Synonyms in a broader sense

Stomach pain, abdominal pain

English: stomach cramps

Causes of stomach cramps

As for the underlying causes for Stomach cramps you can basically the mental of the physical distinguish.

Most often, stomach cramps are not organic, but rather psychological reasons. A great many people develop stomachscramps in Fearful situationsif they are exposed to increased stress or are in private conflict. This poses a major problem, on the one hand because this diagnosis is often difficult to make by the doctor, since those affected may then have to confide in the doctor not only with their physical but also their personal difficulties.

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There is also a therapy In this case it is not so easy, since it often actually requires a change in everyday life, which in most cases can hardly be achieved.

Opposite are the physical causes of the Stomach cramps. First of all, it is important to remember that alleged stomach problems often actually come from other organs, as they are difficult to deal with general ones stomach pain must be differentiated and many organs in the abdominal area are close together and some of the pain can also radiate. That is why diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract such as liver weakness, inflammation of the pancreas, biliary colic or kidney stones are also possible causes of alleged “stomach cramps”.
Some of the causes that actually affect the gastrointestinal tract include Upset stomach, Gastrointestinal infections, Stomach ulcers, Stomach cancer, Appendicitis, Intestinal obstructionInflammation of the gastric mucosa, inflammation of the pancreas, Food poisoning and that Irritable bowel syndrome. The most important and most common are described in a little more detail below.

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Appendicitis (appendicitis)

In the Appendicitis (appendicitis) the pain usually starts in the umbilical region and then spreads towards the lower abdomen. Often they are accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, Vomiting and sometimes also fever accompanied. The spasmodic, sometimes stabbing pains can sometimes be so severe with this inflammation that the person affected can no longer stand upright and walk. This situation is an absolute emergency and a doctor should be consulted immediately. This will then palpate the abdomen and then possibly a blood and / or Ultrasound examination carry out.

Food poisoning

Stomach cramps are very commonly associated with a Food poisoning which, due to the temporal processes, can be easily connected with each other and thus make a diagnosis easy. Depending on the type of poisoning, both the intensity and duration of the Stomach cramps as well as accompanying symptoms vary greatly. Quite often it also happens Stomach cramps with nausea or Stomach cramps with diarrhea. In the case of severe poisoning, however, in rare cases it can even lead to respiratory paralysis.

Stomach cramps from alcohol

Alcohol is a very common cause of stomach pain. The pain often occurs a few minutes after consuming alcohol. Different alcoholic beverages cause different symptoms. The reason for the stomach cramps is increased Acid productiontriggered by alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a very energetic substance. As with the consumption of very fatty foods, the stomach produces a lot of stomach acid in order to be able to digest the alcohol. If nothing is eaten that can bind the stomach acid, the acid level in the stomach rises so high that it is harmful to the lining of the stomach. In the case of high amounts of acid, a Reflux occur, whereby the acid enters the esophagus and enters heartburn caused.

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In the Combination with nicotine and caffeine is alcohol with permanent consumption very harmful for the lining of the stomach and can cause inflammation. This also causes stomach cramps and, in some cases, colic-like pain. Persistent inflammation of the stomach lining can develop into a Ulcer which, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications. A Change in eating and drinking habits is the first step in treatment when stomach cramps first occur.


Also the Overproduction of intestinal gases can lead to very painful stomach cramps. These are characterized by the fact that those affected feel pressure in the stomach area and have flatulence. The reason is mostly to be found in the diet: fiber-rich foods, sugar substitutes and food intolerances, for example, lead to the corresponding symptoms. But congenital or acquired digestive disorders can also be triggers.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The term Irritable bowel syndrome comprises a group of functional bowel diseases, all of which are actually harmless. This means that there are no organic disturbances for the complaints, some of which are very severe and in addition to stomach cramps in particular changed bowel habits, diarrhea or constipation contain can be found. Due to the lack of organic manifestation of these diseases, both diagnosis and therapy are difficult.

Stomach cramps and heart problems

Even if the connection between the two organ areas is not immediately apparent, a problem of the heart must also be considered in the case of stomach cramps with an unknown cause.
At Blockage of the coronary arteries and a "Angina pectoris“, Chest pain may occur. Also at acute heart attacks chest tightness and pain are typical. This can also cause pain in neighboring areas of the body by being transmitted to neighboring sensitive nerves. Often there is pain in the left arm, less often the stomach can also be affected. The cause of the pain in the stomach is therefore not localized there, but rather in the heart.

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Stomach cramps and back problems

Stomach cramps, which are accompanied by severe stomach pain, can spread to neighboring organ areas radiate. Some patients also describe a for severe stomach pain Pulling in the back. The pain occurs very suddenly and can be quickly put into context. To get rid of the pain in the back, the cause of the stomach cramps must first be identified and treated.

