
A broken tooth, also known as a tooth fracture, can occur at any age, in both milk teeth and permanent teeth. This is caused when too strong forces act and the tooth cannot withstand the load. For example, chewing hard bread or an accident with a slap on the face can be the cause.
The breaking off of a tooth part is also favored by Cariesthat hollow out the tooth from the inside out and make it unstable.
A distinction is made between simple and complicated tooth fractures. With a simple fracture, only the Enamel affected, in the case of the complicated, the tooth cavity or the tooth root are also affected.

Also read: Incisor broken off

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What should you do if the tooth has broken off?

If a tooth has broken off, the first thing to do is to keep calm and act carefully. One should collect and exist Bleeding with a cotton or gauze cloth breastfeeding. Paper handkerchiefs are not suitable for this, however, as they are non-sterile and can stick to the wound.
Then all should be canceled Tooth parts collected and stored moist so that the tooth does not dry out. A Tooth rescue box is ideal for this. It contains enough nutrients to keep the tooth alive for up to 48 hours. But they are also suitable UHT milk, alcoholic solution or sterile saline solution from the pharmacy for short-term storage up to an hour. However, only if the box is not at hand.
Tooth parts must under no circumstances be stored dry, cleaned, disinfected or touched at the tooth root! This can make healing difficult or impossible.

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If pain occurs, it can be briefly treated with a Painkiller be mitigated.Cooling the region is particularly useful in the event of an accident, as this can prevent swelling from developing. Cold / heat / pressure should be avoided in most cases. The surrounding tissue is only irritated more strongly and thus promotes the development of inflammation.

A quick walk to the dentist has top priority, as this is the only place where the break can be professionally treated and the pain permanently eliminated. It is best to see a doctor on the same day. Since, depending on the degree of the fraction, this is a dental emergency, appointments can usually be made quickly. If the tooth breaks off at the weekend or late in the evening and there is pain, it makes sense to go to the dental emergency service. First aid can often take place there and pain from the broken tooth can be alleviated until the final treatment.
If you wait too long to visit the doctor, the broken fragment may discolor and no longer be vital. The prerequisite for a reattachment is then no longer given. Also one Root inflammation, the one Root canal treatment required cannot then be excluded.

If the tooth wobbles, it should not be moved. Movement with the tongue, fingers, or other instruments can loosen it further and increase the severity of the injury. Furthermore, it should be avoided to eat crumbly food, as this can disadvantageously settle on the affected tooth.
In no case should you try to glue the fragment yourself, this can have negative effects on a definitive restoration by the treating dentist.

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Figure broken tooth: immediate measures and treatment

Broken tooth
Tooth fragment

  1. Tooth fragment,
    broken tooth
    or tooth piece
    Do not clean!
  2. Storage -
    Glass of milk,
    sterile saline solution,
    moist storage!
  3. One is ideal
    Tooth rescue box
  4. As soon as possible
    Go to the dentist
    (up to 24 hours)
  5. Attached tooth fragment
    (special adhesive technology,
    Plastic glue)

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

What to do about the pain

Toothachethat are triggered by a broken tooth, only in the rarest of cases go away on their own. Self-treatment is not to be considered sensible here. The dentist should be visited immediately and the emergency dental service at the weekend, as the faster the treatment, the greater the chances of recovery.
Joke pills can be taken to bridge the time until the doctor's visit. If Pain relievers for toothache be taken, a few things should be observed.
Read on for this: Paracetamol for toothache and Ibuprofen for toothache

If there are no pain relievers available, there are some Home remedies for toothache. For example, can also Clove oil or chewing a clove overnight can help, as the ingredient eugenol is said to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Toothache During Pregnancy However, should not be treated with cloves, as the clove oil Induce labor can. Painkillers should only be used here if the pain is unbearable. A quick visit to the doctor is essential.

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Gluing the broken tooth

In order to reattach a broken tooth, all fragments must be given to the dentist. Gluing is only possible under certain circumstances. For example, if only a piece of the filling has broken off or it is just a simple fracture of the tooth. Tooth pulp or root fibers must not be injured. In all other cases, the broken part can only be preserved with a larger restoration. This includes restoration with a filling, inlay or (partial) crown.

