Definition / active ingredient

The active ingredient of the drug Siofor® is called metformin and belongs to the group of oral anti-diabetic drugs.

Siofor® is used in the therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus, which was previously also known as "adult diabetes". Nowadays, type 2 diabetes mellitus can also occur at an earlier age.

It is prescribed by a doctor when dietary measures and physical activity alone cannot cause any or only a very slight decrease in blood sugar level. It is necessary to lower the high blood sugar level again in the long term in order to reduce the risk of secondary diseases.

Form of administration and dosage

Siofor® can be used as Individual therapy or in combination with others Antidiabetic drugs such as Sulfonylureas or insulin be taken. It is used for both Adult as well as at Children and adolescents from the age of 10.

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Siofor® is in the pharmacy Tablet form available and should chewed whole during or after eating be taken. It is important for the application that you are familiar with a creeping dosage should begin. For adults, initial guideline a once or twice a day Taking of 500 or 850 mg Metformin hydrochloride. To an intake of about two weeks should, depending on blood sugar readings, the Adjusted dosage become. The maximum daily dose lies by 3 grams. Older people often have one Impaired kidney function, So that the dosage of Siofor® affects the function of the kidneys in these patients customized must become.

The starting dose of Siofor® in children and adolescents does not differ from the starting dose for adults. The Maximum dose in children however lies only at 2 grams per day and not 3 grams as with adults.

Mode of action

Siofor® is a drug with blood sugar lowering effect, probably playing here three different mechanisms a role.

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The first thing it leads to is one decreased absorption of glucose in the Gastrointestinal area. Furthermore improved it the Sensitivity to insulin to the Muscles. The Glucose is better absorbed by the cells and be metabolized. And finally, when taking Siofor® (metformin), a Inhibition of the liver's own glucose production.

These three different mechanisms ultimately work together to lower blood sugar levels.


Siofor® will unchanged across the kidney and with it that urine eliminated. It is therefore important to regularly do the Laboratory values ​​of the kidneys (here: especially that Serum creatinine) to determine in good time in case of impaired kidney function Adjust dosage or possibly switch to another drug to be able to.


Siofor® should be taken not in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient Metformin.

Further Contraindications, in which the intake of Siofor® should be avoided, are among others Kidney function disorders or Kidney failure, a fresh one Heart attack and a Hepatic insufficiency. Heaviness Infections, a shock or the gift of iodinated contrast agent in certain examinations prohibits taking it Antidiabetic.

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During the pregnancy and the subsequent Lactation As with many other drugs, Siofor® should not be prescribed.

Side effects

A rare, but serious and much feared side effect represents the so-called Lactic acidosis It is a serious metabolic complication that leads to a Enrichment of the active ingredient metformin comes in the body. Symptoms can be a deepened breathing (also called "acidotic dyspnea"), as well as complaints in the area of Gastrointestinal tract With nausea and stomach pain and a decreased temperature be. In the further course it can become a comatose condition come.

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Very rare can also Skin reactions or one Inflammation of the liver occur, but after weaning of the drug again declining are. More often it comes against it Taste disorders.

To Start therapy The patients often feel it nausea, with Vomiting and diarrhea can go along as well Loss of appetite. This Symptoms go away but with the duration of ingestion mostly again.


Interactions occur when taking Siofor®, for example alcohol on. Here is the risk for the appearance of a Lactic acidosis increased.

There is also an increased risk with simultaneous administration of metformin and iodinated contrast medium for certain examinations. Therefore, the Siofor® (metformin) should be used for these examinations Dropped 42 hours in advance will and only Resumed 42 hours after examination become.

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The same Precautions apply to planned operations.

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