Pus pimples on the lip are extremely uncomfortable for most sufferers.
On the one hand, a pimple on the lip is noticeable, on the other hand, pimples on the lip are very often associated with severe pain, as many nerves supply the lip region.

Pimples in general are caused by blocked sebum glands. If the sebum can no longer come off, it offers an ideal place for bacteria to multiply on it.
These bacteria then create the pus pimple.

Causes of pus pimples on the lip

Like any other pimple, pimples on the lip are caused by excessive sebum production, which leads to blockage of the sebum glands.
However, the lip and mouth region is particularly at risk of developing pus pimples.
This region comes into contact with bacteria much more frequently than the rest of the skin.

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Again and again, food, glasses, cutlery or unwashed hands are brought to the mouth.
This makes infection more likely and explains why pimples are often found around the mouth or on the lips.

The production of sebum itself depends on various living conditions.

Stress can stimulate sebum production and the development of pimples is favored.

Increased exposure to the sun also leads to increased sebum production, which means that pimples occur more frequently in summer. The wrong diet, especially fatty or sugary foods, can also cause pimples.

In addition, there is a hormonal influence on the development of pus pimples.

In women, for example, there is a drop in estrogen about a week before menstruation, so that the production of androgens predominates. Androgens are male hormones that stimulate the production of sebum, making it easier for pimples to form.

The diagnosis of a pus pimple

The diagnosis of pus pimples is only made by looking in the mirror. Usually the skin is reddish, which is a sign of inflammation.
In addition, the pus is filled with yellow-whitish pus.

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If the affected person touches the pimple, pain can occur.
In addition, the affected area feels plump where the pus is.

It should be noted that a pus pimple on the lip does not sit directly on the lip, as lips themselves do not contain sebum glands and therefore pimples cannot develop there.

Symptoms of a pus pimple on the lip

Before a pimple develops, there are some signs that may indicate it. For example, the area can hurt before the pimple becomes visible.

Previous reddening is also possible.

In some cases, however, the person concerned does not even notice the formation of the pimple, but sees the next time they look in the mirror that a pus pimple has formed.
Depending on the size of the pimple and the degree of inflammation, it can cause more or less pain.

The size and swelling of the pimple can also affect the mouth opening. Especially on the lip, the pimple can cause pain when eating, drinking or speaking and thus make everyday life more difficult for a short time.

The area on and around the pimple is also often sensitive to touch.

In fact, it can also be that the pus pimple - apart from looking unaesthetic - does not cause any further problems.


The pain can be of varying intensity or even completely absent.

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Since many nerve fibers lead to the lips, this area is often very sensitive to pain.
Often the location of the pus is sensitive to touch and the person concerned feels pain if he accidentally touches the area.

If the pus is severely inflamed, it can cause pain even if the lips are not moved or touched.
The pain may also have a pulsating quality.

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Swelling of the lip

The swelling of the lip is caused by the pimple, even if it is not directly on the lip.
A pus creates an inflammation that can spread to the surrounding area.

In addition, inflamed skin appears red.

As a result, the lip may appear swollen right away, even though it's really only the skin around the pimple that is inflamed red.

What can you do about it?

The pus pimple - as unsightly as it may be - shouldn't be squeezed out.
The method of choice should be to disinfect and dry out the pimple on the lip.

This can be achieved by various means:

  • For one, tea tree oil can be applied to the pimple several times a day. Tea tree oil disinfects and dries out the pus pimple.
  • On the other hand, chamomile tea can be dabbed on the pimple, because chamomile also has a disinfecting, antibacterial effect.
  • Furthermore, a mixture of water and healing clay can be prepared, which is left on the pus pimple for half an hour or even overnight.
  • Normal disinfectants from the pharmacy can also be applied to the pimple. However, care should be taken to ensure that disinfectants are used that can also be accidentally swallowed.
  • If there is severe swelling, the lip can be cooled. The cooling reduces the swelling and can also reduce pain.
  • If the pain is severe, short-term pain medication such as ibuprofen can also be considered. If the pus has risen by itself, the area should be disinfected and kept clean.

Duration of a pus pimple

How long a pus remains on the lip varies.

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It may take a few days for the skin to completely heal.
If it is a larger pimple or if the pimple has been pushed around and it is also infected, it can even take several weeks to heal.

There is then also the possibility of increased pigmentation at the point where the pus was located.
It can take several weeks for this to completely disappear.

In the worst case, the pus leaves a small scar.

Should I squeeze the pus on my lip?

A pus pimple on the lip should generally not be expressed.
For one thing, the process is very painful. Second, pushing around can increase the inflammation, causing the area to swell even more and heal more poorly.

Furthermore, bacteria could get into the bloodstream through squeezing. There is a risk of infection of the meninges or the brain itself, albeit rarely.

If the pimple is large and filled with a lot of pus and interferes with everyday life, it should be removed professionally.

If the pimple is expressed yourself, the area should definitely be cleaned and disinfected.

How can I tell a pus pimple from a cold sore?

The distinction between a pus pimple and cold sore is often not easy.

However, it's important to distinguish a pus pimple from a cold sore.
Because if you express the supposed pus pimple and it is a cold sore, the herpes can spread.

Cold sores are triggered by the herpes virus. It is a reactivation of the virus in the event of immunodeficiency or stress.
The viruses that remain in the body travel along the nerves to the lip and trigger inflammation at the nerve endings.

Those affected often feel a tingling sensation or a burning sensation before the cold sore.

However, this can also be the case with pimples. Cold sores are also filled with viruses.
This is also the reason why the vesicle should not be opened:
The focus is not only on spreading to your own skin, but also on the risk to other people in the vicinity.

In contrast to a cold sore, which usually sits directly on the lip, the pus pimple is not to be found directly on the lip because the lips do not contain any sebum glands.

Both cold sores and pimples can be associated with pain and swelling, so the pain is not a good differentiator.

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However, the place should be carefully considered.

In contrast to the cold sore, the pimple forms a pus tip

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