Cinnamon isn't just a delicious spice.


Ceylon cinnamon


Laurel family

Plant description

The home of the Ceylon cinnamon tree or Real cinnamon tree is today's Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon. Small, evergreen tree with black-brown bark. The inside of the bark smells aromatic. The branches have a gray, white speckled bark. The leaves are large, oval, short-stemmed and smell of cloves. Form the inconspicuous whitish-green flowers paniculate inflorescences.

The trees are planted in cultures, they need a lot of water.

Plant parts used medicinally

The peeled bark and the essential oil obtained from it. After a few years of undisturbed development, the Bark peeled off and outdoors in the sun dried. The essential oil is through Steam distillation Obtained from the bark or from the leaves (cinnamon leaf oil).

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Essential oil with cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, cinnamon alcohol, cinnamic acid, tannins.

Medicinal effect and application

The bark of the "real cinnamon tree" is primarily known as seasoning. The aroma goes on, in him contained cinnamon oil back. The food industry also uses what is known as cheaper cinnamon as a substitute for real cinnamon Cassia cinnamon which comes from the Zimtcassie (Chinese cinnamon tree). This contains more coumarin than the real cinnamon. It is therefore recommended that real cinnamon, also called Ceylon cinnamon, be given preference.

The drug works appetizing and digestive but is mainly used medicinally as a flavor corrector in stomach teas. Folk medicine knows cinnamon oil for breastfeeding excessive menstrual bleeding or in the mixture with clove oil as a means against Toothache.

Complaints such as bloating, flatulence and slight cramp-like pains in the gastrointestinal area are still the standard approvals for cinnamon bark today.


tea from cinnamon bark: you pour over 1 teaspoon dried, crushed cinnamon bark with a large cup of boiling water, leaves Brew for 10 minutes, refrain. Two to three cups a day drink with meals.

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Side effects

Side effects are not to fear. But you can Do not overdose on pure essential oil as it can irritate the skin and mucous membranes and cause palpitations, sweating and diarrhea.

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