
A Mucus production is something very natural. The slime gets from the Mucous membrane of the Bronchi, as well as the Nasal mucosa produced. About the so-called Flicker eptihelion, small flexible hairs, the mucus is transported from the bronchi into the throat. This is then swallowed down so that it gets into the stomach. Can over the mucus Foreign matter, like inhaled dust particles, are removed from the bronchi. So the slime formation serves you Cleaning and protection mechanism. Furthermore, the mucus holds the mucous membrane wet. Under certain conditions, however, mucus production can reinforced be present, so that the mucus that has formed is perceived as unpleasant by those affected because there is permanent mucus in the mouth. This allows a to cough and in bad cases even one Shortness of breath be provoked.

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More information on this subject can be found here: to cough


Probably the most common cause of congested bronchi is a cold, such as bronchitis. During a cold there is usually an increased production of mucus in both the nasal mucosa and the bronchial mucosa. This is supposed to have the effect of transporting the pathogen causing the common cold out of the airways through the mucus. The pathogens are mostly viruses, but bacteria are also responsible for the disease in some cases. The mucus build-up after an infection can persist for a few days after the cold, as the irritated / inflamed mucous membrane needs more time to regenerate.

The causes of increased mucus production are pollutants such as cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes or chemicals. The lungs want to transport the foreign bodies out of the lungs through increased mucus production. Fine hairs on the bronchial mucosa help. Infiltrated bacteria cause a local inflammatory reaction in the mucous membrane. Affected sections of the mucous membrane swell. More immune cells and mucus are formed.

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The swollen bronchi make it more difficult for the mucus to drain away and serve as a breeding ground for more bacteria. In cystic fibrosis, the bronchi are also congested. The cause here is the malfunction of a certain ion channel (chloride channel). Changes in ion concentrations make the mucus more viscous and make it difficult to cough up. Those affected are particularly susceptible to infection. In addition to the lungs, the digestive tract is particularly affected.

Cause by smoking

Chronic bronchitis, a permanent inflammation of the bronchial tubes, can develop, especially in smokers. Chronic bronchitis represents the preliminary stage to the colloquially known smoker's lung. When one speaks of the smoker's lung, one means the clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). By definition, it is chronic bronchitis if cough and sputum, i.e. phlegm, are present for a period of at least three months and that for at least two consecutive years. This is the case for around ten percent of the population. But not only smoking can cause chronic bronchitis. Some people are exposed to various exhaust gases or dusts at their workplace, which also irritate the respiratory tract and can have an effect similar to smoking.

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For more information, we recommend our website to: Viral Bronchitis - You Should Know That!

Cause by asthma

Asthma is also noticeable through increased mucus production in the bronchi. In terms of the processes that take place, it is equivalent to a COPD disease. However, the cause is different. And asthma doesn't have as far-reaching consequences as the progressive COPD. Because after an asthma attack, the conditions in the bronchi recede completely. Nevertheless, there is also a narrowing of the bronchi, a swelling of the mucous membrane and increased mucus production. An asthma attack is often triggered by an allergy.

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Allergy cause

Excessive secretion (formation of fluids) can also occur with an allergy. A stuffy nose and watery eyes are typical, but excessive production of mucus can also occur in the lungs. Components of z. B. Bee pollen can get into the bronchial tubes through inhalation, where they trigger an excessive immune response. The bronchial mucous membrane produces more mucus in order to transport the foreign body outside. The longer the person is exposed to the stimulus, the more mucus is produced.

Find out more about the topic here: Symptoms of an allergy

After the sport

During sport, especially endurance sport, we change our breathing. You breathe faster and deeper, the air is not warmed up and moistened with water as much as at rest. The lining of the lungs can become irritated and swell. In addition, the stimulation stimulates the production of mucus. Asthmatics or people who suffer from stress asthma are particularly affected. Exercise - in moderation - is also important for asthmatics. Movement loosens the mucus in the bronchi and makes it easier to cough up.

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You can find out more about the topic here: Therapy of asthma

Cause by stress

There can also be psychosomatic increased mucus production. In the case of a psychosomatic illness, psychological stress / stress is expressed in a physical symptom. This can also happen through increased mucus production. Sufferers often find it difficult to accept that there is no physical cause for their symptoms and, accordingly, that there is no adequate treatment. When the psyche is back in balance, the symptoms often disappear again.

