
Constipation causes pain

The constipation is characterized by difficult bowel movements. The stool is mostly hard and the Emptying often with pain connected. Since it is one of the most common complaints in industrialized nations, this applies constipation as a civilization disease. It occurs with increasing age, so that around 20-30% of those over 60 are affected.

The most common causes of constipation are the chronic habitual constipation and the Irritable bowel syndrome.

If there is pain in the context of constipation, this pain is to be regarded as a symptom of the constipation. Therefore, treating this pain is the same as treating constipation, which always depends on the cause. In most cases a constipation carries one Change of diet, copious fluid gain such as lots of movement to improve.

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Development of pain with constipation

Generally are Painful bowel movements not a rare phenomenon. The most common cause of this pain is one chronic constipation.

The chair itself is closed three quarters of water. Other main ingredients are indigestible food residues, Intestinal bacteria and flaked cells from the mucous membrane that lines the intestines. The remaining part of the feces consists of Digestive secretions, Bile pigments and Salt.

Please also read our article on this Painful bowel movements

Usually the stool is soft to medium-hard in consistency. However, if you are constipated, the stool is usually very hard and dry. As a result, the forward movement of the chair is made significantly more difficult. The affected person feels the need to empty their bowels. However, this is only possible with strong and frequent pressing. There is often a feeling of incomplete defecation afterwards. Pressing can cause small Tears in the mucous membrane of the anus and form the intestine, so-called Anal fissures. This can cause additional pain for the person concerned. Pain caused by anal fissures is usually burning or stabbing in character and also occurs during defecation.

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You can find out more about the topic here: Anal fissures

Causes of constipation

There are numerous causes which lead to one constipation being able to lead.

As most common form the constipation applies chronic habitual constipation, an intestinal dysfunction that affects around 10% of people in developed countries. The exact mechanism of its formation is not yet fully understood. It is considered certain that low fiber diet and one to low hydration such as Sedentary lifestyle can lead to constipation. Another established cause is the suppression of the so-called Defecation stimuli, the reflex responsible for defecating. For example, if you are afraid of defecating because you fear pain, the stool will be withdrawn, so to speak. As a result, this defecation stimulus is no longer triggered and constipation develops. The suppression of the defecation stimulus as a cause of constipation is especially common among children.

The second most common cause that is a constipation Irritable bowel syndromewhich is also an intestinal dysfunction. The Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by always recurring pain mostly in the lower abdomen. These are often described as pressing, pulling, stabbing or cramping. In addition, it typically occurs Flatulence, Bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Likewise typical is the frequent feeling of urge to defecate with the following feeling of incomplete evacuation. The consistency of the stool can be hard or soft. The causes of irritable bowel syndrome are unclear. An interplay of Disposition, Intestinal infections and psyche.

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The intestine is closely related to the psyche, so that stress, depression or excitement can have a negative influence on the symptoms.

Another cause of constipation can be temporary constipation due to infections or a change in diet. There are many drugs that can cause constipation, such as opiates (strong pain relievers).

Low blood potassium levels can also lead to constipation, which can also occur with certain medications.

It is always important to differentiate between the presence of intestinal diseases. For example, the intestine can be partially narrowed and concomitantly blocked by a tumor, a foreign body or an infection, but also by chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.

Since the movements of the intestine are controlled by nerves, various nerve diseases can also cause constipation. These include, for example, diabetes mellitus with associated diseases of the autonomic nerves, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Changes in the hormonal balance can also contribute to the development of constipation: for example, hypothyroidism, diabetes and pregnancy can all lead to constipation.

Please also read our article on this Pain in the rectum

Treatment of constipation

The treatment of constipation and also the treatment of the pain caused by the constipation always depends on the cause of the constipation.

If the cause is known and treatable, it is always of the greatest importance. In general, drugs and foods that can cause or worsen constipation should be avoided. These include, for example, white bread and chocolate, but black tea, red wine and cocoa are also considered to cause constipation.

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In general, attention should be paid to diet when constipation is present. The combination of fiber and fiber-rich food with plenty of fluids is important.

Vegetables, lettuce, fruit, whole grain products and potatoes are rich in fiber and fiber. Regular exercise is also important. The defecation stimulus should not be suppressed, which means that going to the toilet should not be suppressed for reasons of time, for example.

Other ways to improve constipation without taking medication include drinking a glass of water in the morning and massaging the abdominal wall.

Soft toilet paper should always be used to minimize the risk of tearing the skin and mucous membrane around the anus. In addition, the diet can be supplemented with fiber, which acts as a filler and swelling agent. Linseed and flea seeds, which can be added to muesli, for example, are suitable for this.

It is important to always ensure that there is sufficient fluid intake, as otherwise this can lead to an intestinal obstruction.

If these measures are not sufficient, drugs can be used for a short time. Long-term use should be avoided as this can lead to water loss, reduced potassium content and, later, possible damage to the intestinal nerves.

Laxatives have different mechanisms of action: Osmotic laxatives, for example, draw water into the bowel. This makes the chair more humid and easier to slide, this includes, for example Macrogol. Hydrating laxatives cause more water to flow into the interior of the intestine, this includes, for example Bisacodyl. If there are hard balls of stool in the rectum that cannot be excreted and in turn make it difficult to defecate, for example Enema for use.

Also read the article: Stimulate bowel movements.

Further interesting information from this topic

  • constipation
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