
Children are not always born on the calculated due date. In particular, pregnant women whose delivery date has passed try to induce labor with various techniques. The best-known home remedies also include teas that stimulate labor, which you can either buy or make yourself with spices or herbs.
Even if these are natural ingredients, teas that promote contraction should only be taken in consultation with a midwife or doctor

Myth or Truth- Are Teas Really Effective?

There are a number of spices and herbs that are said to have labor-inducing effects. Some of them are said to promote blood circulation and thus contribute to labor. For most of the herbs there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The question of whether teas really help cannot be answered clearly.

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Many women report that it has a labor-inducing effect, while others feel no effect. Especially for pregnant women who have already passed the due date, a try with a labor tea can be dared - this should, however, be done in consultation with the doctor or midwife. In the best case scenario, the labor teas should be understood as an aid - there is no guarantee that they will work.

Find out all about the topic here: Promote labor

Which teas can help?

There are various teas that are said to have a labor-promoting effect. Some can be bought ready-made, others require preparation from one or more spices and herbs.

The most popular tea is made from raspberry leaves. The popularity of this tea is mainly due to the taste and the low to nonexistent risk of side effects. The preparation of the raspberry leaf tea is quite simple, you use about 1 teaspoon for a cup and pour hot water on it. After 10 minutes the tea is drawn through.
But also verbena (Verbena) is a well-known remedy. In contrast to the other teas that promote labor, the taste takes some getting used to, which is why verbena is used less often today.

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Furthermore, cinnamon sticks or blackberry leaves are often used as ingredients for teas that promote labor. These have a more benevolent taste and are therefore more popular than verbena, for example.

Read more about the topic here: Home remedies that promote labor.

Iced tea

Verbena tea is a well-known representative of the contraceptive agents. It is particularly noticeable because of its taste that takes getting used to. Like many other herbs, no reliable proof of its effectiveness has been proven by scientific studies. The verbena is said to have a slight labor-inducing effect. As a result, consumption should be limited to the end of pregnancy.

Here, too, it is best to take it after consulting a doctor or midwife. They can also provide precise information on the preparation and quantity of the tea. Verbena tea is usually available in pharmacies or health food stores.

Read more about this topic here: Verbena.

Tea with cinnamon

Cinnamon is also said to have a labor-promoting effect by increasing the blood flow to the organs in the pelvis. Cinnamon sticks that are poured over with hot water are best for preparation. The brewing time should be around 10 minutes. The tea should be drunk about twice a day.

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Here, too, the midwife should be consulted if anything is unclear. Furthermore, like the other teas, the tea should not be consumed until the due date or beyond.

When should i drink the tea?

Contraceptive teas can be a gentle method of promoting labor. It should only be used by pregnant women who are about to give birth or who are further than the usual 40th weeks. It is not recommended to take it well before the due date so that labor does not start prematurely.

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Whether drinking teas that promote labor is the right method to stimulate childbirth can be individual and should be discussed with your midwife or doctor beforehand.

Also read the article: Promote labor.

How Much Tea Should I Drink?

The amount of tea you drink depends on the spices used. For example, raspberry leaf labor-inducing teas should not exceed 3-4 cups. Raspberry tea can lead to diarrhea in larger quantities.

With cinnamon tea, about 1-2 cinnamon sticks can be doused with hot water twice a day. After about 10 minutes of steeping time, the tea is ready to drink.
When it comes to the other spices, it is best to ask your pharmacist or midwife, as there are different indications on the dosage and amount to be consumed. In general, it is worthwhile to seek expert advice (pharmacist or midwife) beforehand, as overdosing on herbs and spices can also have unpleasant side effects.

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