Synonyms in a broader sense

Causes of bad breath, causes oral stool, causes of bad breath

Bad breath causes in the oral cavity

A bad smelling breath, called bad breath, in Latin foetor ex ore, is by far the most common when it comes from the oral cavity and can have a variety of causes. It can be deeply damaged teeth or dental plaque as a result of poor oral hygiene.
Extreme tartar formation or gum pockets in which purulent inflammation has formed can also trigger bad breath.
Bad breath can also occur during wound healing after tooth extraction or surgery.

Not to be neglected is the tongue as a substrate for bad smelling coverings. Due to the rough texture of the tongue surface, stubborn coatings that contain bacteria and food residues tend to stick there. The tongue coating causes bad breath, especially after consuming dairy products, coffee and garlic or onions.
Find out more at: Tongue coating

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Inflammation of the gums and the lining of the mouth can cause bad breath. After meals, scraps of food, especially pieces of meat, can get caught between the teeth and, if not removed, can cause bad breath. This also applies to bridges and prostheses if they are not cleaned.

In the context of untreated periodontitis with deep gum pockets, these form a dirt niche for bacteria. Therefore, gum pockets can also be the reason for bad breath.
These odors are caused by putrefactive bacteria that produce metabolic products containing sulfur. Another reason for bad breath is decreased salivation, Latin Xerostonia called.
Organs adjacent to the oral cavity can also make themselves noticeable through bad breath. This is mainly the case with purulent tonsillitis, as well as inflammation in the nose and maxillary sinus.

Causes remote from the mouth

In addition to the local causes of bad breath, there are also causes remote from the mouth, Latin Halitosisthat cause foul smelling breath, which can also come through your nose.
Above all, these are stomach and intestinal diseases that one has to think about when it comes to bad breath. The smell is very characteristic of kidney and liver diseases. Since the breath comes from the lungs, it is only understandable that diseases of the lungs, especially the breakdown of lung tumors, result in bad smelling bad breath. Badly controlled diabetes mellitus is also a noticeable cause of bad breath.

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Metallic bad breath

A metallic smell of the breath is rather rare. It can be caused by different things. In most cases, however, the metallic odor is caused by another disease. The metallic smell is then only a symptom of an illness. These can include stomach problems, metal poisoning, jaundice, or basic dental problems. In general, a metallic taste in the mouth does not necessarily mean a metallic odor. A clear distinction must be made here. If the breath can be identified as having a metallic smell, a doctor should be consulted to find out the cause.

Sweetish bad breath

One of the symptoms of liver disease is a sweet smelling bad breath. This can therefore be a sign of liver dysfunction. It can arise from viral hepatitis or poisoning. However, this is rather rare in Germany. Poisoning can result from medication, drugs or chemical substances. In general, you should consult a doctor immediately if the sweet smelling bad breath does not go away after a while despite good oral hygiene. In the event of liver failure, in addition to the sweetish halitosis, symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, tremors or impaired consciousness would occur.

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Read more on the topic: Liver disease

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Bad breath of acetone

If a halitosis smelling of acetone can be identified as such, there can be various reasons. On the one hand, the acetone smell can indicate diabetes.

Read more on the topic: How do I recognize diabetes?

On the other hand, breath that smells of acetone can also develop during fasting. When fasting, the body draws on the body's own energy reserves. The fatty acids released during these metabolic processes are then converted into acetone. The smell smells like e.g. Nail polish remover. The acetone is now excreted in the urine, sweat or breath. A diabetic should consult a doctor as soon as possible if the breath smells of acetone. This can also be an indication of an as yet undiscovered diabetes. Acetone is a metabolic product that arises when there is a lack of insulin. So-called ketoacidosis then develops, i.e. over-acidification due to so-called ketone bodies. These include Acetone. If your breath smells of acetone, you should therefore consult a doctor for clarification.

Bad breath of ammonia

Breath that smells of ammonia and can be clearly identified as such is a sign of kidney weakness or kidney failure. In this case, the urine would also smell strongly of ammonia. You can test your own bad breath by moistening your own wrist with your tongue, letting it dry and then smelling it. The reason for the smell of ammonia is that the level of urea in the body is too high. Urea can no longer be used in our body and is excreted in the urine in a healthy kidney. If the kidneys no longer function properly, the urea can get into the blood and be exhaled through the lungs. The result is breath that smells of ammonia.

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Read more on the topic: Symptoms of kidney failure

Bad breath despite brushing your teeth

In many cases the cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. However, if you carry out extensive oral hygiene twice a day, i.e. brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes, use interdental brushes, dental floss and a tongue cleaner, the cause of bad breath is not in poor oral hygiene. Many of the bacteria that cause bad breath settle on the tongue. For this reason, using a tongue cleaner is very important.

Read more on the topic: Oral hygiene

This also applies to dental floss or interdental brushes, because the bacteria metabolize food residues, which are preferentially deposited in interdental spaces, into products containing sulfur. This results in a bad breath. However, if you have bad breath despite adequate oral hygiene, tooth decay can still be the cause of bad breath. Tartar or diseases of the stomach, liver or kidneys can also be a cause of bad breath.