If gluing is possible, the fragment is examined for a suitable fit, disturbing edges smoothed if necessary and then reattached. This is done with a tooth-colored adhesive, similar to the plastic filling material. Then protrusions are removed and sharp edges are smoothed. After polishing, the break should no longer be visible. A load can then take place as usual.

What can you do to prevent tooth decay?

Tooth decay can develop on broken teeth just as it does on any other tooth. The risk is even increased by the fact that food residues can more easily stick to rough broken edges or in cavities that have formed. Causing bacteria stay in these places even longer. Caries can occur more frequently here.
It is important to ensure that the broken tooth is always kept clean. Especially after eating, it is important to remove residues immediately. A Irrigator is well suited for this. A decent one is still an advantage Oral hygiene - in the mornings and the evenings. If the break point is between the teeth, regular use of Floss or Space brushes makes sense. A Fluoridation of teeth and especially the endangered area (s) increases the stability and can thus contribute to less tooth decay. A quick trip to the dentist saves avoidable carious spots on the tooth. The resulting cavities can be filled with fillings, sharp edges can be smoothed so that fewer bacteria stay at the break points.

Broken tooth in a toddler

Approx. 30% of children suffer a dental accident up to the age of 16. So it is not uncommon for children to suffer such an injury. Treating young children is somewhat different from treating adults. What remains the same is that you should stay calm in order to take the right steps. The child should be reassured and bleeding should be stopped. Broken fragments must be stored in a rescue box as described above. Under no circumstances should you glue the broken tooth back on yourself or put it back in the tooth socket! This can cause considerable damage. This can damage the tooth germ of the permanent tooth and result in an eruption in the wrong place or an injury to the tooth crown.

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A dentist should be seen as soon as possible to assess the degree of injury. They are especially good here Pediatric dentistswho specialize in treating young patients. These have the right utensils at hand and are adapted to handle small children so that the little ones shine again quickly.

The missing spot can usually be found with a filling are supplied. Sometimes, however, the tooth is so damaged that removal is inevitable. Then a gap holder can simply be attached to the place of the natural tooth so that the following tooth can break through properly. Only the dentist can personally decide which treatment method is the right one.

What to do with a root-treated tooth

If a root-treated tooth should break off, then this is a sign that there is not enough natural tooth enamel left and the tooth is therefore very unstable. The reason for this is that the tooth is not supplied with nutrients due to the previous nerve removal. The broken off fragment can no longer be glued on; the tooth would not be adequately supported. The risk that another break occurs and the tooth then has to be removed is greatly increased. In this case it is necessary for the dentist to provide the broken tooth with a crown. The existing protection all around gives the tooth new stability.

However, this is only possible if the break point is not too deep under the gums. If this is the case, the tooth can become infected when a crown is made. Then it may be possible to extrude the tooth or perform a surgical crown lengthening. This means that the natural tooth crown is lengthened towards the mouth. The restoration can then be carried out using a crown without any problems.
This treatment is a purely private service and must therefore be paid for yourself.

If this is not possible or desired, only pulling the broken tooth is possible. The resulting gap can be filled with a bridge or an implant, depending on the condition of the surrounding teeth. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it yourself; only the dentist can identify which treatment is the right one and take the necessary steps. It may even be necessary to take an X-ray for the decision-making process.

Learn more about: Crown extension

Treatment cost

The costs of the treatment cannot be named as a flat rate, as they depending on the degree of tooth damage and the attending physician. If the tooth has only broken off superficially, a simple one can be Tooth filling be enough. But if the break is deeper, a Root canal treatment queue.

The costs are different, the co-payment can be made by the specialist up to € 450 lie. The subsequent restoration of the tooth with a filling or crown will be charged extra. If the tooth has broken off so badly that it has to be removed, the resulting tooth gap can only be removed with one Implant or a bridge if necessary one prosthesis getting closed. Because here the cost is fast Exceed € 1000 it is worth calling the health insurance company and finding out about the grant.

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Accidents occupy a special position. In the event of an accident at work or on the way, the statutory accident insurance can, under certain circumstances, cover part of the costs. The situation is similar if the accident was triggered by another person. This may then be liable and would have to pay for the cost of the dental treatment. The dentist should be informed about the exact course of the accident and can then decide how to proceed.

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