Mucous bronchi from smoking

Among all of the other harmful effects of smoking, it is the lungs that get hurt the most. Smoking regularly irritates the airways with harmful substances. The cleaning system of the lungs is damaged. The ciliated epithelium is practically paralyzed by smoking. Thus one deprives oneself of part of one's own physical defenses. The irritation also mimics the condition of a cold in principle. Reactively there is a swelling of the mucous membranes, which then increasingly produce a tough mucus. Because the mucus cannot be properly removed, the typical smoker's cough occurs. The cough serves as a reflex to transport the mucus out of the bronchi. It mainly occurs in the morning. Since you usually do not smoke at night, the ciliated epithelium can resume its work at night because the harmful effect on the hairs is no longer directly available. In order to transport the last remnants of mucus out of the airways, a strong cough sets in after waking up. Ultimately, the symptoms increase more and more as a result of continuous smoking, so that from a certain level onwards, chronic bronchitis first develops. In the further course it can lead to a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is associated with severe symptoms. From a certain condition on, some patients are even dependent on oxygen ventilation. This is usually the case if those affected continue their high nicotine consumption without restriction after the diagnosis has been made.

The fact that the body's own cleaning system for the airways no longer works properly makes it easier for you to feel Infections form. Normally, pathogens like the mucus are supposed to bacteria and Viruses be transported out of the airways. However, in a chronic smoker it accumulates increased mucus in the bronchi, which can no longer be transported towards the throat. In addition, many pathogens like a moist and warm environment, which is given by the mucus in the bronchi. As a result, pathogens are preferentially located in the mucus and lead to a common cold, which is common more protracted and stronger is more pronounced than with one Non-smoker.

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If you stop smoking, the ciliated epithelium can regenerate. Until the epithelium has recovered, there is often an increased urge to cough after stopping smoking, which seems strange to many.


The Symptoms, associated with congested bronchi, can be easily deduced. The body naturally tries to get the increased mucus out of the airways, so that it comes to coughing. One then speaks of one productive coughbecause coughing causes mucus in the mouth. If the cause of the mucus is an infection, it can possibly be unpleasant taste have. If the cough is not effective it can also cause one slight breathlessness come. This is more likely with Babies and small children the case. Since the increased mucus production often occurs as part of an infection, it also comes accompanying it other symptoms of the disease, how A runny nose, sore throat, fever, and headache and body aches. An existing COPD disease also attracts one in advanced stages shortness of breath with himself, which in turn becomes a limited resilience leads.

However, it can also be the case that the There is no coughing sensation. Why it comes to congested bronchi without an occasional cough cannot be explained. The cough is part of the automatic protective reflex of the body. The cough may be absent if the blow of the hair is enough to remove the mucus. In this case, however, the bronchi can not excessively mucous be.

Difficulty breathing due to congested bronchi

A Shortness of breath occurs in connection with mucous bronchial tubes especially when it comes to the clinical picture of the chronic obstructive joint disease (COPD) acts. This leads to a swelling of the Bronchial mucosa. In this way, more mucus is produced and at the same time the bronchi are narrowed, so that less air passes through the airways. In the COPD a distinction is made different stages. With each stage the Shortness of breath worse. At first she kicks only under physical as well as psychological stress on. Later, however, the shortness of breath can also decrease Rest conditions occur. Even later, oxygen ventilation is often necessary so that the patient can take a Home oxygen device needs. Initially, the device will often only be required at night, while at a later point in time it will also be required during the day.

A Asthma attack is also associated with shortness of breath, as the bronchi constrict during the attack and are additionally restricted by the mucus. In contrast to COPD, however, unrestricted breathing is possible again after the attack has ended.

A respiratory tract infection that is accompanied by excessive mucus production can also cause shortness of breath. This is especially the case with young children when the secretion builds up.

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Bloody expectoration with mucous bronchi

A bloody cough or bloody phlegm is relatively rare. Bloody mucus can sometimes appear in very severe bronchitis. It is usually accompanied by a bad cough, which can lead to small mucosal bleeding due to the jerkiness of the reflex. This is something completely harmless. In smokers, on the other hand, bloody mucus can indicate lung cancer and should definitely be checked by a doctor if it occurs regularly. Even in patients who take a blood thinner such as Marcumar, a slightly bloody cough can often occur.


