short thigh tightener

Latin: M.. adductor brevis

  • to the thigh muscles overview
  • to the musculature overview


The short thigh puller (musculus adductor brevis) lies below the comb muscle and the long thigh puller.

Other thigh adductors:

  • Comb muscle (M. pectineus)
  • Long thigh tightener (M. adductor longus)
  • Big Thigh Beater (M. adductor magnus)
  • Slim muscle (M. gracilis)

Approach, origin, innervation

Approach: Bony reinforcement strip on the back of the thigh bone (Linea aspera)

Origin: Lower pubic branch (Ramus inferior ossis pubis)

Innervation: N. obturator

How is the muscle trained / contracted?

The short thigh beater (Adductor brevis muscle) is trained in strength training with the following exercise:

  • Adductor machine

For more information, see Weight Training

How is this muscle stretched?

The following stretches apply to these muscles:

  • Comb muscle (M. pectineus)
  • Long thigh tightener (M. adductor longus)
  • Short thigh tightener (M. adductor brevis)
  • Big Thigh Beater (M. adductor magnus)
  • Slim muscle (M. gracilis)

There are two ways to stretch the inner thigh. The athlete stands approx.double shoulder width, the toes point forward. The body weight is shifted to one side, so that the thigh of the side to be stretched is almost stretched. The upper body should be kept upright.

The second variant is done while sitting. The soles of the feet touch while the knees are pushed toward the floor.

You can find detailed information under stretching


The function of the short thigh tightener (Musculus adductor brevis) consists of an adduction (bring it sideways to the body) in the hip joint.

You can find information on all forms of movement here in one Overview of forms of movement