Figure zygomatic bone: A - skull from the front (Muscles and bones) and B - skull from the left
  1. Zygomatic bone -
    Os zygomaticum
  2. Frontal bone - Frontal bone
  3. Temporal bone - Temporal bone
  4. Sphenoid bone - Sphenoid bone
  5. Eye socket - orbit
  6. Upper jaw - Maxilla
  7. Molar tooth -
    Dens moralis
  8. Zygomatic arch -
    Arcus zygomaticus
  9. Upper lip lifter -
    Levator muscle
    labii superioris
  10. Small zygomatic muscle -
    Zygomaticus minor muscle
  11. Zygomatic large muscle -
    Zygomaticus major muscle
  12. Masseter (jaw muscle) -
    Muscle masseter
    A - skull from the front
    (Muscles and bones)
    B - skull from the left

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