Find out more about the topic: Eliminate bad breath

Stubborn bad breath that cannot be traced back to an organic cause and does not subside despite good oral hygiene, can be a sign of tongue cancer.

Read on below: These are the symptoms you can tell cancer of the tongue

Treatment of bad breath

In order to successfully treat bad breath, the underlying causes must usually be eliminated. For the patient concerned, it is therefore essential to determine the individual causes for the development of bad breath. A comprehensive survey by the doctor and the analysis of certain habits usually provide an initial insight. The actual treatment adapted to the cause can be carried out with various home remedies or with the help of pharmaceutical products.

The most popular home remedies for bad breath include certain herbs, vegetables and fruits. These are particularly suitable for patients whose bad breath is caused by a high concentration of bacterial pathogens in the oral cavity. For example, ginger, which is cut into thin slices and placed on the back of the tongue, ensures fresh breath after just a few minutes. The active ingredient apiol contained in parsley leaves can also be helpful in treating the cause of bad breath. Regularly chewing a few parsley leaves will significantly reduce the unpleasant smells in the air you breathe.

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Since the cause of bad breath in the majority of those affected are inflammatory processes in the gum area or carious defects, improving oral hygiene is a crucial component of treatment. To reduce the risk of tooth decay or inflammation of the gums, it is advisable to eat unsweetened yoghurt. In addition, an extensive rehabilitation of the oral cavity must be carried out to treat the bad breath in these cases.Often carious defects have to be removed and filling therapy carried out. For those affected who suffer from inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the gums or the periodontal support system, extensive professional teeth cleaning should be carried out. In advanced processes, a so-called open or closed curettage may be necessary.

Basically, it is recommended to those affected in the course of the cause-oriented bad breath treatment to stop the consumption of certain foods and drinks as far as possible. In contrast, black tea, for example, whose ingredients have an inhibiting effect on the growth of bacterial pathogens, is particularly suitable for the treatment of bacteria-associated bad breath.

In addition, regular mouthwashes with sage tea help to combat malodorous breath. A mouth rinse with xylitol powder is particularly popular in treating bad breath. This powder removes vital nutrients for bacterial pathogens from the environment of the oral cavity, so it starves the bacterium to a certain extent and in this way ensures an improved oral flora. Bad breath does not usually return with regular use of the xylitol powder.

Read more about this at: Fight bad breath

Other causes of bad breath

The stomach as the cause of bad breath

In many people who suffer from bad breath, the causes can be found in the stomach area or the gastric mucosa. In particular, inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach or esophagus cause bad-smelling air to breathe through the rise of stomach acid. In addition, various bacteria that can settle in the stomach cause bad breath. In addition, so-called hiatal hernias and Zenker's diverticula are among the most common causes of bad breath. The bad breath caused by gastric diseases typically has a sour character.

Cancer as a cause of bad breath

Cell changes in the esophagus, in particular, can be a cause of bad breath. The so-called Barrett's esophagus, a disease in which there are changes in the cell structure, is a precursor to cancer. In addition, cancer of the stomach can cause severe changes in the fragrances in the air. Bad breath caused by cancer is usually putrid in character.

The intestines as the cause of bad breath

Bad breath is usually the first indication of an increased burden on the organism due to unhealthy substances. Bad breath in the morning in particular is caused by detoxification of the body that takes place during the night and is mainly regulated by the intestines. People who have a healthy digestive tract (especially a properly functioning intestine) and who do not have to do excessive detoxification generally do not suffer from bad breath. In addition, general disorders of the intestinal flora, triggered for example by food allergies or certain medications, are among the classic causes of bad breath. Intestinal diseases are one of the most common causes of bad breath.

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Bad breath from the tonsils in children

In contrast to adults, children suffer from bad breath much less often. In children, excessive dry mouth and poor oral hygiene are the most common causes of bad breath. For this reason, it is particularly important for children to ensure that they brush their teeth regularly and thoroughly. In order to supply the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with sufficient fluid, it should also be ensured that children drink enough daily. Although bad breath in children has mostly harmless causes, serious illnesses should be ruled out if there is frequent occurrence of malodorous breath.


Bad breath is still a problem that affects many people today. It is perceived as very uncomfortable and embarrassing and increasingly restricts the lives of those affected. The occurrence of malodorous breathing is basically evenly distributed between the sexes.
With increasing age, the risk of developing bad breath usually increases, but this need not necessarily be the case. Some patients already suffer from bad breath in their childhood or adolescence. The causes of bad breath can be found in systemic (organ-related) and local (in the area of Oral cavity and the nasopharynx). The main cause of foul-smelling exhaled air is irregular and / or poorly careful oral hygiene, which leads to the formation of carious defects or inflammatory processes. Also the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the liver and dysfunction of the Kidneys can cause bad breath. The underlying disease can usually be distinguished by the special smell of the halitosis.

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