Figure stomach cancer: A gastric clearing with tumor and B gastroscopy (gastroscopy)

Stomach cancer
Gastric cancer

  1. Tumor (stomach cancer)
  2. Esophagus - Esophagus
  3. Stomach body -
    Corpus gastricum
  4. Duodenum -
  5. Mucous membrane -
    Tunica mucosa
  6. Submucosal membrane -
    Tela submucosa
  7. Muscle wall -
    Tunica muscularis
  8. Serosa layer -
    Tunica serosa
    5 year survival rate:
    Tumor stage I (90-100%)
    Tumor stage II (80-100%)
    Tumor stage III (10%)
    Stage IV tumor (5%)
    Important: gastroscopy

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