Fungus on the testicle

What is a fungus on the testicle?

A fungus on the testicle is an infection of the skin with a genital fungus (mycosis).
In most cases, it is a yeast of the genus Candida albicans that causes vaginal thrush in women.

The infection mainly affects the upper layers of the skin, which contains the protein keratin, which the yeast mainly feeds on.

Compared to women, mycosis in the genital area is relatively rare in men.

Those affected notice that the skin on the testicles becomes red and itchy, and other annoying symptoms can occur. The treatment of a testicular fungus is carried out using drug therapy

What are the causes of fungus on the testicle?

The most common cause of a fungal infection on the testicles and the genital organs is the yeast Candida albicans. This fungus can sometimes also be found in the mouth and intestines of healthy people, where it is part of the natural flora and has no meaning as a pathogen.
With favorable environmental factors, however, the fungus can spread and cause an infection in the genitals

Normally, the skin is relatively well protected from infections by the natural bacterial flora.
Because the skin is extremely densely populated with microorganisms, pathogenic germs cannot multiply on the surface of the skin.
If the skin's natural balance is upset, fungi or bacteria can break the skin's protective mechanisms and cause infections.

Treatment with antibiotics is therefore one of the most common triggers for fungal colonization on the skin.
Cortisone or other immunomodulating drugs that suppress the body's defense functions also often cause mycoses. Men with a weakened immune system (for example, with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, HIV or people with immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation) are particularly susceptible to fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

But a moist environment also offers ideal growth conditions for the yeast, which means that the germs tend to settle on the testicles.

Underwear or sports pants made of synthetic fibers make the skin difficult to breathe, which means that moisture can accumulate and a fungus can lodge more easily.

A narrowing of the foreskin is also a risk factor for a fungal infection, as this limits the hygiene at the glans and the disease can spread to the testicles from there.

In general, poor hygiene is a contributing factor for the disease. In very rare cases, infection can also occur through sexual intercourse with a woman who has a vaginal yeast infection.


If a fungus is suspected on the testicle, the affected men should consult a dermatologist or urologist.
In general, however, a general practitioner can also make the diagnosis.
The doctor can easily recognize the skin fungus through a visual diagnosis based on the typical symptoms and localization.

In most cases, he can also determine immediately which pathogen is likely and accordingly prescribe the appropriate therapy.

In addition, a smear can be taken to confirm the diagnosis, with which the pathogen is microbiologically detected in the laboratory

What are the symptoms of fungus on the testicle?

A fungal infection on the testicles is characterized by sharply defined reddening of the skin, which can sometimes be very itchy.

First of all, the affected areas of skin turn red and subsequently swell.
The skin becomes dry and partially flakes off. The inflamed areas can also begin to ooze. The spots are typically built up so that the edges are red and inflamed, while the skin becomes lighter towards the center. The skin infection can spread through the scrotum towards the anus.

The skin changes are accompanied by various symptoms: the testicles begin to itch extremely due to the fungal attack and the affected men often also suffer from burning pain in the scrotum

Also read: The scrotum itches - what's behind it?

Treatment and therapy of the fungus on the testicles

The treatment of a skin fungus on the testicle is carried out using ointments and creams that contain so-called antimycotics (fungicides). These are active ingredients that are effective against the fungus by inhibiting growth.

The most common drugs contain azole antifungal agents, which prevent the fungus from building its cell wall.
As a result, the cells cannot divide and the fungus dies.

The azole active ingredients include, for example:

  • Isocanazole,
  • Clotrimazole or
  • Fluconazole.

In the case of a testicular fungus, the cream is usually applied directly from the outside to the affected skin area. The treatment should be continued for several weeks, even after the visible symptoms have subsided, as otherwise the infection can come from surviving fungal spores.

During the treatment, those affected should make sure that the testicles get as little moisture as possible.
Therefore, synthetic underwear or shorts should be avoided and breathable fabrics such as cotton should be used instead.

After showering, it is important to dry the scrotum very well so that no residual moisture remains here.
Adequate hygiene in the genital area also helps the infection to heal quickly.

The underwear and towels should be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, as the fungal spores have no chance of survival at these temperatures.
Furthermore, the affected men should refrain from sexual intercourse during treatment with the antifungal agent, as there is a risk of the partner becoming infected with the fungus.
In some cases, drug treatment of the sexual partner can also be considered.

Itching of the testicles

A testicular fungus is accompanied by very severe itching, which is perceived as extremely annoying by those affected.
The itching can spread to the groin and anus.

If possible, you should avoid scratching too much, as this will damage the skin even more. In addition, the pathogen gets to the fingers through scratching and from there can also reach other parts of the body and infect them.

Also read our main article: The Scrotum Itches - What's Behind It?

Which ointment works best?

All ointments that contain antifungal agents such as clotrimazole or bifonazole are very effective against fungal skin infections.

A cream from the pharmacy can help against the annoying itching.

Most of the antifungal creams used to treat testicular fungus also have an anti-itch effect.

How contagious is that?

A testicular fungus is an infection that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

In healthy people, however, infection is rather unlikely.
However, as soon as the immune system is weakened, the fungus can colonize the skin and spread relatively easily.

For this reason, as a precaution, sexual intercourse should be avoided for the duration of the treatment of a testicular fungus. In the case of a fungal infection of the testicles, it can make sense that the partner is also treated.

This can prevent mutual infection during sexual intercourse.

Duration and forecast

With the right treatment, a fungus on the testicle usually has a very good prognosis and heals within a few days.

To prevent the infection from spreading, it is important that a doctor is consulted as soon as the first symptoms appear and that the correct treatment is initiated.

The course of the disease is also influenced by whether risk factors, such as chronic diseases, are present.

If this is the case, these must - as far as possible - also be treated professionally in order to prevent recurring fungal infections.