associated with pronounced itching, depending on the underlying cause.

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Especially inflammatory processes, can red spots on the glansthat are accompanied by severe itching. In the so-called glans inflammation (technical term: Balanitis) inflammatory processes can be detected in the area of ​​the outer skin layers of the glans.
Affected patients typically suffer from burning pain and pronounced itching. In addition, the skin surface has an effect reddened (Red stain) and irritable.

The redness is often seen as red spots on the glans, but in some cases the entire glans appears red. In addition, the inflammatory processes can provoke local swelling. The causes for the occurrence of an inflammation of the glans with red spots on the glans are initially between infectious and non-infectious To distinguish triggers. Infectious inflammation, which is accompanied by severe itching, can be caused by bacterial and viral pathogens as well as fungi. Infectious inflammatory processes are usually characterized by a relatively acute course in which the symptoms (for example the itching) appear suddenly, marked.

The relevant pathogens in this context include

  • Staphylococci
  • Streptococci
  • Genital herpes viruses
  • Human papilloma virus (HPV)
  • Yeasts (such as candida)
  • Parasites (especially Trichomonas vaginalis)

The risk of bacterial inflammation, which is represented by red spots on the glans penis and severe itching of the glans penis (itch), can be increased mainly by insufficient intimate hygiene. In addition, diseases such as diabetes, but also narrowing of the foreskin (so-called phimosis) can increase the likelihood of red spots and itching on the glans.

The treatment of the infectious glans inflammation always depends on the underlying cause. If a bacterial infection is detected, local antibiotic treatment must usually be initiated.Affected patients have to treat the red spots that are itchy over a period of five to seven days with an antibiotic ointment.
Fungal infections that cause red spots and itching on the glans must also be treated with an ointment.

Non-infectious inflammations that do not require itching are mostly caused by mechanical irritation or overuse of the glans. In many cases, a narrowing of the foreskin can also be detected in those affected, which leads to strong friction on the glans during sexual intercourse. Patients who suffer from a mechanically caused glans inflammation with red spots usually do not feel itchy. However, the glans often appear reddened and sore in those affected. Affected people also often suffer from a swollen glans penis. (see also: Swollen glans.)
An inflammation of the glans, which is shown by red spots on the glans and does not cause itching, is usually treated with locally applicable cortisone-containing preparations. The regular application of the common ointments helps to alleviate the symptoms or symptoms of inflammation. Red spots on the glans that do not cause itching disappear completely within a few days. In addition, it is important to ensure that the irritated glans should not be subjected to any further stress during the healing period. Otherwise the symptoms may get worse. In the case of both infectious and non-infectious glans inflammation, it must also be noted that the inflammatory processes spread to the inside of the foreskin and can possibly cause so-called "balanoposthitis".

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Pain / no pain

The possible causes for the development of red spots on the glans can already be narrowed down by considering the accompanying symptoms. In this context, possible itching and pain associated with the skin changes play a decisive role. Burning of the glans is also often described.
Red spots on the glans, accompanied by severe, burning pain, usually indicate the presence of inflammatory processes. In the majority of those affected, the symptom constellation "red spots on the glans and pain"On a so-called glans inflammation (Balanitis) to be led back. Typically, the glans of those affected is clearly red and irritated. Local swellings are also not uncommon in the presence of glans inflammation.
The inflammatory processes that lead to pain and red spots on the glans can be caused by bacterial and viral pathogens as well as fungi.

In addition to the infectious forms of glans inflammation, non-infectious changes can also cause pain and red spots on the glans. Typically the symptoms are caused by overstressing the sensitive glans. This phenomenon can mainly be observed in people who have frequent traffic.
In addition, red spots on the glans, which are accompanied by pronounced pain, can be caused by excessive intimate hygiene. Frequent cleaning of the sensitive glans, especially when using unsuitable care products, can destroy the natural skin environment and make the skin surface more sensitive to mechanical stimuli.