Gastrointestinal infections

Gastrointestinal infections can be caused by bacteria as well as viruses. The main virus responsible is the Noro virus that is transmitted by smear or droplet infections. Among the bacteria play among others Salmonella and Cholera bacteria the most important roles. The convulsive ones stomach pain usually occur suddenly due to the infection and are usually accompanied by general exhaustion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Depending on the pathogen, however, the extent of the Stomach cramps and the other symptoms.

Inflammation of the stomach lining

A Inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) is caused by taking painkillers too often such as Aspirin® (Acetylsalicylic acid), through smoking, alcohol, stress or, above all, infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, whereby the acidic gastric juice contributes to the development of all different types. There is also a form of gastric mucosal inflammation that is autoimmune, which means that the body's defense system (immune system) falsely targets the body's own components and initiates a defensive reaction to fight the supposed invaders. If the gastric mucosal inflammation is left untreated, it is not uncommon for it to die Gastric ulcer over. An indication of a disease is the appearance of recurring, violent, burning Stomach crampswhich are common with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weight loss heartburn occur.

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer does not always, but always leads to stomach cramps. In addition, there is more frequent loss of appetite and vomiting and, as a result of bleeding in the stomach area, occasionally dark, tarry stools. The bacterium is counted as a risk factor for stomach cancer Helicobacter pylori, increased alcohol consumption, cigarette smoke, unhealthy eating habits and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The prognosis for this type of cancer is rather unfavorable, which is why long-lasting stomach problems should always be checked for suspicion of cancer. To rule out stomach cancer, the doctor will perform one Gastroscopy (Gastroscopy), in which he may also have a Tissue sample (biopsy) in order to be able to examine the tissue in the pathology for abnormalities that indicate cancer.

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Stress-related stomach cramps

Can only stress be the cause of sharp stomach pains?
Stress is one of the great things our body does. The reaction that stress triggers in our body can potentially save our lives, but it can also cause us great harm.

We often notice this damage first at stomach. Stress occurs in the body, more precisely in the Adrenal glands, for the production of Stress hormones, the adrenaline and Norepinephrine.

These two hormones ensure that our bodies run at full speed. This is temporarily a vital property of our body in critical situations, but in constant stress it leads to serious consequences and often hits us proverbially "on the stomach“.

There is evidence that stomach pain occurs as a result of stress when combined with Feelings of fear, occur during tension or in conflict situations and disappear again when our inner tension subsides.

Stress as the cause of stomach problems is often not easy for the doctor to recognize and the cause is usually not tangible for the patient himself, because many people tend to suppress stress or not take it seriously.

In addition, for most patients there is one mental The cause of the complaints is very difficult or not at all acceptable.
Not to be neglected is the barrier of those affected to confide in their treating physician with their psychological complaints, if they are actually aware of them.

Here is a intensive doctor-patient relationship asked and the doctor has to fathom the patient's situation with a lot of empathy.

The most effective treatment for stress-related stomach cramps is Relaxation techniquesthat promote the reduction of stress and thus restore the balance in the stomach and in the soul.
You should avoid hectic private and professional life and observe daily relaxation times.

In addition to feelings of oppression, stomach pressure and a stone in the stomach that cannot be measured, the stress can also cause measurable changes in the stomach.

Stress hormones cause the balance of our gastric juices to get mixed up. The protective gastric juices can die Gastric mucosa no longer protect against the acidic, harmful stomach acids and damage to the gastric mucosa occurs.

What about a Inflammation of the stomach lining can then begin in one Gastricsultryr end up.

Common to all are light to strongest stabbing Stomach pain from stress.

In order not to prematurely assume stress as the cause, all other causes such as food intolerance, intestinal diseases, intestinal obstruction, gallstone problems and gastric mucosal changes should be clarified before stress is assumed as the cause.

Stomach cramps during pregnancy

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In the first few months, abdominal pain is caused by hormonal changes.

Stomach cramps lined up behind nausea and heartburn into the unpleasant and unpleasant phenomena during pregnancy.

Even if the causes of the swelling and swelling of the pain are often harmless, the symptoms are very worrying, especially for first-time mothers.

The causes of stomach cramps are numerous in the early phase of pregnancy hormonal Changes in the body of the expectant mother that disturb the balance of the gastrointestinal system.

Later in the process, the constantly growing child in the womb comes up as the cause of the complaints.
The growing uterus With the unborn child, the organs in the mother's abdominal cavity become increasingly narrow and displace them from their usual positions in the abdomen.

This does not stop at the stomach either.
Especially with Twists convulsions can be triggered in the unborn child.

