
Dizziness and tremors are two things Symptomsthat at a whole range of diseases occur can and are therefore very unspecific. In addition, it is usually the case that not everyone understands the same thing. So in the true medical definition, dizziness is rather than a targeted vertigo or vertigohow to understand ENT diseases. Colloquially, the term vertigo is often used for a rather general malaise or weakness used.

Also at Tremble there is a whole range of medical terms that are colloquially understood as tremors. What exactly is behind it and how the whole thing comes about therefore differs massively, depending on the context in which the dizziness or the tremors occur.

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The causes for the typical vertigo are usually in the Area of ​​the inner ear, or further Balance system. In the case of dizziness, as a kind of malaise, the problem usually lies in the brain, or in its lack of oxygen, sugar or sleep. The Tremble is often a so-called vegetative concomitant phenomenon. This is often due to an overreaction of the nervous system to an abnormal condition, such as even with severe pain. As a result of these two mechanisms, dizziness and tremors often appear together as accompanying symptoms in very different underlying diseases.

Dizziness, tremors, and nausea

With nausea, regardless of the cause, dizziness and tremors can initially appear as accompanying symptoms. Since nausea and vomiting are very irritating to the nervous system, it is possible that the body overreacts and thus triggers these symptoms. This can especially happen if the nausea occurs in response to a strong external stimulus, such as in the event of food poisoning or excessive alcohol consumption.

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However, if dizziness and tremors occur as a result of a prolonged phase of nausea and vomiting, there is often something else behind it. If the gastrointestinal flu lasts for a long time, vomiting and possible diarrhea cause the body to lose a lot of fluid and important electrolytes. On the one hand this weakens the circulation, on the other hand the function of the nervous system can be disturbed. As the lack of fluid also means that not enough blood and thus oxygen can reach the brain, symptoms of dizziness can occur. The tremor can then be caused by the irritated nervous system. In this case you should be careful to drink plenty of fluids. A visit to a doctor is also recommended in this case.

Read more on the topic: Dizziness with nausea, trembling hands in adolescence

Dizziness, tremors and weakness

If you are weak, especially if you suddenly feel weak, dizziness and tremors can occur. Often there is also a feeling of racing heart and it goes black before your eyes. The cause for this is usually very simple things, such as hypoglycaemia, lack of sleep, lack of fluids or overwork. In these situations, the body is simply no longer able to maintain normal bodily functions, so that the failures described in various systems occur.

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Even if the causes in themselves are rather harmless, you should be clarified by a doctor, especially if they occur repeatedly, in order to identify more serious underlying diseases. Diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland but also mental illnesses can be behind it. Especially with long-term overwork and insufficient compensation, the symptoms described are often a clear warning signal to step back a little.

Also read: Dizziness from low blood pressure

Dizziness, tremors, and headache

Both the dizziness and the tremors can be as Concomitant symptoms of a migraine occur.But also very strong headaches that are not related to a migraine can be accompanied by so-called vegetative accompanying symptoms. The nervous system reacts to the fact that one is feeling bad, which can then lead to further symptoms. Just at known high blood pressure, but you should always remember that a very high or derailed blood pressure can also cause headaches and then dizziness and tremors. In this case, a doctor must be consulted urgently.

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Dizziness, tremors and racing heart

Are dizziness and tremors associated with you Racing heart, two important causes must be distinguished. For one, the symptoms can be typical panic attacks or Fainting occur. Here, the palpitations are usually felt even faster than actually measurable. The whole thing is clear psychological cause, which triggers the symptoms via the peripheral nervous system. This is then very uncomfortable for those affected, but initially not dangerous. If this occurs frequently, you should have a long-term psychotherapeutic treatment think.

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The symptoms can also be triggered by the heart itself. are Heart trouble known, or occurs for the first time, you should always think about this possibility and consult a doctor as soon as possible. In this case the cause is that the heart is actually beating far too fast, for example because of a Atrial fibrillation or another Cardiac arrhythmia. The rapid heartbeat and pulse also cause the tremors.
As a result of the change in blood pressure, the brain is no longer supplied as usual and reacts with dizziness. A Feeling of pressure on the chest or Chest pain join in. These symptoms caused by the heart are acutely life-threatening clinical pictureswhich should not be taken lightly.

Dizziness and tremors when tired

Dizziness and tremors can also occur when you are tired, very similar to weakness. In addition, there is mostly excessive freezing and feeling weak. The basis here is excessive demands on the body, which then simply no longer has any reserves to function normally. The symptoms here are mainly warning sign for putting too much strain on your body.

Dizziness and tremors with restlessness

If dizziness and tremors occur with inner restlessness, the cause usually lies in the mental level. But here, too, physical causes should first be clarified by a doctor, as it can also be that the inner restlessness and the accompanying illnesses have a common physical cause have, such as a Hyperthyroidism, a badly adjusted diabetes or high blood pressure. For example, too high blood pressure can put the body in such a high state of activity that it is simply impossible to rest. The same goes for the thyroid.

Otherwise, dizziness and tremors usually improve when the inner restlessness is also addressed. It is important to be clear about the problems and to solve them if possible. Also a compensation especially in the form of Sport or relaxation procedures can be very helpful here. If you cannot get the problem under control on your own, you should seek professional help as early as possible.

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