If a patient presents to his doctor with congested bronchial tubes, this first starts with one Anamnesis (survey). It is important to know how long the symptoms persist and whether they are still from other ailments like Cough, runny nose, fever or one Feeling sick to be accompanied. Still others kick Disease symptoms on, a cold is likely. Also the Color of the slime is interesting. If it is yellow to green, it is more like one bacterial infection. This is even more likely if the infection has been around for a long time, does not get better and also from fever is accompanied. In this case it should be with a antibiotic be treated. After the survey, one closes physical examination on. It is particularly interesting whether you are using the stethoscope abnormal noises hears above the lungs. Mucous bronchial tubes are often associated with bronchitis. In this case there would be a above the lungs whistling sound to listen. This would also be the case with one COPD the case, since this also leads to a narrowing of the bronchi.

Therapy for congested bronchi

Particularly with thick mucus in the bronchi, it is often necessary to support the removal of the secretion. A simple measure to help the body remove the mucus is to drink a lot. At least two liters of liquid should be drunk per day. This thins the mucus and can be better removed via the ciliated epithelium. In addition to drinking, the doctor may prescribe expectorants. These are usually also freely available from pharmacies. Expectorants also liquefy the mucus and facilitate its removal. Herbal medicines are often used for this. These often contain ivy, anise, primrose root or thyme herb.

Home remedies

A very good expectorant is a homemade herbal tea, consisting of anise, thyme and primrose root. In general, it is very important to drink a lot to make the mucus thinner, so it can be coughed up better. You can also add honey to the tea or take it pure. Warm, moist compresses around the chest also relieve symptoms. Dry air, on the other hand, should be avoided and the room air should be humidified with a humidifier. You can also inhale warm water vapor. Table salt or essential oils can be added to the water. In addition, easy walks in the fresh air help.


There are a number of homeopathic remedies that can be taken to help loosen the phlegm. These include Antimonium tartaricum (emetic tartar), Ipecacuanha (emetic root), Hepar sulfuris (lime sulfur liver) or Pulsatilla (pasque flower). The means should be taken in a potency of C12. 2-3 pellets are taken four times a day. Let the substance dissolve in your mouth and then swallow it. It is best not to eat or drink anything for a quarter of an hour before and after.

Read more on the topic: Homeopathic medicines

If the mucus in the bronchi is triggered by smoking, the best treatment is that Cessation of nicotine use. This is the only thing you can do to prevent the disease from getting worse. With medication one can only try to alleviate the symptoms. However, it does not improve the disease itself.

Patients with chronic lung disease will also Lung exercise recommended. This serves one To prevent muscle breakdown and to counteract. If there is a breakdown of muscles, breathing becomes even more difficult. Also different Breathing exercises are recommended in this context.

Medicines for congested bronchi

On Medication As already mentioned under treatment, there is the group of Expectorant. Most doctors prefer to use herbal supplements. Only rarely used Acetylcysteine (e.g. ACC-akut®). There is a risk of the loosened mucus too thin and then remains in the bronchi because it can no longer be transported into the throat. Therefore it is only used when it comes to very firm, penetrating mucus acts. Cough suppressants should also not be taken, as they prevent the mucus from being transported out of the airways by the cough. To make it easier to sleep, some cough suppressants can be taken before going to bed.

In addition, medication can be prescribed that dilate the bronchi and thus improve the removal of the mucus. As a rule, they will therefore be used when an existing one is present COPD or Asthma used. One differentiates short- and long-acting drugs. Short-acting drugs are used when needed, while long-acting drugs Bronchodilator as Long-term medication are used. In addition to these, drugs are also used, the one inflammation alleviate. One of them is the most well-known remedy Cortisone. Since the irritation of the airways with pathogens or pollutants causes inflammation, the mucous membrane swells. If the inflammation is alleviated, the mucous membrane swells again and less mucus is produced. Anti-inflammatory drugs are more likely to come in advanced stages for asthma or COPD disease.

Inhalation if the bronchi are congested

Inhaling is a useful way of loosening the mucus in the bronchi. Various substances are suitable for inhalation. Chamomile, for example, either in the form of a tea or as a liquid extract, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Alternatively, essential oils such as eucalyptus or mountain pine can also be used. The problem of inhaling when the bronchi are congested is that the effect usually does not reach down to the bronchi. Inhalation works primarily in the upper airways, such as the nose. So that the bronchi also benefit, small droplets are needed that can moisten the mucous membranes of the bronchi. These droplets can reach the bronchi using ultrasonic or jet nebulizers. A simple saline solution, for example, which is available in the pharmacy, is suitable for this purpose. The essential oils already mentioned are suitable for normal inhalation, but less so for droplet inhalation. Because they irritate the airways and can then cause shortness of breath.