Although inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the glans usually lead to severe pain, the absence of pain is not evidence that there is no inflammation. No pain despite red spots on the glans can be observed, for example, when the inflammatory processes are only mild. Already at this point in time, the prompt initiation of a suitable treatment can lead to the irritation on the glans healing particularly quickly. In addition, red spots on the glans that are not associated with pain can be an indication of completely uncomplicated skin changes. In these cases there is usually no need for medical treatment. Men who suffer from red spots on the glans that are not associated with pain should first observe the skin changes and, if in doubt, consult a specialist.

Read more about this under: Acorn burns


Discharge from the limb (Genital fluorine) is a skin symptom of inflammation of the urethra. Inflammatory discharge typically appears slimy, yellowish-green, and purulent. In addition, if there are inflammatory processes in the urethra, the discharge can be offensive.

There can be various causes for the development of urethritis. In order to narrow down the possible causes, the accompanying symptoms should be carefully observed and analyzed. Main causes of urethral inflammation (called Urethritis) are sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea (gonorrhea) or a chlamydial infection. For this reason, a distinction is made between gonorrhoeic and non-gonorrhoeic forms of inflammation of the urethra.

If the urethritis leading to discharge is caused by a gonorrhea infection, red spots can usually be observed on the glans. In addition, the affected men experience painful changes in the testicles and burning pain when urinating. The discharge typical of a gonorrhea infection is mostly whitish, yellow or greenish. In addition, the discharge of the discharge is perceived as extremely painful by those affected.
The majority of affected patients also develop general symptoms with fever, chills, fatigue and fatigue.
Treatment of gonorrhoeic urethritis, which is accompanied by red spots on the glans penis and discharge, is usually done with the use of an antibiotic. In the meantime, effective antibiotics are available for the treatment of gonorrhea, which may also be effective against other pathogens present. When treating gonorrhea, however, it must be noted that potential sexual partners must always be treated as well. Otherwise, the causative pathogens can be transmitted again from the sexual partner after the disease has healed.

With a chlamydial infection, the discharge is more glassy, ​​slimy or purulent. Typically, secretion is mainly done in the morning. Affected patients also often notice burning pain, which increases in intensity, especially when urinating. In addition, red spots can often be observed on the glans. In the case of chlamydia-related urethritis, antibiotic therapy must also be initiated.

Read more on the subject at: You can recognize a chlamydial infection in men by these symptoms

Acorn peels

If there are red spots on the glans that are either painful or painless and there is also a very dry skin surface on the glans that is beginning to flake, in most cases it is not infectious cause.

Usually the cause of this flaking is one Contact eczemathat through a toxic dermatitis comes about. Contact dermatitis mostly occurs on the fingers and hands, as soon as contact with the triggering substance is avoided. Often it is detergents or shower gels that are newly used and that the skin reacts to.

This flaky skin reaction can also result excessive hygiene come. If the intimate area is washed too often and too often exposed to water and detergents, it can lead to an attack on the protective acid mantle of the skin. This is especially necessary so that pathogens that are on the skin cannot penetrate the skin and cause inflammation of the skin area. Frequent washing damages the acid mantle, drying out the skin and peeling. The first and most important measure is to reduce the frequency of personal hygiene.

In addition, nourishing and greasy ointments can be applied to the glans, which care for and protect the skin and help to restore the acid mantle.


Especially in men who have frequent intercourse, these red spots can be due to irritation of the sensitive skin surface of the glans. In these cases, however, the abnormalities are usually not accompanied by other symptoms and are already significantly reduced after a short time.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are one of the most common causes of red spots appearing on the penis shaft and / or glans. A fungal infection in the penile area should be taken seriously and treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk that the fungal infection will spread further and become dangerous. Typically, the fungal infection of the penis is caused by so-called yeasts. These fungi are microorganisms that are also found in the normal flora of the skin and mucous membranes. However, it is important that the yeasts are in a state of equilibrium with other microorganisms (e.g. bacteria). In this state of equilibrium, the yeasts have no disease value and do not cause any complaints.

