Category : Psychiatry-Online

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Do you recognize changing moods and abnormalities in a person around you, but you cannot persuade the person to visit the doctor? If this is the case, make sure that it might not be bipolar disorder

Borderline syndrome in a partnership

Borderline syndrome in a partnership

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on psychological topics and the borderline syndrome that is understandable for laymen.

Therapy for a hysteria

Therapy for a hysteria

the psychiatric information portal with lots of helpful information on the subject of therapy for hysteria.

What is paranoid schizophrenia?

What is paranoid schizophrenia?

Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common subtype of schizophrenia, where there is less flattening of emotions and indifference.

What is a schizophrenic residual?

What is a schizophrenic residual?

The schizophrenic residual describes a personality change that can occur in the context of schizophrenia and that has pronounced negative symptoms.

Test for schizophrenia

Test for schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that is often not recognized by those affected. To find out whether you or a relative is affected, you can carry out various tests. These can not replace a medical diagnosis

Schizophrenia in children

Schizophrenia in children

Schizophrenia typically begins in young adulthood, but there are also patients who show symptoms in childhood. In fact, schizophrenia is believed to have roots in most patients

Therapy for schizophrenia

Therapy for schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is usually treated with medication and accompanying psychotherapy. Drug treatment is often in the foreground due to its rapid onset of action, especially when the symptoms are pronounced. The

What can be signs of impending schizophrenia?

What can be signs of impending schizophrenia?

The signs of schizophrenia are many and individually different. These signs include depression, mood swings, distrust, and cognitive deficits.

Therapy of a mania

Therapy of a mania

The medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of therapy for mania that is understandable for laypeople.

What are the causes of schizophrenia?

What are the causes of schizophrenia?

While schizophrenia is a psychiatric condition, there are many organic causes. Genetics, biomedical changes, and drug / alcohol abuse, among other things, can trigger schizophrenia. So it doesn't have to be



The medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of compulsory control that is understandable for laymen.

Types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The medical information portal. Here you will find layman-understandable information about types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The medical information portal. Here you will find information on the causes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder that is understandable for laymen.

Is schizophrenia hereditary?

Is schizophrenia hereditary?

The medical information portal. Here you will find information on schizophrenia that is understandable for laypeople.

Serotonin Syndrome

Serotonin Syndrome

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on serotonin syndrome that is understandable for laymen

How thin can you be?

How thin can you be?

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on "How thin can you be?" Explained in layman's terms.

My partner has depression- how best to help?

My partner has depression- how best to help?

Your medical information portal. Lots of helpful information on "My partner has depression - how best to help?" clearly described.

Depression and suicide

Depression and suicide

This article explains how to recognize depression in good time and what options there are to get help. The main focus is on dealing with the suicidal thoughts of those affected and their relatives.

Thoughts of suicide - what to do as a relative

Thoughts of suicide - what to do as a relative

The medical information portal. Here you will find information on drug psychosis that is understandable for laypeople