
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease. The body forms antibodies against the body's own structures. It is not yet known what the antibodies against in psoriasis, too psoriasis called, direct. The autoimmune reaction leads to inflammation and associated skin changes. This can lead to red, sore skin areas on every part of the body, which are accompanied by flaking and crusting.

This skin reaction can also occur on the face. Since the face is always visible and there is no way to hide the areas, this localization represents a psychologically stressful situation for the person concerned. The psoriasis on the face is associated with a high level of suffering. It is therefore important to identify and treat psoriasis on the face early on.

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Psoriasis on the face is characterized by severe flaking of the skin. However, these scales do not come off the face, but stick.

Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis is genetic. The autoimmunological reaction leads to damaged skin with flaking and crust formation. The dandruff is caused by the imbalance of the skin. New skin is formed faster through repair processes. The upper layers of the skin increasingly die off and the dead skin flakes off.

The special thing about the scales of psoriasis is that they do not fall off, but stick to the affected skin areas. This is one of the criteria for diagnosing psoriasis.

The itching that accompanies psoriasis can be particularly agonizing. This is particularly painful in the face and leads to an aggravation of the symptoms. The itching leads to even more reddening and possibly scratch marks.

Read more about the topic on the following page: Psoriasis - The development of psoriasis

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Often it is psoriasis a visual diagnosis. The experienced dermatologist can make the diagnosis based on the Skin findings be diagnosed. In difficult or unclear cases, the disease can have a Skin biopsy secured.

In-patient therapy is recommended in an acute episode dermatological clinic. This is necessary as soon as the thrust is strong and a intravenous Therapy becomes necessary.

If this is not the case, therapy can be administered orally or locally at home.

Concomitant symptoms

In addition to the skin symptoms, psoriasis can become too severe itching come. Psoriasis can also be with Joint involvement accompanied.

The Initial manifestation psoriasis can therefore also take the form of Joint discomfort appear. These joint problems mainly occur in the Metacarpal and middle joints on. This is often a swelling and Pain in the affected joint.

The symptoms typically appear for the first time in young adulthood after puberty on (20-30 years of age).

Treatment of psoriasis on the face

When psoriasis first manifests, a doctor should be consulted to clarify the cause. Since the level of suffering is very high when the face is affected, a doctor should always be consulted for treatment of known psoriasis.

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In addition to locally effective drugs, systemic drugs can also be administered if necessary.

To prevent it from having excessive flaking Hyperkeratosis comes, should be treated with an ointment even in the symptom-free interval.

Read more about the topic on the page:

  • Treatment of psoriasis
  • Therapy of psoriasis
  • Psoriasis in Pregnancy

Creams for treatment

In the acute episode, therapy should first be given with local creams, which remove the plaques on the inflamed areas of the skin. Creams containing salicylic acid or uric acid are very suitable for this.

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There are also glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisone) that can be applied to the skin to relieve the acute episode. However, the use of glucocorticoids on the face is not recommended.

Outside of the push, the skin should be treated with nourishing creams.

Home remedies for psoriasis on the face

Psoriasis is a serious disease. It affects the entire organism, even if it apparently only manifests itself on the skin. As it is a chronic disease, a doctor should always be consulted if symptoms occur.

In addition to inflammation of the skin and joints, inflammation of the vessels and other organs can also occur. Here there is a significantly increased risk of heart attack due to psoriasis.

Due to the risks mentioned, home remedies should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Duration of illness

Ptoriosis is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. In the course of the disease, different levels of activity are shown, which means that there may be relapses and symptom-free intervals. When an attack occurs, the duration depends on its strength. Therefore, the duration of such an attack can extend from days to weeks.

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Psoriasis on the face in babies or children is extremely rare. If the disease breaks out at this age, it is necessary to go to the pediatrician. The pediatrician can decide which therapy makes sense for the child and does the least harm.

In general, children should try with local medicines to treat.

In the systemic gift should always be the dosage adjusted and therapy monitored at regular intervals. The gift of cortisone should only be used when necessary. However, since psoriasis is a disease that affects the entire body, it is appropriate to accept the side effects of cortisone with some symptoms.

Psoriasis in pregnancy

The psoriasis in pregnancy should be avoided if possible local be treated. With systemic treatment it can be placental Medication to one Fruit damage come.

If psoriasis is known, the treating gynecologist should be informed and a treatment plan should be drawn up together with the treating dermatologist.

It is possible that the Hormonal changes the flare-ups do not occur during pregnancy. Here too, however, a control during pregnancy is necessary. It should be noted that if there is no relapse during pregnancy, there may be a strong relapse after the pregnancy has ended. Here, after the delivery, a targeted search should be made for early signs of a flare-up and this should be treated early with medication.

The attending gynecologist should also be informed about the medication after delivery in order to ensure that it is safe during breastfeeding. You may need to take medication while breastfeeding weaned become.

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