If this already very sensitive balance is disturbed, however, and the yeast fungus suddenly multiply, a pathological condition develops and the affected patients experience the typical symptoms. The most frequently relevant pathogen in this context is the yeast of the genus Candida albicans. In addition, the genera Candida tropicalis and glabrata play an important role in the development of fungal red spots on the glans. In most cases, the male genital fungal infection affects both the glans penis and foreskin. The reason for this is the close anatomical contact between these two structures. Regular unprotected sex in particular is one of the main risk factors for genital fungal infections with red spots on the glans. In addition, it can be observed that men who suffer from pronounced foreskin constriction are more affected. Candida infections with red spots on the glans are particularly common in people whose immune system is already weakened. Relevant diseases in this context include HIV and diabetes mellitus. The use of cortisone-containing drugs or antibiotics can also promote the development of a genital fungal infection.

Typical symptoms of a yeast infection are:

  • red spots on the penis (especially on the glans)
  • local swelling
  • Painful urination
  • purulent discharge from the urethra
  • oozing blisters

Allergic stains

Even with some unfamiliar care products, such as Shower gels or Lotions reddish spots can be triggered on the glans. This is a classic one Contact dermatitiswhich can also arise in any other part of the body. In the case of intimate hygiene with a certain shower gel or a washing lotion and the reddish stains that follow on the glans, the cause is usually allergic.

The only and often most successful treatment measure is Change of washing lotion. Greasy and moisturizing ointments such as Bepanthen® wound and healing ointment can be used.

An allergy, which is noticeable in the form of red spots on the glans, can also be caused by a certain person Fabric of underwear to be triggered. To be on the safe side, in addition to changing the care products, you should also change the underwear materials used.

Penile cancer

Penile cancer is a very rare disease, so it should only be considered when everything else has been ruled out. In penile cancer, too, skin changes occur in the form of hardening, swelling or nodules. The skin abnormalities sometimes also manifest as easily bleeding and red erosions that heal poorly or not at all.
In the vast majority of cases, penile cancer affects the glans or foreskin.

One of the possible side effects, which usually only appear at an advanced stage of the disease, is one discharge from the urethra. This can be bad odor stand out or appear bloody.

Red spots on the glans indicating HIV

Red spots on the glans almost never indicate an HIV infection. HIV infections are largely asymptomatic. Diagnosis is usually carried out routinely by a Blood test at the request of the patient.

First Symptoms of HIV infection can Exhaustion, frequent infections and Weight loss be. With advanced HIV infection it can also lead to skin lesions all over the body. In this context it can also be reddish skin changes on the glans come, but rarely occur individually. In the vast majority of cases, further reddish lesions appear on the body. If there are already skin symptoms, it is probably already an advanced HIV infection in the sense of a AIDS Illness.

  • HIV symptoms
  • Skin Rash - What Are The Signs That It Is HIV?

Glans inflammation

In addition to fungal infections, inflammatory processes are the main cause of the formation of red spots on the glans. The reasons that lead to such Inflammation of the glans lead can be varied. Above all, insufficient cleaning of the genital area plays a decisive role in the development of the disease. The presence of a foreskin constriction (technical term: Phimosis) and / or diseases that limit the body's immune response (e.g. Diabetes mellitus), can promote the development of red spots on the glans. In addition, germs from the rectum area that reach the glans can lead to inflammatory processes. The inadequate genital hygiene also causes the formation of an ideal breeding ground for these bacterial pathogens, which accumulate under the foreskin, multiply and cause inflammatory processes through the excretion of their metabolic end products.

The relevant pathogens in this context are:

  • Staphylococci

  • Mycobacteria

  • Gardanella vaginalis

  • Candida albicans (Yeast)

The chronic form of glans inflammation with red spots on the glans, on the other hand, occurs mainly in men who clean their penis excessively (Cleanliness acorns). In the course of this, the natural skin environment of the genital region is destroyed and the glans skin is degreased. This form of glans inflammation also promotes the development of a foreskin narrowing due to increasing hardening of the foreskin. In addition, chronic inflammation of the glans can cause red spots on the glans from contact with chemicals (e.g. sperm-killing substances in condoms or gels). The Glans inflammation Usually shows up by the appearance of red spots on the glans penis, swelling, pain and itching. In addition, purulent secretions can escape from the urethra.

Is that contagious?

Whether or not red spots that appear on the glans are contagious cannot be said without further ado. The decisive factor is the triggering cause. While allergic causes that lead to the formation of red spots are of course not contagious, infection-related inflammation of the glans can very well be contagious.

