
Laxatives are actually intended for the treatment of constipation. However, they are often misused with the assumption that they can lose a few extra pounds of body weight in a short time. In this case, non-prescription drugs are often used. Whether this type of weight loss is helpful and healthy will then be discussed.

What's behind it?

First, it should be clarified that there are different types of laxatives. On the one hand, there are laxatives that stimulate the muscle activity of the intestinal wall and thus move the stool out of the body more quickly. This can be done through swelling substances or so-called “isoosmotic laxatives”, which are not absorbed by the intestine and which swell up due to the water in the intestine. The increased intestinal volume then leads to an increase in intestinal activity in the large intestine.

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There are also agents that actively prevent the intestine from absorbing water and encourage the intestine to release water. These drugs are called "osmotic laxatives" (e.g. Epsom salt, Glauber's salt) called. In doing so, fluid is "drawn" from the blood in the intestinal wall into the intestine. This also leads to increased colon activity. The assumption that the food is not digested and therefore no nutrients are absorbed is incorrect.

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What are the side effects of losing weight with laxatives?

Like most drugs, laxatives have side effects. Depending on which laxative you use, the side effects can vary in severity.

Swelling agents often lead to increased gas and abdominal pain.

In the case of isoosmotic laxatives, a shift in the electrolyte balance is suspected. This means that by interfering with the body's own water balance, the concentration of minerals (especially sodium and potassium) is changed in the blood, which can have negative effects on heart activity.

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The osmotic laxatives such as Epsom salt or Glauber's salt have serious side effects. This can lead to massive impairment of the electrolyte balance, which can result in heart and kidney damage.

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Why not lose weight with laxatives?

The reasons against losing weight with laxatives are clear.

On the one hand, the desired effectiveness is not available. Laxatives mainly affect the water content of the stool in the large intestine and thus have a laxative effect. So there is no reduced intake of sugars or fats. If you weigh less after purging, it is likely because of the loss of water from the laxative. However, dehydration is not healthy.

Laxatives also have side effects. These can be uncomfortable and dangerous.

Medical evaluation of the diet by

strongly advises against dieting with laxatives. In addition to the side effects mentioned, this diet has no significant effectiveness and is therefore superfluous. Influencing the mineral and water balance can have unpleasant and dangerous consequences and should not be ignored. Laxatives should only be used for significant medical symptoms such as constipation (see also: Therapy of constipation).

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Rather, it is important to reduce calorie intake and increase energy consumption when losing weight. So: do more sport, eat less fat and sugar-rich food.

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What alternative diet is there for losing weight with laxatives?

Many diets have no proven effectiveness, so it can often only be guessed at whether they will work. The body's energy suppliers are carbohydrates (Starch / sugar) and fats. If you change your diet in a way that results in a low intake of carbohydrates and fats, the body absorbs less energy and begins to use the body's own energy stores (fat) to reduce. This also leads to a reduction in weight and a reduction in fat deposits. However, it is also important that you exercise enough to use enough energy.

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The following alternative methods for losing weight may also be of interest to you: Homeopathy for Weight Loss

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