
The long-awaited summer figure, the dream of quickly attaining the desired weight, undoing the Christmas feast or improving your own health situation - there are about as many reasons for wanting to lose weight as there are people. Each of them has its own justification. And one more thing in common is striking: regardless of the intent or justification with which a weight loss project is started, just few manage to stick with it permanently and lose weight.

For many, the self-chosen calorie restriction becomes difficult to adhere to because of an impractical approach to their diet and rules that are too strict in everyday life, but also because of the feeling of hunger! If the chosen diet is too strict and a permanent stomach growling sets in, you automatically become dissatisfied and sooner or later get in a bad mood. This is followed by the dreaded cravings, usually first a "slip" and finally the diet is abandoned.

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How can you prevent this downward spiral? Is it possible to lose weight without the gnawing feeling of hunger? What should you watch out for if you want to lose weight without hunger?

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Why are you hungry when you lose weight?

In order to understand how you can lose weight and lose your extra pounds without starving yourself, you first have to consider why you actually feel hungry with so many diets. The reasons for this are varied, but easily explained.

First, many diets designed for rapid weight loss make the mistake of planning very small servings. Thanks to their ingredients, these are usually sufficient in terms of calories, so that the body should actually not be hungry, but only in very small quantities. The stomach notices that little food has been eaten and does not feel properly satiated.
In addition, very small portions (especially if they are consumed in the presence of others who eat “normal” portion sizes) are an important psychological factor. For many, the thought “I can't get full from such small portions…” sticks in their heads and, in the sense of a self-fulfilling prophecy, ensures that the feeling of satiety does not actually occur.

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The third important factor is time: you have it too fast and inattentive, eaten the carefully prepared, diet-compliant meal on the side and are still hungry afterwards? This is no wonder, because every body needs at least one 20 minutesuntil it can respond to food intake and send an important signal to the brain: "I'm full". Anyone who has finished their meal long before this time has elapsed will of course not yet feel the feeling of being full and run the risk of eating more than is actually necessary.

Between the large main meals, the reason for hunger when losing weight usually lies in the Drop in blood sugar justified. Immediately after eating, the sugar level in the blood increases. If this rise is too strong, there is a risk that it will then fall again too quickly and too deeply. As a result, the stomach growls again quickly after the last meal.

Finally, not to be neglected is the fact that many people who are willing to lose weight, who have previously consumed small snacks at short intervals and several times a day, are often simply unfamiliar at the beginning three (or five) solid meals to be consumed according to the diet plan. Anyone who has eaten a piece of cake, a milk coffee, a sweet drink and a sandwich in between before starting their project has trained their body over the years to shut down between two meals, to use stored reserves and only to the next big meal to report again. A diet now tears the body out of this luxurious situation, which it directly registers as a change.

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What to do against hunger while losing weight?

The simplest and most effective tip to combat hunger while losing weight is: water! Drinking a lot is essential in this case. Very often we confuse feeling thirsty with hunger and eating when we should be drinking sooner. Black coffee or unsweetened tea, which do not provide additional calories, are also good for replenishing the body's fluid balance (or keeping it full) and counteracting the feeling of hunger.

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In addition, of course, liquid also first passes through the stomach and partially fills it out solely through its volume; Anyone who has drank a large amount of water at once knows the feeling of the bloated stomach afterwards. The stomach tells the body that it is full, which the brain understands as a signal to suppress hunger.

If the hunger is extremely strong and unbearable, a clear vegetable broth often helps as a small snack. Without providing many calories, the process of eating with a spoon and the warm soup that arrives in the stomach leads the hungry body to believe that it is ingesting food. The same thing happens when chewing gum. This adds to the effect of chewing - as well as brushing your teeth, which also helps very well against hunger in the short term - an additional reduction in appetite due to the newly created fresh taste in the mouth. This prevents at least temporarily feelings of hunger.

In addition, chewing gum and brushing teeth help the psyche with a trick: Thoughts like "I've already brushed my teeth, I can't eat anything before going to sleep ..." are often successful.

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Find out more about the topic here: The best tips / tricks against food cravings

Relaxation helps against stress and the associated cravings.

Some people also report that it helps them To smell coffee beans, mint or other herbs. Probably there is also a mechanism behind it, which is very similar to the one that unfolds its effect when brushing teeth. But also a classic one Placebo effect cannot be ruled out here.

Nonetheless, it can be helpful to develop your own little ritual against feeling hungry while losing weight, on your own deflection often helps. In many cases we just eat out of boredom. Everyone can certainly remember a day or an activity that was so exciting that they “forgot” to eat all day. When we are highly concentrated on something, be it private or professional, and really get absorbed in our task, our body only reminds us of an empty stomach with a growl in the moment when there is no other way.

But it shouldn't be too much of a distraction either: stress and too little relaxation leads to one for many Compensation for tension through eating. If you don't want to be tempted to reach for biscuits or other "nerve food" in stressful situations, you should always deliberately Which stress factors are currently relevant and regularly take time to relax and special ones if necessary Relaxation techniques learn.

Can I lose weight without being hungry?

Now that a lot has been said about diets and their consequences as well as suppressing hunger, the final question remains: “Why all this?” Isn't it possible to lose weight without being hungry?

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Of course that is exactly possible! Not only is it the easiest (because hunger-free) method of losing weight, it is also the healthiest. Doctors usually do not recommend a diet for weight loss to overweight patients, but rather a permanent change in diet. Unfortunately, this variant is not the fastest way to lose weight, but this is exactly its great medical advantage! No short-term, strenuous diet should bring the hoped-for success, but a permanent (in the best case lifelong) mixture of good, healthy food and physical activity.

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With the goal of weight reduction, care should be taken to choose foods with a so-called low energy density. This refers to foods such as tomatoes or cucumbers, which fill a large volume with a relatively small number of calories. Without consuming too much energy, you can consume relatively large amounts of it, which will fill the stomach and thus satiate it. Soups have a similar effect - unless they are made into dishes with a higher calorie content with the help of bacon, cheese and / or cream.

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In addition, products that contain a large amount of fiber should be preferred. With whole grain products, for example, high blood sugar peaks, such as those that occur quickly after consuming simple carbohydrates, can be effectively avoided. The body is busy digesting what is eaten longer and is therefore full longer. In everyday life, this means avoiding white flour and white flour products as much as possible, as well as white industrial sugar. In particular, beverages with a high sugar content such as lemonades or pure fruit juices should be avoided.

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So with a combination of a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat, healthy fats (for example in fish, avocado, olive oil) and complex carbohydrates, as well as a regular exercise program, you can do your body good. In addition, you can see the first pounds dropping after a short time without having starved for it. A particularly well-suited diet, in which one tries to eat like people in the Stone Age and avoid industrially produced foods and dairy products, is the Paleo diet. Because that's how you lose weight in the long term due to a healthy diet.

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