An inflammation caused by a genital herpes infection or syphilis can be transmitted to healthy people through skin contact and of course also through intercourse. This then leads to similar complaints in the genital area. Whether red spots on the glans are contagious or not cannot be determined without diagnostics. However, extreme caution should be exercised until the underlying cause is known.

Read more about this under

  • STDs
  • Sexually transmitted diseases


Treatment for a patient who notices red spots on the glans is always based on the underlying condition.

  • irritation

If the red spots are due to irritation of the glans skin, creams and ointments can help relieve the symptoms. In addition, the affected patients should refrain from sexual intercourse for a period of at least a few days.Only in this way can the excessively stressed areas of the skin recover and regenerate.

  • Fungal infection

If the red spots on the glans are caused by a fungal infection, suitable therapy must be initiated immediately. In this context, it is particularly important that the sexual partners are also treated. Mutual reinfection can only be prevented through simultaneous therapy for both parties. Before the actual treatment of the genital yeast infection can be initiated, a smear should be taken of the red spots on the glans. In this way, the causative pathogens can be determined and targeted treatment can be carried out. As a rule, the treatment of fungal red spots on the glans is carried out with the regular application of a locally effective ointment. The ointments used are products belonging to the group of Antifungal drugs (Antifungal agents) are counted.

With the help of this ointment, the growth and spread of the causative yeast fungus can be inhibited and the existing fungal cells can be killed. In very pronounced cases of genital fungal infection with red spots on the glans, antimycotics can also be taken orally (in tablet form). The affected patients should keep the skin surface of the glans as dry as possible during the entire treatment period. For this purpose, a strip of gauze can be placed between the foreskin and glans after applying the locally effective ointment. In addition, the factors that promoted the outbreak of the genital fungal infection with red spots on the glans should be evaluated medically. Under certain circumstances, underlying diseases (such as a general immune deficiency) must also be treated.

  • Glans inflammation

If the affected patient notices red spots on the glans, which are caused by an inflammation of the glans, a locally effective treatment is primarily initiated. Depending on the causative agent, different antibiotics or fungicidal (fungicidal) creams are used. The non-infectious inflammation of the glans is usually using cortisone Ointments treated.

Which doctor should I see?

If red spots are found on the glans, a doctor should always be consulted. Of the Family doctor can provide initial information about the cause of the disease and will then refer you to a specialist colleague in case of doubt. Here then come specialists for dermatology or urology in question.
If a sexually transmitted disease is suspected, a urologist is always referred to. Most patients go to a dermatologist or urologist on their own initiative if they notice abnormal skin changes on their genitals.

Cream / ointments

If reddish spots form on the glans, the exact cause should first be found out. Especially if the cause is an inflammation of the glans, in addition to combating the cause, a symptomatic treatment done through ointments or creams. Here the causes are not eliminated, only the symptoms, which often consist of burning and dandruff, are combated.

Nourishing and moisturizing creams are used, such as Bepanthen® wound and healing ointment and Chamomile flower ointment.
The cause of the inflammation is coming from a bacterial cause antibiotic ointments for use. Inflammation of the glans is also very common Mushrooms conditionally. In this case, ointments that fight fungi would be used. The most common active ingredient that is used in this context is Canesten Ointment.

Home remedies

After the exact cause of an inflammation of the glans has been determined, treatment should be started as soon as possible. In addition to conventional medical measures, there are also some home remedies and alternative medical options available, which are mostly used symptomatically for reddish skin changes on the glans.

The use of Chamomile tincture. Here e.g. a linen cloth soaked in chamomile tea or chamomile and then placed on the acorn. The chamomile ensures a reduction of irritation and a quick healing of the skin. The camomile should be applied 1-2 times a day and carried out for about 10 minutes. Alternatively, a Chamomile seat bath be performed.

Furthermore, the application of Tea tree oilapplied to the reddish spots on the glans, anti-inflammatory and healing. Tea tree oil is said to be particularly effective in balanitis simplex, i.e. the inflammation caused by external irritation. Since tea tree oil can also be very irritating to the skin, it should first be diluted before the liquid is applied to the glans.

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