Congenital bronchi in babies

Babies are because of their not yet fully developed immune systems more prone to infections. Especially in the Winter months it often happens to them Respiratory infections. Bronchitis is characteristically associated with one Mucus formation in the bronchi associated. In babies and toddlers this is often associated with a due to the heavy build-up of mucus Narrowing of the airways connected. Of the Oxygen content of the blood is slightly reduced in these children.

Bronchitis can also be triggered by smoking nearby people, such as parents. If the symptoms keep recurring, the acute bronchitis can even turn into a Chronic bronchitis pass over. Secondhand smoke for children should definitely be avoided.

Mucous bronchi with hay fever

Are mucous bronchi not a typical symptom of a hay fever. At hay fever is it a seasonal allergy against various pollen and grasses. She is mostly through watery and itchy eyes, as well as sneezing and a runny nose. Here comes one increased secretion formationin order to transport the supposed foreign substance, the allergen, out of the body. There can be a similar reaction in the bronchi. Because the mucus that is formed by the bronchial mucous membrane also serves to remove harmful substances. The Symptoms of hay fever are among those affected different degrees and associated with different symptoms. For some, there may be increased mucus production in the bronchi and coughing, even if this is not a typical symptom of hay fever.

Mucous bronchi without a cough or cold

A healthy lung also produces mucus to transport foreign bodies that have gotten into the lungs outside. The mucus is transported back to the throat with the help of the ciliated epithelium, where we usually swallow it unnoticed together with the spit.

A typical disease in which there is increased mucus production in the bronchi is COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Due to chronic inflammation, there are many immune cells in the bronchial mucosa. Likewise, the mucous cells in the bronchi multiply and hypersecretion occurs (increased mucus formation). The bronchial mucus actually serves to transport foreign substances, such as particles from tobacco smoke, out of the lungs.

In long-term smokers, however, this mucociliary clearance (cleaning) is overloaded and the mucus settles in the lungs. In COPD, the bronchi are also narrowed, making it difficult or impossible to cough up the mucus. Especially in the early stages of COPD, many people affected remain symptom-free for a long time. Only in the course do cough, expectoration and shortness of breath appear.

An excessive build-up of mucus also occurs in cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis), a hereditary metabolic disease. The tough mucus closes the smaller bronchi and parts of the lungs can no longer take part in the gas exchange. The mucus in the bronchi is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Patients with COPD or cystic fibrosis are therefore very susceptible to infections.

Read more about the following topics: Course of COPD and Causes of cystic fibrosis

Mucous bronchi with back pain

Mucous bronchial tubes and pain in the chest or upper back are typical in acute bronchitis. The pain depends on the breath. Deep inhalation is especially painful. The pain in the back is mostly muscular. Increased coughing puts a lot of strain on the auxiliary breathing muscles, which can be expressed in tension. A warm hot water bottle can provide relief here. As a rule, the pain disappears after a short time or after the bronchitis has subsided. However, it can also be a sign of pleurisy. The pain here also depends on the breath and is stabbing. Often, however, only one side is affected here. In addition, there are strong general symptoms such as fever and night sweats.

Mucous bronchi with dry cough

The dry cough is a dry cough in which no mucus is formed. Often the stimulus comes from the upper part of the lungs or the throat (scratchy throat). In addition, the lungs can be irritated by pollutants such as cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes, which produce a coughing fit. Talking long and loud can also lead to a dry cough. Dry mouth and throat mucous membranes lead to constant throat clearing and coughing.

Even with a laryngitis, those affected have to cough more dryly, and one also suffers from difficulty swallowing and hoarseness. Dry cough can also be a side effect of medication such. B. ACE inhibitors, which are used to lower blood pressure. The urge to cough can be suppressed by the drug codeine. However, if the cough is productive / slimy, no cough suppressant should be taken, as coughing up phlegm is important.

Bloody expectoration with mucous bronchi

A bloody cough or bloody phlegm occurs kinda rare in front. Sometimes bloody mucus can occur in a very severe bronchitis occur. It is usually accompanied by a bad cough, which is due to the Jerkiness of the reflex too small bleeding from the mucous membrane can come. This is something completely harmless. At Smokers however, bloody mucus can appear Lung cancer and should, if it occurs regularly, be clarified by a doctor in any case. Even with patients who have one blood thinner, how Marcumar take, a slightly bloody cough can often occur.

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