
Latin name: Solidago virgaurea
Genus: Daisy family
Common names: Gold wound herb, pagan, wound herb

Plant description goldenrod

Plant description: A perennial that can grow up to 1 m tall. The stem is round, striped, the leaves are paniculate and alternate. The flowers are yellow, in clusters or in panicles, and smell weakly aromatic.
Flowering time: August to October
Occurrence: Widespread in dry meadows, light forests and on sunny hills.

Plant parts used medicinally

The herb (without roots), prefers the flowering parts. It is gently dried in bunches.


Essential oil, tannins, bitter substances, saponins, flavonoids.

Medicinal effects and use of goldenrod

Stimulation of the kidney function Bladder and kidney infections, at painful urination and especially for Irrigation therapy. The drug can support skin diseases and liver problems. It is often part of so-called "Blood purification teas“.

Preparation of goldenrod

Goldenrod tea: Pour ¼ l of cold water over 1 to 2 heaped teaspoons of goldenrod, heat to the boil, let it steep for 2 minutes, strain. Drink 3 cups daily, spread over the day.

Use in homeopathy

Solidago is used here as a diverting and regulating Kidney drugs used. Especially when the Kidney disease occurs after an infection or with skin rashes or joint pain as a result gout or rheumatism goes hand in hand. Common: D2

side effect

not known. At chronic kidney disease consultation with the doctor is essential.