This then has to be endured until the child does the next turn and then the symptoms improve.
The widening of the uterus also increases Retaining straps the abdominal organs are increasingly stressed. This, too, affects the mother with milder stomach cramps, which occur mainly when coughing, standing up and sitting down, when the ligaments are most strained.

Even if the complaints are usually harmless, a doctor should be consulted when they occur, because despite a pregnancy all other causes of Stomach cramps such as. Food intolerance, Inflammation of the stomach lining, Gastrointestinal flu, biliary colic or one Inflammation of the pancreas should be considered, because they can always be the cause of such complaints, even despite pregnancy.

If the pain is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, bleeding, dizziness or chills, or if the pain is persistent and increasingly intense, a doctor should be consulted urgently.

If there is additional bleeding from the vagina, a Ectopic pregnancy or Ectopic pregnancy Be the cause of stomach cramps.

In late pregnancy, stomach cramps, bleeding and back pain are possible signs of premature pregnancy Placenta detachment.

To a so-called pre-eclampsia should be considered if the stomach cramps are accompanied by high blood pressure and swelling of the hands, feet or face.

Even if these are frightening situations, the above-mentioned causes are very rare and usually stomach cramps without any side effects or warning signs turn out to be a harmless side effect of pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for apparent stomach pains to herald the end of pregnancy when contractions are misinterpreted as stomach pains.

Treatment of stomach cramps

Homeopathy and home remedies

Many patients rely on herbal treatment for stomach pain before using chemical drugs to combat stomach pain.Combined treatment with alternative preparations and classic drugs is also often carried out.

Many herbs from the herbal department come into question. The herbs can be taken in any imaginable way and are widely available in drugstores or pharmacies.

There are almost no limits to the selection of teas, lozenges, juices and drops.
In addition to mucilage that spreads over the Gastric mucosa to protect this, spread over caraway seeds, fennel and sage, which help well against a very bloated stomach, to soothing chamomile many types of herbs are represented.

Depending on the type of complaint, different herbs are used. The medicine cabinet has been found to provide relief from stomach cramps in the pregnancy especially chamomile tea, which has a very calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach.

A chamomile tea in combination with lukewarm heat pillows and Relaxation exercises can often relieve the pain sufficiently.

The warmth helps the body relax the muscles. Other herbal teas such as nettle tea, fennel tea or mint tea can also be drunk.

The teas work best when several cups are drunk in small sips throughout the day.
Liquorice can also be mixed in. The substances contained help excellently against Flatulence, heartburn and cramps.

Essential oils from mustard, garlic, caraway or ginger can also be used. They work particularly well with complaints that are due to increased acid formation and kill any bacteria.

Substances made from linseed, marshmallow root or mallow leaves leave a protective layer of mucus on the inside of the stomach and thus support the body's own substances that protect the gastric mucosa from acidic gastric juices.

It should be noted that only the liquorice root should only be taken with caution, as this substance affects the Cortisone balance Has influence.

Patients with impairments in this direction should talk to their doctor beforehand about taking it.

Almost forgotten too Anise milk. Here aniseed and caraway seeds are mixed in milk and this mixture is heated.
The milk is then strained again and the rest of the mixture is then drunk in sips.
This recipe is also often used for stomach pains in children to soothe the sensitive baby's stomach again.

Grandmother's house recipes are also allowed Potato wrap not missing.
The potatoes are boiled together with the skin and then mashed, wrapped in a kitchen towel and then placed on the stomach.

Instead of potatoes you can Vinegar wrap be made. Here, a towel is dipped in vinegar and placed on top.

Another alternative are the Horsetail poultices. Horsetail is effective against numerous diseases, including stomach cramps.

With all envelopes, it is important not to place them too hot on the stomach during pregnancy. Still very pleasant and helpful Abdominal massages be.

Circular movements should be made, which can be achieved with additives such as almond oil, peppermint oil or Swedish herbs be expanded.
In addition to oils, Swedish herbs have also proven themselves as herbal juices to take.

This juice made from Swedish herbs can either be prepared yourself or bought as a ready-made preparation at the pharmacy.

There are also a few small things to watch out for when you have stomach problems when eating.
Protein-rich, high-fiber and low-fat, low-carbohydrate foods are helpful. Whole foods and fruit and vegetables should be on the menu. Potato soup or mashed potatoes work well. Salads and natural yogurt are also easy on the stomach.

Furthermore, only small amounts should be eaten, which are then swallowed slowly and well chewed.
A regulated one Eating rhythm should be respected and dinner should not be eaten too late in the evening.

The food can also be refined with digestive spices such as caraway, fennel or ginger. Also Schüssler salts like Ferrum phos. No. 3 and Magnesium phosphoricum No. 7 can be used for stomach pain.

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