
  • Aging
  • Age


Our body begins to age as early as 25 years of age. The first wrinkle and the first white hairs can cause concern for many people. But can you prevent or slow down the aging process? If so, what are the options?
These questions are discussed below. First of all, it is important to know that you cannot stop getting older, but you can slow it down by living the right way. You can find out more from us.

What are the options to slow down the aging process?

The most important factor in slowing down the aging process is a healthy lifestyle. This is listed in the following section.

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The hormonal function in our body is also important. Although this decreases with age, it can be influenced by the right lifestyle. For example, short stays in the sun increase vitamin D production in the body, which among other things leads to a strengthening of our bones. Stress and lack of sleep reduce hormone production and thus accelerate aging, so these conditions should be avoided.

What influence does a healthy lifestyle have?

The aging process cannot be stopped completely, but it can be slowed down by a healthy lifestyle. But what is part of a healthy lifestyle and why is it so important?
A healthy lifestyle protects our body from cell stress. This is an important cause of aging, because our cells are damaged by cell stress and the radicals released in the body. A healthy lifestyle helps on the one hand to reduce cell stress and on the other hand to absorb the radicals. A healthy lifestyle includes:

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  • Refrain from smoking
    It pays to quit smoking at any age! Smokers have a life expectancy that is up to 20 years shorter than that of non-smokers.
    Also read: How to quit smoking
  • Healthy and varied diet
    A healthy diet has several positive effects on our body, it protects our vessels and our cells from radicals. It is advisable to eat smaller portions more often than to eat a large meal. Be sure to use less oil and salt when cooking. Because fatty food promotes the early formation of fat and calcium deposits on the vessels, an increased salt content in the food increases the blood pressure and in this way damages the vessels. In addition, you should avoid finished products and make sure that you get enough vitamins through your diet. A lot of fruits and vegetables have antioxidant effects, i.e. they protect against radicals.
    We recommend our site to: Anti aging and nutrition
    You might also be interested in: This is how you eat healthily! or These are healthy oils
  • Silent Waters
    A sufficient water content in relation to the aging process is extremely important for the body. Because if you provide your body with enough fluids, your cells do not dry out and pollutants in the body can also be better eliminated via the kidneys.
  • Exercise regularly
    You should be aware that excessive exercise can be harmful. So you don't get any benefit from overloading your body. Sports activities for about 30-60 minutes two to three times a week show an increase in life expectancy.
    Also read: Health and sport
  • Avoid stress
    Stress also increases cell stress. A balanced life with family and friends, as well as an active sexual life, will keep you young longer.
  • Get enough sleep
    Little sleep increases cell stress and thus has damaging effects on your body.
    Read more about this under: These are the consequences of lack of sleep!

What influence do vitamins have on aging?

Certain vitamins that play an important role in the aging process are selected below.

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  • vitamin C
    Vitamin C fulfills important tasks that are of great benefit in terms of anti-aging. It supports the formation of collagen. This is a fiber component of our skin and ensures that our skin is firm and elastic. Vitamin C also traps free radicals that are triggered by cell stress and cause the skin to age faster.Thus, vitamin C plays an important role in slowing down the aging process. It is particularly found in broccoli and spinach.
    Read more about the important functions at: vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is has a strengthening effect on the bones. This is especially important with age, as the bones become softer with age. One then speaks of bone loss (osteoporosis). Another important task of vitamin D is to increase the absorption of iron from the intestines into the body. This is especially important as iron is required for the formation of the red blood pigment.
    For more information on this vitamin, see: Vitamin D and Vitamin D deficiency
  • Vitamin B3 and B9
    These vitamins are also important for cell renewal and cell growth. The B vitamins also help keep the skin hydrated. Another important function of vitamins B3 and B9 is the strengthening effect on the nervous system and muscle building. It can therefore be very important for memory retention and memory retention. The B vitamins are mainly found in oysters, milk components and meat.
    Read more about this at: Vitamin B3 and Vitamin B9
  • Vitamin E.
    Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. This means that it scavenges free radicals and thus protects the body from cell damage. The free radicals are released by cell stress and are responsible for faster skin aging. Since vitamin E prevents the effects of radicals, it can slow down the aging process on the skin. It helps to keep the skin taut and firm. Vitamin E suppliers are vegetable oils and fats like sunflower oil, olive oil, peanut oil and margarine.
    We recommend our site to: Vitamin E.

There are other vitamins that are of particular importance. Read more about this at: Vitamins - You Need These!

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What influence do the hormones have on aging?

The older a person gets, the fewer hormones are produced in his body. This speeds up the aging process as the hormones normally protect the body from faster cell aging. Certain hormones are listed below:

  • estrogen
    The onset of menopause causes difficulties and discomfort for many women. This depends on the rapid drop in the sex hormone, estrogen. But estrogens also play a role in men. If the estrogen level falls, the skin ages faster. Wrinkles appear. In addition, bone loss in the sense of bone loss (osteoporosis) occurs more quickly. In addition, sexual desire and vitality decrease.
    You might also be interested in: Estrogen Deficiency - These are the symptoms and so is the therapy!
  • progesterone
    Progsterone has important functions, especially in the woman's body. It affects the process of getting older. Among other things, it regulates the water balance in our body and ensures that the veins and bones do not lose their stability. If the production of progesterone decreases in old age, there may be increased water retention and emotional unrest such as irritability.
  • Melatonin
    This hormone controls our biological clock, so it shows our body the day and night rhythm. This is especially important. Because when melatonin production is high (at night), many metabolic processes in our body are slowed down and repair measures are carried out. Melatonin production decreases with age. On the one hand, this makes falling asleep and staying asleep more difficult and, on the other hand, accelerates the aging process.
  • DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
    The DHEA is a sex hormone. Many other hormones are formed from this. The DHEA level decreases with age. This is not infrequently accompanied by a decrease in performance, increasing tiredness and bone loss, a decrease in sexual desire and more. There are now studies that ascribe DHEA retarding properties in the process of aging. A sufficiently high DHEA leads to well-being and joie de vivre in old age.

Further general information can be found on our main page: These hormones are there!

Which anti-aging measure is the right one?

For some antiaging measures it is important to get a diagnosis beforehand.
This applies in particular to the case of an extreme change in diet in the case of overweight (obesity) or hormone therapy for bone loss (osteoporosis), in order to be able to recommend an optimal therapy.
Again with other anti-aging measures such as sport, a diagnosis or therapy does not necessarily have to be suggested. Here everyone can decide for themselves which sport is fun and, above all, is good for you.

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Read more about this topic on our main page: Everything to do with anti aging
We also recommend:

  • Anti aging on the skin
  • Anti aging and nutrition
  • Wrinkle treatment
  • Biolifting

Symptoms of the aging process

The aging process is noticeable differently in every person.
The first symptoms can be caused by changes in the musculoskeletal system. As the muscles break down, strength is lost. By the age of 50, around ten percent of the muscle fibers have disappeared, and by the age of 70 it is about half.
Other complaints can be bone pain. The cause could e.g. bone loss (osteoporosis) or joint wear (osteoarthritis).
Psychological complaints are also triggered by the aging process. Examples would be:

  • Fatigue,
  • rapid fatigue,
  • Poor concentration,
  • Memory disorders,
  • Sleep disorders,
  • Potency and libido disorders,
  • Stress lability and
  • depressive mood.

The symptoms mentioned above occur particularly during menopause (female: menopause; male: andropause).
In older adults there are also complaints due to increasing growth hormone deficiency (somatopause) and deficiency in the hormone DHEA.

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