
Vibration lipolysis is a possible method of liposuction or liposuction.This is understood to be processes that serve to eliminate excess fatty tissue in undesirable places in order to come closer to an ideal of beauty and slimness.

Preferred parts of the body for such procedures are the thighs, upper arms, chest, stomach, hips, knees or ankles. Usually it is young, rather slim women who undergo liposuction in order to perfect their figure. But there are also men who would like to have the double chin removed or have fat suctioned off in the abdominal area in order to make it appear more muscular.

Also read: Double chin exercises.

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Lipolysis with the vibration method

In vibration lipolysis or vibration lipectomy, the fatty tissue to be detached is loosened by fine vibrations directly before the actual removal. In principle, this method represents a further development of the ultrasonic liposuction or the tumescent technique, in which the fatty tissue is pre-dissolved on the one hand by means of ultrasound and on the other hand by injecting liquid into the affected part of the body and then suctioned off. The liquid injected in the tumescent technique usually consists of a mixture of anesthetic, some adrenaline to stop the bleeding, physiological saline solution and cortisone to reduce the inflammation that follows. Vibration lipolysis has so far proven to be the gentlest method, which is also associated with the fewest discomfort after the procedure.

The vibrations during vibration lipolysis are generated by the actual suction cannula and are in a range of less than 100 vibrations per second.

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The puncture site is very small and measures around 3 mm. The small needles usually have a positive effect on the cosmetic result. The other methods, however, tend to use larger needles. On the one hand, this leads to larger scars, but also to increased formation of hematomas (bruises) on the treated areas. In addition, the actual operating time for vibration lipolysis is reduced by half and takes between two and three hours, depending on the amount of fat removed.

The anesthetic method is also selected depending on the size of the area to be suctioned. If it concerns smaller areas such as the knee, this can be done under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is usually preferred for larger areas. Depending on the type of anesthesia, an overnight stay in the clinic may be necessary or the procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Another advantage of this method is that the connective tissue is stimulated by the vibrations in the months following the procedure to produce more collagen. Collagen is an important component of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and makes the skin appear firm and healthy.

Risks and Complications

As with any procedure, potential risks and complications must be identified with vibratory lipolysis. For one thing, it can be Wound infection can come and after the procedure Thrombosis form. During the procedure, the patient may feel the cannula moving and this causes discomfort. Swelling and bruises must be expected from the outset with vibratory lipolysis. And last but not least, it should be noted that there are only a few doctors who offer this procedure. However, it is advisable to choose a doctor who is already familiar with this procedure, otherwise the risk of further complications is greater.

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Regarding the further course of vibration lipolysis, it can be said that in the first 24 hours immediately after the procedure, a clear liquid usually emerges from the skin incision and causes it to stick. However, this is not dangerous and the body will then reabsorb the fluid by itself. A compression bandage should be worn for up to four weeks after the procedure Thrombosis to prevent. In the first few days, bruises and swellings are also to be expected. This will make the skin mostly hard over the treated area and the sensation in this area can be reduced for up to three months. This is mostly reported as a feeling of numbness. After about two to three days you are usually able to work again. However, sitting or lying down for long periods of time can still be painful for the following week. Finally, after about two to three months, you can see that it has become too far skin contracts again and thus appears taut again.

Vibratory Lipolysis Cost

The cost of vibratory lipolysis varies depending on the part of the body. Some guideline values ​​for this are around € 5,000- € 6,000 for areas such as thighs, buttocks and hips, around € 6,000 for the abdomen and waist, around € 1,500 for arms or double chins and around € 2,500 for the knee.

It must be mentioned that liposuction is offered up to 50% cheaper, especially in eastern countries. However, the technology used is often out of date and the hygienic standards usually do not correspond to the local ones. This often leads to subsequent wound infections and other complications which, in the worst case, may require a new operation. There is no compensation and so the procedure is much more expensive for those affected.

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Further information

More information on the subject Liposuction can also be obtained from:

  • Liposuction
  • Liposuction belly
  • Thigh fat gone
  • History of Liposuction
  • Liposuction costs
  • Skin smoothing
  • Arm lift
  • Tighten connective tissue
  • Strengthen connective tissue
  • Lipofilling with autologous fat

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  • Cosmetic Surgery: What Is It?
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